Saturday, October 21, 2023

Yes or No

   Overhead it was heard, like a rippled roll of thunder across the sky, Was there trouble ahead he wondered, what do those thunderclaps mean? You certainly have my attention Father, he said, but I didn't know another way. 

  But the coming storm comes, Rising up, rising, for all, as an alarm for all to hear. This alarm, is an awakening for both type of people. For those who know Him, but also, for those who have refused him. The alarm, is both the tolling for the dead, and also of the living. If there is a point to this, I'm not sure what it is. Except, maybe to say, Experiencing the Spirit, for me, in one way, for you another. But for me, the Spirit comes upon me like a descending fog, it envelopes me. Never really sure what it is that I type, for they surely are not my words. Lost in the smoke. For this fog to descend onto you, where you are, wherever or whoever you are, first; you must know Christ. It's like that ole gospel song, I've got Jesus on the line! It is an explosion of emotions, all manner of emotions, regarding all points of view. And while you're trying to stop trembling and get your bearings, and Bam! The Lord hits you between the eyes with yet another perfect diamond of truth, and it staggers you. You are in awe! Surely this is the mind of God you think, because you know it isn't you. Freely communicating with the mind of God is exhilarating!  

  The Truth is, The Lord is coming back. He comes back first to take His bride. The Church, the only perfect church, His Church. He comes not only to take His believers, but to take both His Church, and also to allow great tribulations to come upon all the earth. But there will also come a time of perfect peace, A time when the blind will see clearly again, and those made deaf, will hear clearly for the first time. And the mouth? The mouth shall remember truth again, and speak it freely, freely and openly, and you will speak it aloud and rejoice! 

  So ask yourself honestly, Would I like to know God? There are only two answers, yes, or no. Choose yes! A lot of people are impressed by those who are well read, if you can honestly say that you read War and Peace, you are commended. The Bible is a big book also, admittedly, much harder to understand than is War and Peace. It is the greatest of all books, the oldest, and most accurate of all books. Read the bible as though it was the greatest novel ever. The book, which is most historically accurate, because it is the story with many tales, and each pertaining to life. What sets the Bible apart from all other books, is that it is chock full of great stories, written by some of the greatest writers throughout all time, but as good as these ancient authors are, the true author of the entire book, is the Lord our God.  

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Source

   In any living entity, there is one primary part that is at the center of its life. In our lives specifically, this Source, this focused power, operates the basics such as heart beat, and orders the lungs to suck in air. Not only does this power source control the functioning of the body, it is also our actual consciousness, even while sleeping. All life from the simplest forms to the most complex, orbit around this focal center of Power. This Source, not only holds all the keys of life, but also, the keys of death. Everything that is, is so, because of this source. Nothing has, does, or will be; existed, exists, or will exist, that has or will, become a reality, became so, only because of this Center of all. This Creator. 

  All things spin. Galaxies throughout all of space, they rotate fastest at the center, while throwing off flailing star clusters in bended arms at the edges. If you have ever seen satellite photos of hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, galaxies look like that. Everything, including life itself, spins in one way or another. Storms on earth and weather systems spin, our moon spins around earth, while both the earth and her moon, orbit the sun. For us the old saying that what comes around goes around may sound like just a cute limerick, but is 100% true, as is, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. To deny this supreme being, this entity of unfathomable power, of logic, of perfect timing, of order and never chaos, is far beyond the simple naive beliefs born of ignorance, but is the epitome of the arrogance of man. It isn't new by any means, as it came from the original lie, that you can not only be like god, but be your own god. That ideology, that I have my truth, and you have yours mentality has led us to where we are today. Open wars as in Ukraine and now in Israel are at this time, the main players. But the world is on fire, murder rape and torture is rampant in virtually every corner of the earth. Violent storms and earthquakes are rampant also on this globe. The ignorant claim it to the green agenda religion, but as with all the religions made from the doctrines of men, is a futile attempt to make sense of even one part of the many, of this 21st century in the making. Man cannot control life, we cannot control the weather, and in reality, are finally, just now understanding this reality for what it is. Complex beyond all knowing. The intricacies and perfect tuning that controls everything that we can see from our limited perspective, makes it clear that we cannot save us from ourselves, only God can do that. The dire needs of this world and its people cannot be solved by men, and certainly not from the wondrous machines we have created. This country, and indeed, the entire world, has but one hope, and that is, to return to our Creator and His son Jesus, who came to this dying world by the plan of God our Father. He did this because we as people possess the depravity to slaughter our own children. A people so far from righteousness and truth can only make matters worse. The past great leader of Israel Golda Meir once said, with the knowledge that only a woman can truly understand, This senseless killing between our two peoples will only stop"When, Muslim mothers love their sons more than they hate ours. Choose God, for God is love, and only Love can give life, and that eternally.