When the winter's chill turns frigid, it cleans all the germs from the landscape. It is the precision of life, all that it creates, it can also destroy.
So I've been out hunting lately, scrolling in the parlance of the media. Along the way, I picked up a 9/11 truther or two, and their polar opposites, the purveyors of the Chem Trail tales. Much as I do enjoy a good conversation, what can you say to such an extremist point of view? I figure, why scatter your pearls among swine?
But of all the extremist points of view, there is none I enjoy more then the evolutionists. Now I do know, that if you were to take this statement strictly from a mathematical point of view, then the evolutionists must surely be right? This is not surprising, as most, especially those younger then my generation, have been taught nothing but, evolution. But we are not looking at it from the most popular point of view, but rather, from a perspective of common sense.
As I understand it, there are two points of view held by scientist regarding the Big Bang. One says that two particles of energy, found each other in the vastness of space, and collided, causing a catastrophic explosion. The other, though similar, is quite different. This point of view stems from what is now known about atoms. That being, that it wasn't two bodies, but one very small one, that became so compressed, that it reached its breaking point and exploded! And from this explosion, as with the other theory, all matter came. All the millions of solar systems, the planets and the suns, and eventually, life itself. But this explosion was like none before and none after, because out of it did not come chaos, but order? Now that is a giant belief sandwich to eat, and if you are honest with yourself, it takes a ton of faith! It is the very idea of order, that the Cosmos by design, makes infinitely more sense. Because if you are one who thinks of the reality of God as a myth, then you are left with a boat load of unanswerable questions. All of which, without any answers as of yet, that you must be content to chalk up to, It is a mystery?
The Creation side of the argument has answers. And that is, that there exists an intellect far beyond mortal men, who dwells everywhere and in everything, even though his primary realm is in the spiritual world. The spirit world exists, you can call it another dimension, or you can call it what you will? But keep this in mind while contemplating the matter, Einstein knew it existed, and he knew a thing or two about atoms.
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