Thursday, April 29, 2021

These Spiritual Realities

   John, not the Baptist, but John of Patmos, spoke of the importance of the word in his the telling of the Genesis account. The most telling is his calling the word God. But how can a word be God? Because words as with all things spiritual are unseen, and, once written or spoken are eternal. In reality there are two lives we live right now. One is the physical, the flesh and blood self that bleeds when you cut it. This runs parallel with our spiritual selves beginning at the moment of birth, running with and along side of our eternal self until the moment of our physical death. The physical body rots away eventually returning ashes from ashes. But what of our eternal self, our spiritual self, what is to become of that? That is a hard question, and many factors come into play. If life eternal is a lie, then all that we were in this world lies in the dirt with which your body was buried. Hopefully you'll become a good fertilizer for some nice flowers? But life like death is eternal, so the question remains as to what is to become of us once our spirit leaves our rotting bodies behind? I think the answer lies in what or in who we chose to follow, and in what we put our trust. What was our foundation constructed of, was our base for security placed on other people's thoughts and opinions, or are we so self important that we thought of ourselves as our god? No matter your political views, many people are afraid and feel lost and alone, and by just looking at our current reality, who can blame them? To whom or on what do you turn to when your fears become reality? 

  As for myself, my biggest fear is for my grandchildren, that they will be governed by an administration who knowingly or not is in the infancy stage of all out tyranny. For you it may be the fear of death from the Corona virus. Both are huge problems, made worse of course by a media whose bottom line grows by their stoking the fire of those fears. It is at times like these that we must admit that there is no remedy from men that can solve this. The problems are just too large, and for some, that fear has grown to the feeling of helplessness. And we know that the cure for this two pronged dilemma is beyond what we can solve. What then? God waits, His promise still valid as spoken when He said, If my people will humble themselves and pray to me, I will heal their land. Trust God, for He is like solid granite, and on this base you can stand safely against any and all adversaries. Though the storm may rage all around you, you are safe, safe in the safest place there is, safe with God. What will it take, how much more has to happen before you first, recognize him, and two choose to go with him and follow Jesus. The only way to live in the eternal realm is to be where God is, and the only way to get there is through His son, Jesus Christ. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Hello America

   Hello America, how've you been, long time no see. As a citizen of this country, your opinion matters. Everyones opinion matters, it's like that in a free society. Whether or not you are among those who get to read this, sadly that is someone else's decision. I'm writing this one for a number of reasons, primarily though, just to post something again, as it had been a long time. Such thinking should not be a reality, but the truth is that the truth is under attack, and at this point in time, those who look to tear down this great country seem to be winning? But in a private moment, while in prayer I might ad, the Lord said to me at one point, What do you care who and how many people get to read it? Because for those who are meant to not only hear it but understand it, these will hear it, and hearts will be changed. I was reminded when He said this of the scripture which tells us that God's voice will never return void. 

  It is at times like these that can make you wish you didn't have free will. God forbid. What we as one nation, we as a people, are being tested. It is always through trials and tribulations where our best or our worst come out. All of us on either side of anything, choose by our will. But this decision is as clear as can be, never have the two sides of a subject been so obvious. 

  You must keep in mind what I've written of before. This is like no other war in our history because this is a spiritual war. A raging though unseen spiritual battle, that we can get a physical glance at as we see the leftist terrorists burning our cities. If all this spiritual talk scares you and makes you uncomfortable, good, it should! Do you really think that words can't hurt? The old children's poem should read that, Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can crush a spirit. Be careful what you say, always speak the truth, but to the best of your ability, speak it in love. 

  Never use violence, but do not be complacent with evil. The evil ones are those who look to take away our freedom. Though all that I've said is true, and because it falls on us to fight it, we as Americans must finally unite and fight the enemy with their own tools. For one, and this one should be easy. Want to fight against the rich and powerful? We can do it and win. People are power, the most people is more powerful. You have to hit them in their wallets, A lot of ad money will be spent on the MLB all star game. Don't watch it. When the ratings come in, and they count the cost, it'll be a long time before big anything caves to the minority. The mob is really just a few milk toast white fools. Stand up fop America!