I am nothing if I am not honest, and to that extent, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't glad at first at Mr. William's demise, but I no longer am. It was really never about him for me, but rather what he represented. For he stood at the helm of a news organization, who took the Time's motto of, All the news that fits, to be quite literal. Because they refused to report any news that looked bad in any way for the President and his administration. Recently, when that ego maniac professor, who is the architect of Obama care called the American people stupid, it took over a month before any mention of it. This is the same organization who loved to call the Tea party folks crazy and radicals, while touting the morons of the Occupy Wall St. crowd as the next coming of Kennedy?
So in the tank for the President and the agenda of his administration, that they became little more then mouth pieces for the party line. Integrity had long since left the building, so why not embellish here and there? Hurricane Katrina was an easy one. Afterall, the liberal slant was to characterize Bush as uncaring in the matter, while hinting that it surely must be so, because he was a racist. So why not embellish, why not ad a little horror to this drama, and have a body or two float by? Who's going to report that it wasn't true, the press? They are the press! Likewise, why not add a little personal drama to the Iraq war coverage? Afterall, war can get a little dull during the lulls, so why not make it more interesting with a personal twist? Again, who would bother checking it and so fit the narrative? But beyond all of the other scandals, beyond the constant accusations of racism, beyond the lies about health care, even beyond the Whitehouse using the I.R.S. to target lawful Americans who dared disagree with them, beyond all of this, there is one most terrible, and most offensive to Americans everywhere, and that is Benghazi. Four Americans brutally murdered after a pitched gun battle lasting up to 13 hours. There were ample warnings to have averted this. There were requests for more security, denied, A bomb that only months before 9/11 blew a twenty foot hole in the masonry wall that surrounded the compound, and the fact that the other Embassies had already left town, all ignored by the Whitehouse, and even a cub reporter must have know this, and yet, unreported by all but the evil Fox news and some others, but the so called mainstream wouldn't touch it? And then, as if all of that cover up wasn't enough water for the press to carry, The President and his administration, blames the whole thing on some obscure video that no one had seen. We were told that it wasn't an organized attack carried out by terrorists, but just a random bunch of guys out for a little mischief? No, I don't feel good about Mr. William's troubles, in fact I feel sorry for him. Because he is just the fall guy for an agenda carrying press, and it is them who should take the fall!
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