Thursday, February 26, 2015

Into the Grey

  Out of the black and into the grey. Shades of grey, like the grey of a day when snow is on the way. Grey is the blending of absolutes, One white, one black, one right, and one wrong. In this way, you could rightly call agnostics grey. A copulation of black and white, right and wrong, like the Ying and Yang insignia that looks like circling tadpoles?
  These I will never understand? Apparently, they are content to leave a lot of statements ending with a question mark? This condition is not limited only to the subject about the existence of God, but rather, permeate our society with all manner of subjects. The real problem for these wishy washy types, is that each time they are content to not decide something, they become a little less capable of deciding anything.
  So, grey is the blending of extremes, and some will have more of one, while others more of the other. The importance of coming to a decision, is only of any relevance when the subject at hand, is important to all. But here's the thing about how your Ying, representing truth, and your Yang, representing what is wrong, affects you personally, and how much importance you give to the desire of being more right then wrong.  How much of you is right, verses, how much of you is content to live with half truths, is best answered by a question. Which do you think is the most dangerous, a well fed dog, or a starving one?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Two Dippers

  Have you ever been secondary to the primary? Have you ever yearned for something, so close that you can taste it, and yet so far from reach? What reasons come like a rainfall's fall, what past remembrances still hurt today, when they pour back down in remembrance? These moments are always recalled with thoughts like, Why not, if only, and if only I could go back in time, I would have done things differently. You think to yourself, I was a fool, and I let it slip through my fingers. I would have, I should have, I could have, but didn't. How final a place like that can be. Sometimes still, even though that chance was long ago, a part of you still wonders and thinks, Could I change it, maybe there's still a chance?
  I'm sorry to have to do this to you, as I'm sure that the above had a point there somewhere? But something has come up, so I'm about to switch gears. I had just come in from the outside, where I had been blowing smoke into the sky, and noticed that the moon had disappeared from my sky? Only about two hours before, it shone bottom cresent like a smile, located as would be the noon day sun. But here again, only a short amount of time later, and the moon was nowhere to be found? I checked and looked from horizon to horizon, and still I could not find the moon? If that weren't enough, the night sky here tonight is crystal clear dark blue, and looking up again, I noticed that the stars looked very different tonight, as I couldn't find the dippers either?

Road Signs

  Jesus no longer politely knocks at the door to your heart, but pounds now with urgency! It is a foregone conclusion to him, as he already knows what you will decide, but still, the opportunity knocks. So you may ask yourself, what does he want, what is so important?
  The troubles in the world, and all of the troubles it brings to your life, are signs. Signs like deep sounding bells, now ring out clearly across the land. It rings through to all lands, as it has gone world wide. It is a phenomenon, that takes in all others, it is a world gone mad!
  How many of the heavenly signs like billboards must you pass on the highway of life,  before you stop to read them? How is it that you do not see the warnings? Are you blind to truth, are you dumb? What else must happen before you see?
  So, you might well ask, Why do I tell you these things? But then, if you really don't know, then you may be one without hope. Here is what the people of God know, that you had better learn quickly.
The Kingdom of God has not been this close since God gave his gift to mankind. But this time, the Kingdom of Heaven does not draw close to witness the new beginning, that beginning that came with the berth. For that beginning, that last chance has just about run it's course. And with this next visitation, the Kingdom of God draws close to witness the end of the beginning.
I ask you personally, Consider the signs, Wake up and live, it is your decision.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Aware and Alone

  Life is time, and time is life, they are interchangeable you see? They are one in, and of the same. For they are relatives, that is to say, What is life to you? Isn't it all that is relative to you and your experiences?
  I have told you already, that relativity is little more then a tick of time. As to how many ticks you'll see, has to do with how many ticks you have. You see, all life is to you, is relative to your point of view. And your point of view is limited by the time you spend in this life. Are you starting to understand? I am explaining to you one of the secrets known only to the family of God. But what is relative to you, and how you perceived those encounters, is relative only to you, and it will be quite different from another.
  But beyond what is relative to this life, is what is relative from the eternal point of view. Now, because you are eternal,  all life is eternal. But likewise, all life is perceptual. All perception is, is life as it occurs to you. But there are limitations to this freedom, that exist even in the spiritual world. Also, there is a down side to eternal life, and that being, an eternal death, darkness without clarification, is also a reality.  You must remember, that even in the spiritual world, life and time are linked like twins. And so, just as in this life, you can only perceive eternal life, one moment, one tick at a time.
  What happens upon your acceptance of God, through Christ his son, is that you become spiritually aware, at the moment of recognition. Then, and only then, can you come to understand life's secrets from the eternal side. Life, whether temporary, as in this life, or eternal, as in the next, are both perceptual. And because of the limitations of perception, we can only perceive what is relative to that moment. But along with the relativity, and the perceptions from that relative moment, there is a perception of eternal life, as seen from eyes made fully aware of everything, but there is also the opposite, an eternal death. It is a perception of eternal darkness, while all the time that is, is time spent alone, unseeing, and non-understanding, of all that you perceive. Eternal darkness, all the time aware, aware and alone.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fearful Leader

  It occurs to me, that perhaps I'm a little hard on the pres? Afterall, there are some good things that he has accomplished, and I would be without a good reason to not point those out also. He has single handedly, done more damage to the ideology of the left, then any conservative could ever hope to do. The hypocrisy of the left, again, thanks to Barack, has never been more evident. Want proof? The recent problems of his adoring press, came to an all too obvious end, with the falls of such lefty luminaries as Brian Williams, Jon Stewart, and the like. Want more proof? Any of you who are of the occasional cocktail crowd, have noticed that most all of your lefty friends, have become strangely quiet? There is a reason for this, the guy is beyond any rational defense! I knew it was over for our leader, when no less the Chris Matthews of the agenda driven MSNBC, questions the very man who once gave him chills.
  I mean, come on gang, it's over! So what is a good lefty to do? Having been from their camp, I will tell them what I know to be positive. It was Jimmy Carter who brokered a deal to bring Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin together, and that was quite an accomplishment! Even though, Anwar Sadat was executed at a public event, and Carter was shamed by Iran's Ayatola, A guy named? I can't remember his name? But back then, most Americans knew him as Ayatola Ass-A-Hola. But the point is, that diplomacy works. Unfortunately, Mr. Sadat, as is today's Egyptian President, was a moderate Muslim that you hear so much about. But we are not dealing with moderates here, but rather, zealots of that faith. They call themselves Islamists, and what they want is a Caliphate Islamist state, just as the Ayatola did, back in the Carter years. There is nothing new here in the politics. But this is not a political problem only. If it were, it could be corrected swiftly. What it is, is a Holy war spilled over from the spiritual world into the physical. The moderate Muslim countries know this is Islamist extremism, the President of Egypt has asked publicly for the United States to lead with our technologically superior military, and our military expertise. The president of Egypt wants America to lead, but you can not do that from behind. There is no way to semantically spin this meaning. To lead is to be out front, otherwise, no one will follow with any real resolve. There is a void left in the sane world. It was caused by our absence. If we don't fill this void soon, if we wait another two years for this clown to get out, it may well be too late? Nuclear Iran anyone?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Out Hunting

  When the winter's chill turns frigid, it cleans all the germs from the landscape. It is the precision of life, all that it creates, it can also destroy.
So I've been out hunting lately, scrolling in the parlance of the media. Along the way, I picked up a 9/11 truther or two, and their polar opposites, the purveyors of the Chem Trail tales. Much as I do enjoy a good conversation, what can you say to such an extremist point of view? I figure, why scatter your pearls among swine?
  But of all the extremist points of view, there is none I enjoy more then the evolutionists. Now I do know, that if you were to take this statement strictly from a mathematical point of view, then the evolutionists must surely be right? This is not surprising, as most, especially those younger then my generation, have been taught nothing but, evolution. But we are not looking at it from the most popular point of view, but rather, from a perspective of common sense.
  As I understand it, there are two points of view held by scientist regarding the Big Bang. One says that two particles of energy, found each other in the vastness of space, and collided, causing a catastrophic explosion. The other, though similar, is quite different. This point of view stems from what is now known about atoms. That being, that it wasn't two bodies, but one very small one, that became so compressed, that it reached its breaking point and exploded! And from this explosion, as with the other theory, all matter came. All the millions of solar systems, the planets and the suns, and eventually, life itself. But this explosion was like none before and none after, because out of it did not come chaos, but order? Now that is a giant belief sandwich to eat, and if you are honest with yourself, it takes a ton of faith! It is the very idea of order, that the Cosmos by design, makes infinitely more sense. Because if you are one who thinks of the reality of God as a myth, then you are left with a boat load of unanswerable questions. All of which, without any answers as of yet, that you must be content to chalk up to, It is a mystery?
  The Creation side of the argument has answers. And that is, that there exists an intellect far beyond mortal men, who dwells everywhere and in everything, even though his primary realm is in the spiritual world. The spirit world exists, you can call it another dimension, or you can call it what you will? But keep this in mind while contemplating the matter, Einstein knew it existed, and he knew a thing or two about atoms.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Fight

  I've been thinking awhile about what this one should be about. At first I was going to do a fictional piece which takes place in the year 2026, ten years after the election of infamy, a Orwellian type of tale. But I decided to do a book with that one. Being a glutton for punishment, I'm going to try and self publish again. The first attempt I'm still recovering from? My first experience was not a good one, but who knows, maybe soon I'll have a book on the shelves with the rest? Barnes and Noble,, why not me?
  What I decided instead, was to tell you a part of a dream I had. It was a scene from one of those Pro Wrestling venues, and it was me verses the President. I was dressed like Captain America, and he was called, Sheik Runaround. That's it. Meaning, that is all of the dream I can remember, so from here on we'll have to wing it, as now I am fully awake. Now the match differs, in that it is more like scholastic wrestling match, where a score is kept for take downs and the like. As I look up at the score board, I am winning quite handily. In fact, the score is fourteen to zip! Now this shouldn't surprise any of you, because I didn't tell you about the costumes we were wearing from the dream. Anyway, as I said, I'm dressed in a Captain America type of get up, and him? Oh man, this is too funny! He is dressed in Mommie jeans, and he's wearing a pink bicycle hat. Let me ask you something, Who do you think won the fight?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

No Prisoners

  I am nothing if I am not honest, and to that extent, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't glad at first at Mr. William's demise, but I no longer am. It was really never about him for me, but rather what he represented. For he stood at the helm of a news organization, who took the Time's motto of, All the news that fits, to be quite literal. Because they refused to report any news that looked bad in any way for the President and his administration. Recently, when that ego maniac professor, who is the architect of Obama care called the American people stupid, it took over a month before any mention of it. This is the same organization who loved to call the Tea party folks crazy and radicals, while touting the morons of the Occupy Wall St. crowd as the next coming of Kennedy?
  So in the tank for the President and the agenda of his administration, that they became little more then mouth pieces for the party line. Integrity had long since left the building, so why not embellish here and there? Hurricane Katrina was an easy one. Afterall, the liberal slant was to characterize Bush as uncaring in the matter, while hinting that it surely must be so, because he was a racist. So why not embellish, why not ad a little horror to this drama, and have a body or two float by? Who's going to report that it wasn't true, the press? They are the press! Likewise, why not add a little personal drama to the Iraq war coverage? Afterall, war can get a little dull during the lulls, so why not make it more interesting with a personal twist? Again, who would bother checking it and so fit the narrative? But beyond all of the other scandals, beyond the constant accusations of racism, beyond the lies about health care, even beyond the Whitehouse using the I.R.S. to target lawful Americans who dared disagree with them, beyond all of this, there is one most terrible, and most offensive to Americans everywhere, and that is Benghazi. Four Americans brutally murdered after a pitched gun battle lasting up to 13 hours. There were ample warnings to have averted this. There were requests for more security, denied, A bomb that only months before 9/11 blew a twenty foot hole in the masonry wall that surrounded the compound, and the fact that the other Embassies had already left town, all ignored by the Whitehouse, and even a cub reporter must have know this, and yet, unreported by all but the evil Fox news and some others, but the so called mainstream wouldn't touch it? And then, as if all of that cover up wasn't enough water for the press to carry, The President and his administration, blames the whole thing on some obscure video that no one had seen. We were told that it wasn't an organized attack carried out by terrorists, but just a random bunch of guys out for a little mischief? No, I don't feel good about Mr. William's troubles, in fact I feel sorry for him. Because he is just the fall guy for an agenda carrying press, and it is them who should take the fall!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Of fabrications and embellishments

  Brian Williams is just the tip of the ice berg, so exposed because what he sought most was exposure. Because he is the front man for a news organization that is the most far left, he, willingly or not, becomes them. He is now the representative for an ideology that is crumbling as America watches.
  It is an ideology most arrogant, one that looks upon patriotic Americans as nothing more then a bunch of boobs. Not that they are anti-patriotic, as they have their own type of patriotism, a faux patriotism, that is based in hurt feelings, rather then facts. The biggest problem with this mindset is that by its tenets, all it really does, is weaken the Republic. In the mind's of the left, America is not one people, but rather, groups of people, all of whom must be managed to achieve a greater good? A common good, which is to their liking, one if not steeped in talking their points, must not be considered as anything other then the rhetoric of the right. In reality, most are not that naive, and they know that most American's point of view is just right of center, and this simply cannot be allowed, again, for that elusive common good? Strangely or not, it is the left who is now so out of step with the mainstream American, because these ideologues still labor with what was America, rather then what she is. There was a time when it was the right who were out of touch, but now, it is the left. Because when you really think about it, the left ran out of new ideas with the passing of the turbulent sixties, and it has been that long since any of them has had an original thought. When asked to relate a point of view, they will only quote you talking points and platitudes that are no longer true, because that is all they know. The real problem for them is their fragile egos, as they are no longer the intellectuals, and with each passing political debacle that is uncovered, they are beginning to realize, that they really aren't as smart as they claim. In fact, it is not others who are disillusioned, but them, and it is now them who are the boobs!

Friday, February 6, 2015


  It feels like I haven't written anything for quite some time? But while scrolling through comments and the like, I was drawn to a music video that I had posted up some time ago, and I was reminded that I do write. In truth, I am always writing, even when I don't want to? Often, while sitting watching something on TV, I will hear something interesting, a song who's title I want to remember, or a snippet of news that I found odd or interesting. And I will jump up out of my cushy seat, and begin looking for a pen and a scrap of paper to write the note on. Most of the time, these notes on scraps of paper, become lost almost immediately after putting them down, and soon after, forgotten all together? It seems that my house, to a much lessor extent then my work area, becomes a blizzard of forgotten notes and half finished thoughts? This condition is, or certainly can be a problem for my wife, who sometimes scolds me about it?
  But then, that is the point isn't it? Writer's write, it is what we do. Lately though, it occurred to me, that there are now a whole slew of us, as the advent of the internet has spawned a tidal wave of bloggers and new writers. They write about all manner of things, and there is always someone who you can read.
  As for me, I cannot not write, it is something that, though I try to at times, it is something that I can't not do? It comes mostly in waves. The weightier subjects come in huge and rolling, and I get totally caught up in them. But most come in like small even waves, that lap the shore rhythmically.
  The point of all this, is that I would encourage everyone to write. You don't have to be Henry Wadsworth, Poe or Socrates, all you need do is sit down and write down your thoughts. Write your thoughts on the events of the day, whether on your personal day, or what it is that went on in the day's news. It really doesn't matter what you choose to write about, the point is to write! I would encourage this all the more if you are a Christian. Simply sit down and write a letter to God, about how you feel about the events and people who affect you. If the idea of writing to God is a bit much for you, just get in the habit of journaling for your own information. What you will find in a short time is two things. One, your words will become phrases, and your phrases and sentences, much easier, each time that you do it. You will also find out, whether you do this because you want to, or if because you think you should? There is a difference. In short, writing will become something that you love to do, or something that is nothing more then another chore. But for those of you who come to love it, and are Christian, you will get very good very quickly, and you're writing will become a conduit to God. Your sentences and paragraphs will become more then prayers, but sonnets to God. And God will answer you by giving you more wisdom with every page you write. Wisdom that you can write down and pass onto others, or private wisdom, that you will keep in your heart.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

About Us

  So what is a human being, in other words, what does it mean to be human? What trait is common amongst us all, no matter where we live on the globe? What common thread unites us?
  People are more then their culture, and more even then their families. It is what we are in search of that unites us. What is it that is common to all of mankind? Obviously, people are as individual as are pieces of sand on a beach, and yet there is this common thread?
  What is common to us all, is that we have all lived, either currently, as with you now reading this, or in the future for those who will read it then, or from a past where these words had not yet been written. All have lived, at their time, and within their allotted hour. All who have, or will ever walk this earth, entered it as intelligent beings, some more then others. But all have thoughts, private thoughts, that some would make public. It is those private thoughts that we look to explore here.
  If you were to ask anybody, and yes, even those evil terrorists, what kind of people they are, that is to say, do they see themselves as being good and not evil? To a person, each would say about themselves, that they are good. Now this logic, these thoughts about ourselves, although common to all people, fly in the face of what Holy God sees us as. But here's the thing, Even though most would say something like, Hey, I never killed or raped anyone, yeah, I think I'm a pretty good person. Here's the other point of view. He sees your best attempts at being more good then not, as dirty rags, and he isn't talking about dirty oil rags.
  Because you see, who else is he going to compare your best to, if not to himself? And because he is pure and without any fault, compared to him, we are only filthy rags. That is not to say that we don't have the capacity to do good things, we do. But let me ask you something, If you had a million dollars to give to your favorite charity, and did, you would feel pretty good about yourself wouldn't you? Of course you would, it is only natural. But here's the deeper question, Why did you do it? Just to help them out, and for no other reason, or because of two things? One, you could afford to do it, and two, because it makes you feel good about you? You see, that's it, isn't it? It's all about us!

Monday, February 2, 2015

PC Speak

  PC speak began with the feminist movement, that sprung up somewhere in the early seventies. At it's base were a small group of very frustrated lesbians who had had enough of pink ribbons and bows, in that, they strongly believed that all that kept them from higher paying jobs was because they were seen only as women, and not taken seriously. To that extent, if you look at where women are in the work force today, you would have to agree that it was a successful campaign. In fact, so successful, that they were even able to change the language into accepting Mz. for Mrs. or Miss.
  But of course, one man's gain is another's loss, and so, as part of their public relations campaign, American women who chose to stay home and raise their families were made to feel stupid? The outcome? It did much to destabilize the family unit, and has now gotten to the point for middle class American mothers, that now, they have to work, as very few American families can make it today on one salary.
  Once this societal change was well on its way to acceptance, the movement was picked up almost exclusively, by the gay community. While Americans were still reeling, trying to make sense of these changes, in the beginning, the early attempts were funny. Any serious business woman began wearing men's suits, complete with neck ties to work. Men were told that they needed to get in touch with their feminine side, and encouraged that there is nothing quite like a good cry to cleanse the soul?
  The wusification of the American male, while conversely empowering women, was never more evident then with Hollywoods over reaction, where men in film were suddenly the buffoon, saved only by his much more practical wife, and scorned even by his children. Most men weathered the storm, confident in them selves, but there were the fools who bought the thing hook line and sinker?
  So where has all of this PC speak gotten us? How long, if left unchecked until a third placard is necessary for all public toilets? One for men, one for women, and one for undecided? But beyond all of this silliness, lies the real danger, and no, it isn't global climate change? But it is PC speak that now makes it wrong to clearly name your enemy. Islamist extremists who do all kinds of unthinkable things to their fellow humans, cannot be singled out? To do so is considered Islamaphobic, but the reality is, to not do so is not only PC stupidity, but is down right suicidal! Using the logic of the PC police, maybe the nations we fought in the the past weren't really a named nation at all, maybe they were all Purple Pandas?