So what is a man, or for that matter, what is a woman? Are we nothing more then a bundle of protoplasm, sinew, muscle and skin? Is our skeletal structure the strongest part of us? And what of the wonder of our organs? Does the lung not fill itself with oxygen to replenish the blood as it races from it's pump to reach out to the rest of our vital organs and all the rest? But what are the organs without their master the brain? Even while the engine of our bodies goes on functioning without a conscious thought, it runs on anyway, oblivious to any and all thoughts. It does so only on orders from the brain.
In many ways, the brain is like God. Because without our brain telling our bodies to breath in life giving oxygen, and our hearts sending that life blood on it's way, we would surely die! Think about it. In your work-a-day lives, how many times does your heart pump, and how many electronic orders does the brain send to carry on this body of life? All this occurs, and we never have to think about it at all, there is no reason, unless in illness to give any of this a thought, and yet it happens.
And then there are those higher functions of the brain? This higher self contains our thoughts, current, past and future, it enables us to think. The only limit to this process is our intellects, as we, by what we choose to believe, set up these limitations. It is not that our minds are not capable of a higher consciousness, but it is we who by our prejudice's, our environment, and our choices, limit this intellect, and leave our minds less to work with. In short, the human brain is limitless in its capacity to learn, it is us who limit it, not the other way around? All minds are capable of greatness!
But even with the limitations that we impose on our minds, the brain does a real fine job, all on its own. Maybe we should have a national holiday in it's honor? Call it, National Brain Day?
Hey you know, The brain is a lot like God!
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