It occurs to me, that perhaps I'm a little hard on the pres? Afterall, there are some good things that he has accomplished, and I would be without a good reason to not point those out also. He has single handedly, done more damage to the ideology of the left, then any conservative could ever hope to do. The hypocrisy of the left, again, thanks to Barack, has never been more evident. Want proof? The recent problems of his adoring press, came to an all too obvious end, with the falls of such lefty luminaries as Brian Williams, Jon Stewart, and the like. Want more proof? Any of you who are of the occasional cocktail crowd, have noticed that most all of your lefty friends, have become strangely quiet? There is a reason for this, the guy is beyond any rational defense! I knew it was over for our leader, when no less the Chris Matthews of the agenda driven MSNBC, questions the very man who once gave him chills.
I mean, come on gang, it's over! So what is a good lefty to do? Having been from their camp, I will tell them what I know to be positive. It was Jimmy Carter who brokered a deal to bring Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin together, and that was quite an accomplishment! Even though, Anwar Sadat was executed at a public event, and Carter was shamed by Iran's Ayatola, A guy named? I can't remember his name? But back then, most Americans knew him as Ayatola Ass-A-Hola. But the point is, that diplomacy works. Unfortunately, Mr. Sadat, as is today's Egyptian President, was a moderate Muslim that you hear so much about. But we are not dealing with moderates here, but rather, zealots of that faith. They call themselves Islamists, and what they want is a Caliphate Islamist state, just as the Ayatola did, back in the Carter years. There is nothing new here in the politics. But this is not a political problem only. If it were, it could be corrected swiftly. What it is, is a Holy war spilled over from the spiritual world into the physical. The moderate Muslim countries know this is Islamist extremism, the President of Egypt has asked publicly for the United States to lead with our technologically superior military, and our military expertise. The president of Egypt wants America to lead, but you can not do that from behind. There is no way to semantically spin this meaning. To lead is to be out front, otherwise, no one will follow with any real resolve. There is a void left in the sane world. It was caused by our absence. If we don't fill this void soon, if we wait another two years for this clown to get out, it may well be too late? Nuclear Iran anyone?
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