Friday, February 13, 2015

The Fight

  I've been thinking awhile about what this one should be about. At first I was going to do a fictional piece which takes place in the year 2026, ten years after the election of infamy, a Orwellian type of tale. But I decided to do a book with that one. Being a glutton for punishment, I'm going to try and self publish again. The first attempt I'm still recovering from? My first experience was not a good one, but who knows, maybe soon I'll have a book on the shelves with the rest? Barnes and Noble,, why not me?
  What I decided instead, was to tell you a part of a dream I had. It was a scene from one of those Pro Wrestling venues, and it was me verses the President. I was dressed like Captain America, and he was called, Sheik Runaround. That's it. Meaning, that is all of the dream I can remember, so from here on we'll have to wing it, as now I am fully awake. Now the match differs, in that it is more like scholastic wrestling match, where a score is kept for take downs and the like. As I look up at the score board, I am winning quite handily. In fact, the score is fourteen to zip! Now this shouldn't surprise any of you, because I didn't tell you about the costumes we were wearing from the dream. Anyway, as I said, I'm dressed in a Captain America type of get up, and him? Oh man, this is too funny! He is dressed in Mommie jeans, and he's wearing a pink bicycle hat. Let me ask you something, Who do you think won the fight?

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