Thursday, September 10, 2020

Apathy part two

  There was a time not too long ago. when Democrats and Republicans shared the core beliefs that made the United States the great country that we are. We shared common enemies, and those enemies were not ourselves. A time when whoever sat in the Whitehouse made little difference, we all got along, and generally speaking, had respect for each other. But today unfortunately, that is no longer the case. The coming election is as is important, if not more so, than the election of President Lincoln, because as was the Lincoln election, who we would be as a nation hung in the balance. With the Lincoln election, the country would decide whether or not to make slavery illegal throughout the land. In this one, The decision is whether or not to reject our Republic and become a socialist state. Think that words are not important? It used to be that Democrats labeled themselves as liberals which included the bleeding heart variety, then it was progressive, tax and spend and titles like that were common. But now it is obvious that the core of that once great party is socialism. No more hiding behind the words and titles mentioned above. 

  A question was posed by a well respected woman to Benjamin Franklin as he came out of a meeting where they were fine tuning our Constitution, when she asked, Sir, What have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy? Franklin answered and said, A Republic Madam, if you can keep it. Those are the stakes, this election is that important. This is about far more than which party wins, this is about the survival of our great country. Like it or not, this is an obvious choice. Vote Republican and choose to keep our Republic, or vote for the Democrats who have been taken over by socialists. Again, with just a little research you will see that socialism has never worked, and that socialism begets communism or it begets fascism. There is no room in this one for apathy, and for you evangelicals out there, don't use the excuse that God is in control. Though that is true, it doesn't mean that you need not worry about being a good citizen. America, do a little research, think for yourselves, and vote!

Apathy Part One

   Everyone is wondering, how could it come to this, how did it get so bad? Apathy in a word. You can check it out in a dictionary, but basically it means to not care enough; to take things for granted. We all suffer from it in one form or another, its easy to get lazy, and just assume that whatever it is that needs doing, that someone is doing it. This malady is how we got here,  because as citizens, we should be following the important items in life. Boring I know, but necessary as a good citizen. My wife and I were so apathetic, that we didn't even vote until our mid forties. I think the first president we voted for was Bill Clinton. Why? We thought he was cool because he played a saxophone on one of the late night shows. Thats about as much thought as we put into it, now thats apathy! 

  Imagine buying a top of the line sports car, and never checking your oil? Obviously that makes no sense, but now more than ever, it takes even less sense to take no interest in your government. Afterall, it is your government, our Constitution is to and for, We the People, not we the government. If you ever come to realize how much power that we collectively have you'd be amazed. This country is vastly different than others in that we are not beholden to any group or centralized form of government. We are beholden to God, and only God. One nation, under God, many people as one, E Pluribus Unum. 

  But somehow along the way we lost sight of that truth, it is as if everything got flipped upside down. There was a time when you could afford a little apathy, as even with two world wars, a great depression, we came out of it stronger than ever. Please Lord, don't let me add fuel to the fire. But the time of feelings getting hurt, being more important than the plain solid rock truth, can no longer be tolerated.  There has only been one election in our history as important as is this one. That being the election of Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. Let the record show that Lincoln was a Republican. Again, do some research check out resistance to Jim Crowe, check out the resistance to school busing, in short, know what your talking about and vote accordingly. Check out Robert Byrd, one of Mr. Biden's best friends, in short, know what your talking about before you vote.  I'm running out of room, so I guess They'll be a second part. Speaking the truth in love is a hard thing to do, because sometimes the truth hurts, but keep in mind that it is an equal opportunity offender.