Sunday, August 31, 2014

Tested Truths: Addiction

Tested Truths: Addiction:   To be able to have any chance of explaining what addiction is, it is probably best if I use a metaphor? Imagine that you are a high speed ...


  To be able to have any chance of explaining what addiction is, it is probably best if I use a metaphor? Imagine that you are a high speed sports car, but there is a problem in your design? Although you love to run full out and open on the highway, and you can maneuver like nobody else can while driving, you are unaware of even the simplest of driving rules? Because even though you are a highly toned fast machine, you have only two speeds? Full on, balls to the wall, pedal to the metal, and the other? Dead stop. Because of this, you are too often apt to not even see the yellow caution light that warns to slow down, so that you are able to stop in time, and avoid a very dangerous collision!
  We see only two colors when we drive without regards for anything else, Red, and green, we are color blind when it comes to any caution. There is some good news here though? Some like myself, who have finally seen an end to it, only made it because we found something else to go after with the same abandon. For me, and most all of the others who have left the hell that is drug addiction behind, now use that same hell bent for leather mentality, into knowing God.
  Earlier on, back when on another post, I used yet another metaphor when I said that, Once I used to fill my veins with the very best that this world has to offer in the way of peace, But now, I raise up the spike of truth, and inject the Holy Spirit into my heart.
  Enough of that, I can only hope that it was made a more clear understanding for you? If you have children, and you see the news reports of kids dying in the streets fighting over the money created by this desire to find peace, and you are also alarmed as the death counts due to overdose rise, you say, how can we know, what signs should we watch for, so as to know when our child is considering such a move? First, understand that he or she is rebellious by nature, and so if you lay down the law and order them not to do it, what you have accomplished by your constant warnings and scoldings, is that your kid who looks always first to rebel is more apt, now more then ever to go ahead and try it anyway.
What is needed is for you as the parent to understand what it is that you are talking about, and to be fair to you who have tried to reason with them and failed, you only failed because in reality, you hadn't told them much that they didn't already know?
  Am I advocating that you should rush out and try narcotics so that you will know how to explain it? Of course not. But what I am telling you that drugs of all kinds are already on the streets, and all attempts so far by this misguided war on drugs has only made the problem ten times worse! The key is to control the market by law rather then by those who look only to profit from it, and could really care less about your kid. Education is the answer, but it will not stem the tide overnight, but in time, it will bring about very positive changes to our society as we have an open understanding of what it is that we are up against. It is time to put away the battering rams, and to collectively, pick up a book, or seek out someone who really understands what he is talking about.

Otis Rush & Eric Clapton - Double Trouble (Live At Montreux 1986)

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tested Truths: Hitler Lives

Tested Truths: Hitler Lives:   So little Jon Stewart doesn't understand the depth of the threat of the black horde, and if that understanding is not naive enough, he...

Hitler Lives

  So little Jon Stewart doesn't understand the depth of the threat of the black horde, and if that understanding is not naive enough, he goes so far as to deny the existence of pure evil itself? Why is that you ask? Simple. He is not a self hating jew at all, he is only an atheist. And because of this, the truth is not in him, and oh, how proud his parents must be? But the monumental stupidity of people like him are not the cancer, but rather, just another symptom.
  So what is really going on here? Well, I will tell you this, now that the anti Christ has been exposed, things will get a whole lot worse before they get better! Isis, Hezballa, and the rest, they are everywhere now, their tentacles have sunk deep into every Country. They live among you! And like a pack of hungry wolves, the dinner bell rings loudly for them! Evil, pure and unadulterated evil has descended on the land. Because as with everything in life, it is cyclical. What was will be again? If you do not get the metaphor, you might want to Google Adolph Hitler. Because what was foretold has now become apparent? Evil now stands unashamed and proud in the light. And make no mistake about it, you can no longer hide from global war, because it now stands at your front door!
  You see, it's Deja Vu all over again, Want to know about all that will happen now? Read the book of Revelation, it is all there in black and white and red. Too hard for you to understand you say? OK, let me simplify it for you? Suppose Obama was to use his now famous pen, to assist black men and women , solid saints of God, to descend on the city of Chicago where black men, young and healthy black men, kill each other at a terrible rate? Result? Black on black crime would fall off dramatically, and in time, would almost disappear completely!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tested Truths: The doubt of lies

Tested Truths: The doubt of lies:   As per usual, I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things, as do all of you. But in the process of mulling this all over, if you are a ...

The doubt of lies

  As per usual, I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things, as do all of you. But in the process of mulling this all over, if you are a believer, certain fragments of earlier thoughts, will appear like reminders. You will begin to see these reminders everywhere? On TV or you'll hear it on the radio, in the newspapers that you read, or even just from tid bits of things you see while scrolling around on the internet. These reminders are not coincidences, even though you might first dismiss them as such? But if you knew how truly rare coicidence really is, you would not think to accept these reminders as only that, that being coincidence.
  But back to the point. The point that is, only if you are a Christian. Those things that occured to you as a reminder if you will, are never just coincidence, but are in fact, the prodding of the Holy Spirit that you see. It is his job to prod you into moving in the right direction. He prods you to make you uncomfortable enough, to make you shift your feet and get moving. Moving always only to the truth! People who deny this power, must be willing to languish in doubt and mediocrity. When you langish in doubt, you only hear clearly the lies that doubt brings.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What's This? a lyric,

  So now you will have to join me in my imaging. It is a matter of logistics you see? It is early, wee hours type early, and so my music and the videos I would choose to use for this piece will just have to go unplayed? But I am here to unlock all secrets to you, yes, look, I am here to teach you the ways of God!
  The best way to explain this to you, is to allow you access to my innermost thoughts. It is a personal journey, as it is for each who chooses to follow him. But mine is mine, and yours is yours, and only occasionally shall the Twains meet. This is one of those times, as by your joining me in my imaginings, you are now along for the trip.
  But the Christian walk is an uphill climb. Some of us who are not happy to be only in the hills, we look to the snow topped peaks of the highest mountains to get closer to him still. We clutch with our fingers grasping only air, our finger nails clutching hard to the dirt!
  Because as I've said, it is a constant yearning, this, that quest for knowledge. We can, nor should we ever be satisfied by however far we may have already come. For always there is another level, always another mountain yet to climb. It is endless, unquenchable! I have reached yet another plateau, another level, and it is from it that I challenge you to come. For there is no end to the wisdom here, it flows on down from the mountain.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Tested Truths: Today

Tested Truths: Today:   Today was born to me another grandson. My daughter has named him Travis James. I think I shall call him TJ? New life! A life born innocent...


  Today was born to me another grandson. My daughter has named him Travis James. I think I shall call him TJ? New life! A life born innocent, a life not yet aware of what will be required of him. A life born with the bliss of innocence! A life filled with all wonder, a life wondrous of all that he sees, for he sees it with new eyes, eyes that have never seen such things before? It is a life that is brand new! It is a life that he will never have the same perspective on again, unless he chooses to be born again? A new life also, but a life not limited to this body of death, but rather a life filled with the wonder of not knowing anything again, a new life of innocence, a life brought also into a strange new light, a light to which like TJ, you will have to adjust your eyes to.
  And as it is with TJ, so also it is with you. For we all enter this life aware and filled with promise, but most will leave it disallusioned and lost. For even as new borns, hasn't it happened already to us? Isn't his reality already filled with discomfort and pain? He wants, he needs, though he has not yet learned how to express it. Him, you me, all of us, what is our life if not a berth of possibilities and filled with all vitality, only to age as we walk our lonely path toward old age headlong toward our end? We enter this life filled with wonder and hope, only to have that life beat us until we leave it filled by disappointment and sorrow.
  Let me explain to you what you do not understand about time. You are limited by your perspective. What I mean by this is this, If you believe that all there is is this life, will not your understanding of time be limited by what you can come to understand while in this life? What will happen to your point of view once that you have moved to the end? If you are no longer of this life, and for you this is all that there is, what would your point of refrence be then. Even if you were given more time, would those extra moments make time understandable to you? Do you understand what I am telling you, do you now see the limits of understanding time from this perspective?
  But what if you could come to believe that life is eternal, how would this knowledge change your perspective? You see, the only way to understand time is to be outside of it. Time moves forward a tick at a time, but try as it may, it can never fill Eternity. What is Eternity really? Eternity is God!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tested Truths: Beyond Grace

Tested Truths: Beyond Grace: Beyond Grace

Tested Truths: Innocent

Tested Truths: Innocent:   What is the spirit, or how are you to know when it is the spirit that is talking, and not just plain old you? No c'mon now, a serious ...


  What is the spirit, or how are you to know when it is the spirit that is talking, and not just plain old you? No c'mon now, a serious question for all you Christians out there. How do you know how much of yourself is the spirit, and how much just you? I mean, can you see the spirit? How are you sure that He is even in you?
  Yeah, I know I What I'm asking you, is now that, Now that you have made that decision, you received as promised, the gift of eternal life. Where is that life, can you put your finger on it and say that  here it is, or there it is? How do you know? You say, Because it was his promise to you on the day you accepted him, but that isn't what Im asking, can you see this spirit?
  No of course not you say, He is the Holy Ghost, and no one can see a spirit, they are invisible in this world, and only completely visible in the next. Yes, you have answered well, for no one sees the spirit with these eyes, but only with our spiritual eyes in, can we see them. You may not be able to see him, but be assured that he sees all of you. In his eyes, you are more naked then nude? You are exposed to him, and you have become hopeless without him, innocent, vulnerable!
  Well c'mon now Ed you say, How do we know when we are acting with the spirit, and when is it that we are not? Well, let's see now? The spirit is visible for a moment like this, You have a sarcastic friend, his sense of humor is very dry, some might call it droll? You might not, but some others might? But I digress? This friend of yours, the sarcastic one, How often have you said to yourself, Is he kidding or is he serious? That moment, that time spent unsure of what your friend's meaning was, that is the Spirit! Here for a moment, and then he moves onto something else. You see, unlike our physical selves which are tethered to this world by are dieing bodies, our spirits have no such limitations, we are temporary, while the spirit is eternal. The spirit goes wherever it pleases, it can move from this world of death into the realm of Eternal Life, just as easy as catching an on time bus.

Beyond Grace

Beyond Grace

Monday, August 18, 2014

Tested Truths: Now What?

Tested Truths: Now What?:   So now what, what am I supposed to do with you people? You are dumber then posts, and that makes you dumber then most. So you want a good ...

Now What?

  So now what, what am I supposed to do with you people? You are dumber then posts, and that makes you dumber then most. So you want a good old fashioned race war eh? Just like the 67 riots revisited? But for those who look to divide us again, they are not content to riot only in Missouri, because just like if we reRan nineteen sixty seven again, they will only be truly happy when all the inner cities are on fire! You see, everyone has to make a living, and for some, their stock and trade is Racism. Yeah a capital letter for a capital crime, a damn shame, a purpose so misunderstood? Divide and conquer is they're rallying cry, for it is in the division that they profit! It is no use I honor these fools by naming them by name, because you all know who they are?
  But I have this against them, that they call themselves Reverend? Reverend who, Reverand Satan? You look to divide people, you preach divisiveness, it is your stock and trade. But you are good at what you do, because look, it is on the brink of starting again. How do they stir the pot? They play on the ugliest of all human emotion, they look to insight rage! Rage is never s good thing rage full bore only brings about death and more death.
  I hate talking about this stuff, probably because I realize how far we have come together. All races and creeds had been getting along just fine, at least by American Cowboy reasoning? Didn't we just get finished shining as a nation when the basket ball owner said what could have set it in motion, but didn't? It was a terrible thing to say, a statement born of an old man's prejudices and nothing more. We, the American people, shook it off as if only a mild case of fleas?
  But now the race baiters are in full charge mode, they see another opening where they can sow their vile hatred. Saying things like, The white man has always kept us down, now f--- him, it's our turn now! Fools, dividers, haters of all that is holy. Retreat back into your lair of lies, for the time of your come uppance is at hand! What will the reverend boys do when Christ calls upon them and says to them, OK boys tell me about all that you have done? Well Lord, we protect you by calling your people to see the truth.. The Truth, who's truth? Away from me, I never knew you!

Tested Truths: The Return of Dr. Zoot

Tested Truths: The Return of Dr. Zoot:   Well, it was never that the good Doctor hadn't warned them about it, as he had done so since he was a young beginner at the Observator...

The Return of Dr. Zoot

  Well, it was never that the good Doctor hadn't warned them about it, as he had done so since he was a young beginner at the Observatory. He had, right from the moment when he had first observed the anomaly. He had been a young man then, so young, that his older peers looked upon him with a certain amount of contempt. For he, young George Zoot over there sitting at his desk, had already earned a double Doctorate and an assortment of different Masters, all before his eighteenth birthday. Highly advertised when his mental prowess was first made apparent when he was just a toddler. Now of course they all held Doctorates too, and they ranged in age from twenty-seven to seventy-eight. His accomplishments were to them a freak thing of nature, and so they were inclined to not take him seriously? So when he announced to the room that he had found a new star in the Northeast quadrant of the sky that they all watched, his statement was made as if to himself, as they were content to pass it off as little more then a youthful exuberance?
  But there was this old professor, who taught in a small college below the mountain where the observatory was located. One day after dismissing his students from his guided tour of the facility, he engaged young George about his discovery. The old man took an immediate liking to the lad, and after their discussion, it was agreed that they would meet again tomorrow at precisely 1:45 Am, to allow enough time to accurately set the telescope to where this sighting should be. According to George, his star as he called it was the most visible between the hours of 2 AM and 2:15.
  So they prepared everything as was necessary, and when George located what he wanted the old man to see, he motioned him over to take a look. He watched for what seemed like to George to be the entire time? This being the only time when the sky was clear enough that it could be seen at all. When the old man finally backed away, he seemed a bit unstable and turned in the opposite direction to where the youth was. When he refocused, he said, My God son, you are right! Although it isn't a star or a planet, it is an asteroid and a big one! The flashing you see when it is visable, is only the lights from the planets within that solar system, and so it is only visable while passing other heavenly bodies. But why near the same time George asked? I don't know why that is, but unless I miss my guess, the trejectory looks as if it is in route to a near miss of the earth. We should alert the proper authorities about this find. As the full gravity of such a thing was considered, both sat not looking at the other, but rather, staring off in a private moment for what seemed to be a long time? This is big news indeed, George finally said.

Speaking to Bones

Speaking to Bones

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tested Truths: A Man

Tested Truths: A Man:   What is a man if not himself? What is self so often entered my mind? I am caught between two worlds, two selfs, two men? Along the trail I...

A Man

  What is a man if not himself? What is self so often entered my mind? I am caught between two worlds, two selfs, two men? Along the trail I have seen three lives left behind, not yet forgotten, because love never forgets. Love embraces, love caresses, love is Eternal life! So what if I'm lost between two worlds, two reasons for conciseness, one truth to conceive? I have pondered love in my heart, and I found it confusing in this life, while Crystal clear in the other. A man is just a man, while the spirit is everything else. It is a hard road you choose if you choose to go it without love.
  What if a man during his life has never known true love? What if he lived without ever feeling the softness of a woman? Women have more true power then men, because it is they who control a love, or the other side, of a life gone wrong? So what is a man? A man should never show his weakness to anyone who doesn't love him or really understand him. For what is a man without the love of a good woman? A life filled with emptiness, a life spent looking for answers, a life that will never be truly fulfilled.
  And what of sex, is it not meant to be more then just a tickle and a rub? It is the most pleasurable thing that we can do in this life, and also in the next. Sex in Heaven? You betcha! Is it gonna be better then here? It is going to be beyond any pleasure that you could imagine. For it is that old familiar tickle and a rub, but it is there, a melding of the souls! It is an explosion of thoughts and new ideas, it is the celebration of all knowledge! It is impossible not to be exited here. I know, I have been there, that is to say that I have seen it, and as memory serves, it is really quite the place.
  So then, what is it with you, do you choose to join with us in this orgy of life? Will you choose knowledge, or will you choose to scoff at it? The gates of the Kingdom of Heaven lie open still, but the guest list is filling fast! If you haven't R.S.V.P'ed by now, you had better cash that ticket in real soon! What is a man? The real question is, who is a man if he does not know God?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tested Truths: A Warning

Tested Truths: A Warning:   So here it is, finally I am totally free! I have come to a place of unfathomable knowledge, I have drunk from the well of life. It is the ...

A Warning

  So here it is, finally I am totally free! I have come to a place of unfathomable knowledge, I have drunk from the well of life. It is the place that the words call Nirvana, a place of unparalleled peace. The clamor of the neighbors sounds far off to me, nothing matters to me anymore.
  You see, I have reached the place of total confidence, I know that all I think is right. But not a place of ego, but a place where a quiet voice assures me that all is well. I have for too long now languished in unhappiness, and I will entertain it no more. For I take my ease, and I lay back into the bosum of the Father, so what need I fear? He tells me great and powerful things, which I relate to you as well that I can. It is for me to say, and for you to hear, so that no one can say that they hadn't heard.
  But the secrets of God are there for all to see, all you need do is claim them. For it is from this point in history, Yes, this very moment, a moment foretold from long ago, for the telling was of this, that mankind and all that there is, soon will come to an end. Wars? You fools, the wars have only just begun! What refuge will you seek when the earth splits open like an egg, and huge fissures in the earth belch out fire and smoke? What solace will you find then?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tested Truths: Truth and Justice

Tested Truths: Truth and Justice:   So again I'm stuck with words, I suppose that it has become a way of life, as I am a word man extrodinaire! Yes, there can be no more ...

Truth and Justice

  So again I'm stuck with words, I suppose that it has become a way of life, as I am a word man extrodinaire! Yes, there can be no more doubt, and there can be no other reason. I guess it fits, what else makes sense about me, as I am who I am. But again it comes to mind, How powerful are words? Is it only a power that the writer holds over his reader? And if so, how powerful is this power, and is it limited? For instance, can a good writer take you to an intellectual orgasm? If he can, then he does it by being able to paint a beautiful scene in your mind, and because of this, you are already on your way to that orgasm?
  But what then of the Epiphany, that moment when you know that you know, that God is real, but also that his only son is Jesus Christ our Lord! This is a moment like none other, it is an awakening that can come sometimes as a shock! To finally know that God is alive and well, and that Jesus Christ is his only begotten son, and that the Holy Spirit upon your commitment has come to take up residence within you, and it is this Spirit that points for you to the way of Truth and Justice!  Let's think of it more in common terms. You are seated across from a man, having a deep discussion about a matter of real importance. Everytime he speaks, even though you may not agree with him, you sit politely and listen to what he has to say. But every time you go to speak your reply, the man turns his head and ignores you!
  Now that I have thought of it more clearly, I must ask your forgiveness, because sadly, most of you are far from being able to have any kind of an orgasmic thought.

Tested Truths: Be like Him

Tested Truths: Be like Him:   What is the power of thought, isn't it more powerful then any physical state? Thought stands the tests of time, for what is thought is...

Be like Him

  What is the power of thought, isn't it more powerful then any physical state? Thought stands the tests of time, for what is thought is written, and what is written goes out in history to the limits of it's importance to the people, and then it is forgotten. When thoughts and their words go out into the future and become history, do they fade if no one is watching? Did you know that what you think about the most you will become? It's true, I will tell you no lie!
  Do not the artists think deeply about what they are to present, does not the athlete hone his skills? It is the same with God. Those who read his book, and study to understand and reveal it's secrets, will not they also end up like what they thought of the most? And if so, what is their end? It is to become like God, isn't that the point of their endeavors? For they have chosen to go on a journey, a journey more then just of sight and sound, but a journey of the mind and spirit! A journey that begins and ends with God. And so like the athlete and the others, so too is the student of God, because in the end, he will be like Him!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tested Truths: A lot of Him

Tested Truths: A lot of Him:   So what is a man, or for that matter, what is a woman? Are we nothing more then a bundle of protoplasm, sinew, muscle and skin? Is our ske...

A lot of Him

  So what is a man, or for that matter, what is a woman? Are we nothing more then a bundle of protoplasm, sinew, muscle and skin? Is our skeletal structure the strongest part of us? And what of the wonder of our organs? Does the lung not fill itself with oxygen to replenish the blood as it races from it's pump to reach out to the rest of our vital organs and all the rest? But what are the organs without their master the brain? Even while the engine of our bodies goes on functioning without a conscious thought, it runs on anyway, oblivious to any and all thoughts. It does so only on orders from the brain.
  In many ways, the brain is like God. Because without our brain telling our bodies to breath in life giving oxygen, and our hearts sending that life blood on it's way, we would surely die! Think about it. In your work-a-day lives, how many times does your heart pump, and how many electronic orders does the brain send to carry on this body of life? All this occurs, and we never have to think about it at all, there is no reason, unless in illness to give any of this a thought, and yet it happens.
And then there are those higher functions of the brain? This higher self contains our thoughts, current, past and future, it enables us to think. The only limit to this process is our intellects, as we, by what we choose to believe, set up these limitations. It is not that our minds are not capable of a higher consciousness, but it is we who by our prejudice's, our environment, and our choices, limit this intellect, and leave our minds less to work with. In short, the human brain is limitless in its capacity to learn, it is us who limit it, not the other way around? All minds are capable of greatness!
  But even with the limitations that we impose on our minds, the brain does a real fine job, all on its own. Maybe we should have a national holiday in it's honor? Call it, National Brain Day?
Hey you know, The brain is a lot like God!  

Tested Truths: A Volcano

Tested Truths: A Volcano:   So apparently, this spirit of frustration has re-raised my biggest fear? When something is beyond my control, I get frustrated, and too of...

A Volcano

  So apparently, this spirit of frustration has re-raised my biggest fear? When something is beyond my control, I get frustrated, and too often that results in rage! Rightous anger is a good thing, while rage is not. Sadly or not, very few outside of my immediate family have ever seen this side of me. Not that I fear doing any physical harm to anyone, as my weapons are no longer my fists, but are my words.
  In fact, to get more specific, I fear that one day, some poor slob is going to push the wrong button, and that I will unlease on them a verbal tirade that will no doubt reduce them to a babling pile of goo in some corner! Now I wouldn't want to do that to anyone unsuspectedly. Meaning that there are some who I am itching to get at! But to do it to a perfect stranger? Why, because I can?
  No, it is best if I hold it at bay, so when I do feel it coming on, I bite my tongue hard to remind myself of the power of words as a tool of personal destruction. In other words, I suppress it and push it further down. But then I think about the word down, and I realize that it isn't gone, but just further below/ Kind of like a volcano waiting to explode!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tested Truths: All The Answers

Tested Truths: All The Answers:   So what is life, I mean what is it really? Is it just eighty plus years on this earth and then nothing? Or are you content to call it a my...

All The Answers

  So what is life, I mean what is it really? Is it just eighty plus years on this earth and then nothing? Or are you content to call it a mystery? OK then, if it's a mystery, let me ask you a question? How much faith would you be willing to put in a mystery? Would you be willing to venture down a darkened alley alone? Our first instinct is for survival, it is a trait common to all life. You see with life, there are certain common strings that support it and run through it like mighty rivers, and it is at these rivers that all life drinks. It is our life source, it is our soul. But here's another question for you, Now that you know and agree that there is this life source, let me ask you another question? Is this life eternal, or is it limited only to this awareness? Do you believe that life is eternal, or are you content to believe that life begins with our birth, and once this birthing is complete, that our life is the journey only to the darkness again? If you believe this, then you are right, and it is only eternal darkness that awaits you when you pass from this world. No you fools, life IS eternal! But there is only one way that you can claim this eternal life, because as with those who are right by their thoughts that at the end of their lives is the eternal darkness, so too is it by their decision, that those who believe that life is eternal, they, by their choice, will inherit the light which is eternal life. But in order to decide for eternal life, you must first acknowledge the Giver of this life. By this I mean, we must do what is the hardest for us to do. We must by our understanding admit to ourselves that we have very little answers and a lot more questions. In other words, humble yourself and admit your limitations, and then by this admittance, seek out the One who has all the answers, and by this admission, we reach out to the Intellect of Intellects, for it is only He who has all the answers.

Tested Truths: Th Blues

Tested Truths: Th Blues:   So what are the blues anyway, what are they really? Are they nothing more then just a passing bit of sadness, something that you might cal...

The Blues

  So what are the blues anyway, what are they really? Are they nothing more then just a passing bit of sadness, something that you might call the blahs? You could more accurately call these momentary lapses as a touch of the blues.
  Passing sadnesses and regrets are little more then a caress on your face, they tease you and say to you, Come deeper with me, come and follow me down the rabbit hole. I will put you at your ease, and why would you not come, as this is all about you? Now the blues are certainly birthed by these bits of sadness, but only when they come together as a whole can you take the next step. But it is a price too few are willing to pay, for it is introspection that bring on the blues. Why is that you ask? Because once you come to really understand life, you realize that far more is wrong then is right! Now this is a sobering thought, but upon this realization, you have taken another step down that rabbit hole. But again, will you choose to come deeper, for we are only at the edge of the hole now, and as you peer down into the darkness, will you choose to come deeper with me still? I must tell you that it can be a very scary place, so come a little further if you dare? In sadness and contemplation lie the shortcomings of this life, and most will refuse to go there. Not because they can't, but because they won't. Certainly it can be a place of fear, for it is an unknown. And with fear, can despair be far behind? But there is good news! For buried within all of this needless worry, is the key to eternal happiness. So then, now that you aware of fear, you must not make any allowance for it, because the only way to defeat fear is with power. And no one or nothing is more powerful then God!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Tested Truths: At the Cross

Tested Truths: At the Cross:   Father, there are many gods, but there is only one You! You once called for the spilling of innocent blood on your alters, as a way to und...

At the Cross

  Father, there are many gods, but there is only one You! You once called for the spilling of innocent blood on your alters, as a way to understand the severity of sin. But you said that you grew tired of the blood of animals and of our burnt offerings, and said that you will honor them no more. But then we were left confused, how will sin be atoned for, if not by the shedding of blood? For only in the sacrifice of the innocent, can the weight of sin be clearly understood.
  But you have provided a way by your perfect grace of escape from any need for the sacrifice of the flesh. What you have always wanted Lord, is only our recognition and agreement of who You are, a decision made by an understanding, a sacrifice of the heart. You, out of your great love, have split off from yourself a son, and his name is now known to us all, and that name is Jesus Christ! For it was never the blood of any innocent that you required, that is only the sacrifice required by other gods. What you want is a change of heart, a change within our minds, to come together in a place of agreement. An agreement that says to the masses that you alone are God, and that we are not. It is an intellectual decision, an agreement that strikes deep within our hearts. None of our blood is necessary, for we are all made clean by the blood you spilled at the cross.  Amen

Tested Truths: A Different Master

Tested Truths: A Different Master:   Behind the facade of the perfect family beat a black heart beating from within it's place. It desires only conguest, because for it, o...

A Different Master

  Behind the facade of the perfect family beat a black heart beating from within it's place. It desires only conguest, because for it, only through total victory can any honor come to it's god. And to you I owe my allegience, because you have made my way to prosper. I have devoted to you my life, and so I will spread murder and strife all across the land. I will scrub it clean for you, all that oppose, I shall gladly spill their blood. A sacrifice is what you require, and you have said that you shall never be satiated. You devour all you see, there is no end to your want. Oh how I am in awe all of all that you hold, you can never be filled. I will gladly offer my own blood to you, all for your ravenous approval, I live only to die for your approval. You have made me a soldier of service, and I am made proud by that service. And I will spill the blood of the infidel, all for my assured glory, and to yours forever amen. I go proudly to my death, proud to be able to serve you. Because you are all, and you have told me to make a place worthy of you here. For you can not rule with any decension, all thoughts not yours must cease to exist. So I offer my humanity to you, it is all that I have to give.
  But I know that I shall share in your glory, for you have told me so. And so I go out a soldier to you, and I shall gladly wipe the landscape clear, by washing it in the blood of all who do not agree.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tested Truths: Dreams

Tested Truths: Dreams:   Self reflection is a deeply personal thing. We all are wrapt up within the thoughts and opinions we hold. These, if you really think about...


  Self reflection is a deeply personal thing. We all are wrapt up within the thoughts and opinions we hold. These, if you really think about them, is all we really are? Memories of the past, and present time considerations, our hopes and dreams of tomorrow is what makes us unique from one and other.
  Dreams tell us a lot, in that, it is in dreams where our three states of concousness come together. I have found what I consider an oddity about myself, in that I rarely dream at night, and when I do, it is always in black and white? But my daydreams are different, as they are plentiful, and most always in vivid color!
It has become a source of wonder to me, as I wonder why this is? I often pray that I dream at night too in brilliant colors. But whether I dream at all, in color or not, I do not know? Perhaps I have, and I simply do not remember them? But I think that this limitation stems more from a pysical condition, as I don't really sleep, I just sort of pass out? This is more likely to come from a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I no longer work hard, and so I never have that good tired anymore? That contentment that includes exhaustion at the end of a good days work. It's not that I don't want to sleep, I do, but without the physical tiredness, I must first stop thinking and turn my mind off. So I must stop my mind from thinking, but when I think about that, it may be the reason why at night I rarely dream at all?

Mountain Knowledge

Friday, August 8, 2014

Tested Truths: The Answer

Tested Truths: The Answer:   I am, for as near as I can figure, a Prophet of Adonai? I am John the Baptist revisited, but I am also a lot of other prophets. Do I have ...

The Answer

  I am, for as near as I can figure, a Prophet of Adonai? I am John the Baptist revisited, but I am also a lot of other prophets. Do I have a mission, and if so, what is it? That has been the latest doubt, following closely on the heels of another question, that being who I am, and often times they come in conjunction with each other, and that becomes almost too much to handle. But now I believe that I know the answers, but I'm still trying to get comfortable with such knowledge.
  Ok you say, so your a prophet, what is it that you are here to tell us, that we are all sinners and are about to die? We have heard it all before, and we are still here! If you've come to bring stories of doom and gloom, we would rather not hear them, please keep them to yourself. Nor do I want to be the one to tell it, but what else am I supposed to do with it, not tell it? Do you have any idea the toll thoughts like this take? If you did, you wouldn't ask me to bare it alone!
  But it turned out to be easier then I thought it would, but as I was considering whether to write it or not, I came through the door, and there in front of me was my pad and pen. Sometimes the answer to my considerations come as a resounding yes! And the Lord says to me, Go ahead and write it Ed. OK Lord, but I will need your calming Spirit, because the thought of publishing such a thing scares the hell out of me!
  But the government, which not only represents you, but by your vote is you, we have lost our way as a nation, we are split and confused as to who we are? And... Sorry, just had my train of thought shattered! Apparently I needed to see a magazine, as it was dropped along side my pad while I was writing on it? Shook it off as well I could, and went out for a walk. But I'm back, I guess that's obvious? A little shaken still, but much calmer.
  So where was I? Oh yes, the government. I'm still a little lost as to where I was, maybe I should go back up top and read what I just wrote? But something else has come to mind, and what that was is above. Apparently, I'm still all out of whack?
  I'm looking to end this now, as I'm coming to the end of page two, and I am still hoping to make two into one so it fits on my blog. But as a parting thought, and this to my Muslim brothers and sisters, This is the time of your calling, for it is you Christ turns his gaze to now. What will you do with the time of your visitation? Reject it as did your brother the Jew? Or will you squander it as do the secularists, trying to decide if it is nothing more then a psychological condition? Most who call themselves Christian do not know me. Allah calls to you,and says, I am the one true God, but it is true about the things you've heard. He says, The only way to me, God the Father, is through my son Jesus Christ! God calls to you, what is your answer?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tested Truths: Enmeshed

Tested Truths: Enmeshed:   Part of the creed of the prodigal, is to refuse instruction at every level. Most prodigals start off as I did, as just wise guys and punks...


  Part of the creed of the prodigal, is to refuse instruction at every level. Most prodigals start off as I did, as just wise guys and punks. Over time we become enmeshed fully into our wayward ways. When they say sit down I stood up, is more then just a silly lick in a song, it is the way of the prodigal. We always look first to challenge, always to non compliance. The way we choose is never upon the charted course, but we would rather a road not known to us. It is that way with us.
  I have been reminded again about the puzzling nature of my writing, and again, it gave me pause. And I remembered way back at the start of all of this, that a childhood friend asked me, Ed, why do you use so many question marks? I answered him and said, I don't know, maybe I just have a lot of questions? But now that another close to me has brought it up, albeit in a different way, again, I was left to consider it. Hers was more of a statement when she said to me, Ed, I have begun to adopt a lot of your questioning style in my own writing. And I thought to myself, Huh, I do have a style!
  Writing is extremely personal, but for me, I ask questions for only a couple of reasons. I use one when I make a statement of which I myself am not sure, and two, because I want my reader to question it, in that sense, I would suppose that I use it as a challenge to not only have them agree with the logic of it, but to know why they agree. And then there is the last one, probably the most important of the three? I will set a question mark at the end of a sentence as a kind of beacon, one that will challenge not only my reader to consider the thought closely, but I mean these as a challenge to us all, including myself.

Tested Truths: Computers, the bane of society

Tested Truths: Computers, the bane of society:   Are computers the bane of society? Or, or are they just another impediment to the working man? We are told, that these machines are here t...

Computers, the bane of society

  Are computers the bane of society? Or, or are they just another impediment to the working man? We are told, that these machines are here to help us, but help whom? In the retail business particularly, who is it that they help, and to whom is their speed afforded more? Certainly not the customers! Do you know what's really going on while you wait impatiently in a long line? They aren't speeding up the sale to advance the speed of the line. What they are really doing, is taking up your time to do the companies' bookkeeping, and if we are investing our time to aid them in perfect bookeeping practices by investing our time in the process, shouldn't these companies pay us? Let's face it folks, computers are not for the good of the people, but rather are only good for the seller and not the buyer? Recently, I had a rather traumatic experience at the hands of one of these AI beasts? It's a long story, Where I had gone in good faith to right a wrong done by another of these lame brain machines? All I wanted to do, was something that in the old days was much faster, and a hell of a lot simpler. I wanted to return some tickets sent me because of a computer melt down, in real words, sent to me in error. Back in the day, this was a simple process? You just wrote return to sender in big letters across the errant piece of mail, and handed it back to the postman the next day. Now, after 15 minutes of scanning, typing, and question asking, I finally left having completed the ordeal, but without my receipt for ten plus bucks, much to the chagrin of the  scanning lady?
  But perhaps something more common place may register with you? You go to the store to by a gallon of milk. You don't have enough cash on you, as the added tax went over what you had in your pocket. So, now you must enter the world of these cold hearted machines, and use a credit card! First, you must ascertain what card the little store will accept. Once this is done, you as the customer must decide whether this is a hand them my card store, or a swipe my card store on the little swiping machine nestled near the cookie rack? Now, whether you hand or self swipe, you must decide if this is a sign a paper receipt store or an electronic gizmo signing type of establishment? OK, so it's a swipe and electronic sign type of joint, so now your only concern is the struggle to sign with their weird pen, which almost never takes, and then, I put an X, hope that the wee little green OK purchase button actually works? Phew! You would have to admit, it is a lot of work, just for a lousy gallon of milk!
  So again I ask, Do computers make your life easier and faster, or just more of a hassle? Oh, and we really should get some kind of discount at least, if we are to be employed to aid with their bookeeping?

Tested Truths: Left Handed People

Tested Truths: Left Handed People:   Can we really trust left handed people, I mean, can we really? Lefties are a minority it's true, even though many of those who are in ...

Left Handed People

  Can we really trust left handed people, I mean, can we really? Lefties are a minority it's true, even though many of those who are in sports will tell you that they go both ways? It makes you wonder doesn't it? I mean lefty pro baseball players, who are the best at the game, simply can not drop the bat head on an outside pitch and at least aim the ball that way? Can we really trust these people, or better yet, should we? But I digress again, or maybe not. Maybe I'm on to something here? Lefties must have special equipment, they have their own gloves, clubs, bowling balls, and different facing shoes? Now I ask you again, can we really trust these people? It might be best if you not simply snuff this off, but consider it? And what about left handed politicians? Don't they only extend their right hands grudgingly, even though their first instinct was to extend to you their left? Think of the deviousness of such a consideration, think about the inner turmoil that must boil up from within, being a lefty in a righty world, and think to yourself, do we dare trust such people? I think not!
  That is why I reach out to you all today? For I am of a mind to start a new Google page called, Righties are Special Too, and I will need your help. Any and all, who have computer skills superior to mine, and who doesn't? But any and all who have a mind to help me with this new endeavor, your input and your help will be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tested Truths: Good morning, good evening, or whatever

Tested Truths: Good morning, good evening, or whatever:   I watched early, just before the day's sun rose full with it's light. The eastern horizon was just showing the tell tale signs of ...

Good morning, good evening, or whatever

  I watched early, just before the day's sun rose full with it's light. The eastern horizon was just showing the tell tale signs of reds pinks and whitened clouds. But across the spectrum, going as far west as my sight would allow, were last night's finger clouds, lit by the moon, but also joining with the reds and pinks of the early morning's eastern horizon, and running full length to the west, until the white wisps of the fingers disappeared beyond the tree line of my western most line of sight. A pretty impressive start to the day, wouldn't you say?
  But that is not why I sat down here, no, not really? But it had something to do with a piece I started but never finished because every time I sat to complete it, my grandson would find me and pepper me with the Why questions? Now, for any of you who have never encountered such a barrage, it is an endless stream of whys, until finally in desperation, you stop answering as best you can, and leave the kid off with, I don't know, maybe you should ask your mom? But I definitely digress?
  So, ego, can I still put it together? Not really a question to you the reader, but to me the writer? Um, how bout a question? Is ego a good thing? Wait, better yet, how is ego different from pride? Yeah, now I'm remembering it. When punctuating, and your not sure what figure to place at the end of your sentence, I have found that in such cases of confusion, a period will suffice. But again down the rabbit hole? No, damn the torpedos, full speed ahead! Where ahead, where was I anyway? Oh yes, ego vs. pride, or to put a different face on it, how about ego and pride, does that alter it to a clearer question for you? Ego is self love, and therefore is false, now pride of self is wrong too, hence their joining in that other point of view. But pride in self is good, unless it becomes what it really wants to be. Then it becomes something else? Then it becomes an arrogance that says to that person that he or she is the best, and the smartest? You see a lot of this self love, mostly from those Hollywood types, but again I digress? I may just have spun my own self into a corner? Meaning, that I lost my train of thought?
  I guess to simplify things, I should make some kind of qualifying statement? OK, here goes. Somewhere I read, though I cannot remember where, a story which asked of it's readers whether atheists were the smartest of us? I gave it a fair amount of consideration, because I know a lot of smart athiests? But that is the definition of an oxymoron? Here is the difference, which is really where smart and wise part company. The smartest people in the world, no matter their endeavors are Christians! Why do I say this? Because Christians know the truth, and truth and wisdom are one in the same. So then the atheists do not have this truth. because they and their egos cannot allow for a god other then themselves. And the agnostics? These are sadder still, because they have no opinion at all? That is to say, that they wait to see which way the wind blows before they open their mouths? Agnosticism is just another word for coward!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tested Truths: Sunday Mass

Tested Truths: Sunday Mass:   You see, in Christianity, the church picked up where the synagogues left them? Meaning, that they too became mired in the law at the expen...

Sunday Mass

  You see, in Christianity, the church picked up where the synagogues left them? Meaning, that they too became mired in the law at the expense of the Spirit. Want proof? Let's take the largest of the Christian enclaves, the Catholic Church. They are believers in the laws of God, as they should be, but also in the laws and doctrines of men. The first thing that they looked to emulate from the beautiful Temples of the Jewish state, were the synagogues that were draped in gold and opulence, and what is more opulent then the Vatican? Beyond that, they also adopted the adherence to the law, as did the Jews of Jesus's time. Now again, if you have ever been to a Catholic service, you will see a lot of those man installed doctrines at work? A lot of genuflecting, bowing, kneeling, standing and reciting, all good stuff, but this from a catechism, written by men, rather then the bible? After them of course came the reformation led by Martin Luther, but again, these too relegated their believers with new laws, although they had the same affect on their followers, in that, you were told what was good, and what was not, which gave the unintentional mindset to their followers, that by adhering to someone else's ideas in regards to what is a positive step toward Holy God, and what was not? Want proof again? Any good bible teaching church has an established list of what a Christian should do, and a big list of what he shouldn't!
  Strangely, on another level, one that teaches Godlessness by well meaning people, who have no idea what they are talking about. One that comes most to mind is little Jeremia Wright, Mr. Obama's spiritual guide for some 20 years. This guy taught that salvation was communal, meaning, in mass, which is a lie straight out of hell! Salvation is extremely personal, because what the Lord wants most with those who follow him, is a personal relationship. He, the Creator of everything, wants to know you on a personal level! And though certainly you can join with the Spirit while in communal settings like church, Christ is far more interested in what you think, when it is just you and him! The problem with the doctrines of men, is that they believe, that by attempting to adhere to as many as you can handle, you move all the closer to God? Not that we shouldn't look to perfect holyness in this life, you should always strive to be as much like Jesus as you can! There is a division in today's church still? There are those as discussed, ones who look to the law as the way to grace, and the other side, those who think that salvation lies only in the spirit, and they do this, sometimes at the expense of the law. So what is the answer, which is the correct way to Mighty God? Here's the good news, no, in fact, make it the great news! Both are wrong in their exclusion of the other, but both are right too! At the cross is where they come together as one, because it is only at the cross, that place of so many deaths, can the two become one. Because at the cross was many all in one? The place where it all comes together, because at the cross is the author and finisher of our faith, at the cross is where Jesus died to all sin forever, and rose to join with the Father, and only at the cross can the two sides come together, because at the cross is where we become one with the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ! Amen? No, Halleluia!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Tested Truths: Rudderless Boats

Tested Truths: Rudderless Boats:   If you look beneath the hood of this administration, and really look at it's base, you will see the failings of an agenda based on fee...

Rudderless Boats

  If you look beneath the hood of this administration, and really look at it's base, you will see the failings of an agenda based on feelings rather then facts. Now, when I speak about the Obama base, I'm not speaking about the agenda driven minorities that have become so powerful under his watch, as they are not the true base. Now, his true base, the one now crumbling into the dust of best intentions, is being exposed! First, a group to which I too, however briefly, was a part, the disillusioned American voter. The problem for all of us, is that we too voted on our feelings, rather then the facts that were so obviously all around him?  If we were thinking rather then just hoping, we would have never voted for such a unqualified fool! Again, I too was a part, and I too was bamboozled by a hope? For me, I voted for two reasons, both, now that I look back with 20/20 vision, I can see just how foolish those reasons were? My vote was for two reasons only, both of which were not good ones? Meaning that my vote was for two tabooed reasons, one for racist thinking, and the other much like it, was for sexist reasons.
  So then, we the American people are the first of the legs on this three legged stool to break. The second is even more telling? The wild eyed support from the totally detached Hollywood types is also beginning to fail. The last leg of this stool, has at times looked as if they too were waking up, but have so far, remained firmly into the failed dream, and have not yet allowed for the reality and the depth of the harm being done to the American people, that being the support of the press. These, by far more important then some self absorbed Hollywood starlets, because these are the folks who are supposed to be asking the tough questions and they are the first line, or at least that is what their job really is, To be defenders of our freedoms, the protectors, and alerters of any danger that could face this great Republic! A complicit press is far more dangerous then some self centered Hollywood bimbo, who thinks she's so evolved, that she thinks only in the abstract rather then in any reality! The harm she does, is that millions of kids hang on her every misguided word. Kids, God bless them, are like a bunch of rudderless boats, and why not, Their young! Now what prompted this little passage? I caught one of these pampered Hollywood types, almost in tears over the failings of this administration? Now to her, it is unclear why she feels let down? With her elitist mindset, she may believe that Obama hasn't become enough of a socialist, who knows with her kind? With them, because they think so highly of themselves, it is always ideology over facts. So, two legs of his support have been broken? But the last to change should have been the first? The press. For they too were caught up in a false dream, but because they, unlike the movie types, are supposed to rely on reality rather then an unfulfilled dream, are probably more then a little embarrassed that they were caught so unawares? But they too will eventually wake up, and when they finally do, maybe we Americans can all get together, and have ourselves a real good cry?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tested Truths: Writing

Tested Truths: Writing:   I have been thinking a lot about writing lately, or more specifically, about my own writing? What and who, were the influences of my writi...


  I have been thinking a lot about writing lately, or more specifically, about my own writing? What and who, were the influences of my writing style, that is of course assuming I have a style? I know some of what people think about my writing, and in my mind, they give far too much credit to my intellect, and not near enough to the intellect from whom I draw my knowledge. You see in my mind, all of my opinions, and the conclusions I come to are not mine? Rather, what I know to be true comes solely from divine intervention. If you were to take whatever abilities you think I have and look at them from the surface, then you will understand why it is that I say what I say about my abilities, and my so called style? I have had none of the training that my predecessors had, nor for that matter my contemporaries. Of these, two come immediately to mind, Eric Metaxas, and Charles Krauthammer, who admittedly sometimes looses me, much like William F Buckly did with his vocabulary. All of this is just a fancy way of saying, that I just barely made it out of High School, graduating at near the bottom of my class with a D average, which I think means dumb? The letter below a D was an F, and that one was definitely for failure! Now my attributing whatever skills I possess to the divine, is not to say that I haven't had influences, I have. In truth, and I suspect that this is true for all writers, that our influences, those of our favorite authors, definitely show up in our work, and part of their styles become our own.
  I'm thinking, that I had better shorten this one, as I have two and a half pages of written script to type. My favorite writer when it comes to the realities of the human nature is Somerset Maugham, who is a great story teller! He has the ability while giving you the facts of the story, to intertwine the scenery in such a subtle way, that the reader stops being only a voyeur, but becomes part of the story! I mean, that in one story, I felt that I was sitting at the cafe table looking out at the setting sun, as it sank into the sea outside Capri Island, at a more relaxed time, a time just before the first World War. For a spiritual story teller, I have read Henri Nouwen's book, Return of the Prodigal, and his insights into the spiritual aspects of humanity are astounding! So moved by Rembrandt's painting of this Prodigal was he, that he went to where the painting actually hung and spent months sitting in front of it, both at day and at night, just making notes about what he saw in the painting, it's colors and lighting, and of course, the people within this work of art. Well, I guess that's it? I am plumb out of room, and so the rest will have to remain unsaid? It was more of a technical aspect though, things like skim reading? I use this method when reading something only to glean facts, like a political story. But the real great books, books that are written in the style of the bible, these stories can not be skimmed or rushed! The really great stories cannot be rushed, but instead must be savored like a fine wine before swallowing.