Friday, August 25, 2023


   If I were to say to a group of females, You are all bitches, what would be the insult? In other words, what is it about that scenario that would have set you off? Would it be simply the word bitch, or would it be the meaning of the word? Obviously, the setting has not been explained, so the context the of scenery is up to you. But we are focused on the question at hand. For those of you who have never been told what the actual meaning of the word is, a Bitch, is a female dog. 

  So then, in your scenario, separate just the word itself, from the meaning of that word? Perhaps it was the setting that caused your reaction to the perceived insult? Perhaps it was meant as a joke, but you took it as an insult. Who's at fault then, is it the speaker or the hearer? If the scenario is, that the guy who said this was a comedian on stage in a comedy club, does that change your point of view? 

  Or perhaps he was a magician on stage, and he was busy conjuring up a spell, that would, when chanted, change all the women in the audience into, actual female dogs? In this crazy world of today, anything is possible, things change like the flipping of a dime. Though some fool will read this and be offended for God knows what reason,  for the record, I meant no harm. 

  This is nothing more than a way of thought, a word game, something to consider for fun. Caution, If the above few sentences did upset you to the point of anger, you might want to delete it, burn it, whatever, but get rid of it! More often than not, people get angry because of a simple misunderstanding. We, all of us, male and female, need desperately to turn Down the temperature in this country. Instead of choosing to look at what separates us, look for reasons to unify. We. won't make it alone. 

Monday, August 14, 2023


  Words, they are in a way who we are. They come always in thoughts, a constant ever changing flow. Sometimes our thoughts are not only in words, but accompanied with snapshots of memory. Our thoughts may occasionally not cause us to pause, but they come none the less. They come to us in an endless procession, it seems we are always thinking, and we think because we are. Thoughts are spiritually driven, because they are spirit by nature. 

  We are of the human race, and we are not animals. Animals rarely if ever think, mostly, they just react. And it is us, we the human race, who sits on the throne above all other life forms common to this earth. We are top of the chain. Certainly, that does not mean that we don't appreciate and sometimes love animals. As kings and queens of all of earth's life, we take animals to the point of being like family. Animals have been a help to us throughout all of history and are so, still today. Animals have also been our beasts of burden, and they have also become a source of food. It has been that way since the beginning, as God gave us dominion over animals. 

  But we are not limited to just this earth, as our natural curiosity has made us also masters from the microscopic to the furthest expanses of the cosmos. Unfortunately for us, the tyrant class desperately needs another herding tool, a type of Covid part two, is necessary for us to willingly give more of our freedom away to a centralized government, or group of self elected leaders, who, will use fear and manipulation. And, The Invasion of the Space Aliens, will more than likely, use A. I. as an aid to turn our curiosity regarding the subject, into another false panic. Fear outsells sex two to one. This, the latest existential threat, is designed to once again have the population turn to the so called (experts?). Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us. Like the bloated beast it is, the federal establishment looks to further control us. I would tell you to ignore it, but perhaps it is already too late, as the masses are already being prepped for acceptance. 

  There are no little green men, there is no E T, because you see friends, We, are already supernatural beings. God himself tells us that we are made in His image, and we, the human race, are the most intelligent beings in this galaxy and of all the others beyond.     

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Blood

   Family, lately I've been thinking a lot about family. Not just my personal family, but of the family of man. We are all of one blood, and blood as you've learned from various sources, blood is life. What people fail to realize is that we, every race creed and color of us, at the very beginning, for each of us, there is one set of parents. We are related, of the same bloodline, 

  We are one people, all God's people, One people. If evolution be true, then Hitler was right. There would be a superior race, the ones who first got away from the trees. Evolution proves that racism must exist. Do you really believe that we all crawled out of some slimy pit, and then each of us evolved at the same time? Thats idiotic. surely you don't believe that we each developed at the same rate? The so called superior race can only happen if evolution is true, it's common sense. But if God is the designer in chief of all that is, then we are what scripture tells us we are, One people, under God. Today, more than any other time in our history, everyone, no matter your silly politics, knows that this is a time of profound change. 

  One people, God's people, all of us, the good the bad and the ugly. We are one race, the human race. If not the Creator, if not God, then who, You? You are a strange one. The Bible speaks of leaving your first love. I tell you the truth, there was a time in this country when basic human morality was universal. Just another old man reminiscing you say? Hardly. No matter who we were as individuals, we shared a moral base. This is why the enemy attacks our base. Without a solid base a common fundamental understanding of right from wrong, then we are truly doomed. 

  The minister's of Wicked come always an attractive way, and always, with complete stealth. Like everything in life,  there is a right side and a left side, a top and a bottom, the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do. The two extremes exist, there is Perfect Good, and Ultimate Evil. If it were a cage match, you shouldn't let Good's innocent face fool you, because that is his strength, and there is no weakness. Good must conquer evil, because whenever evil wins, people die.