Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The battle for our Soul...

   Truth is dying in the street, while lies flourish and ride high on the hog. Satirical sarcasms float barely noticed on the prevailing winds. Whether that wind be a Wind of Change, or just another strong wind of defiance, they clash head on at the intersection where east meets west. And we, being flushed hard from both sides, are left not knowing what to think? 

  Think for yourselves, but think of this time as being a crossroad. At this location, there is no forward, no down, but only left and right. Ah, but at the cross, from center, the only way is up. The left or right considerations, can only be solved by the thoughts free of the turmoil, only by looking up can our problem be solved. Untended situations left to simmer, will eventually bubble up and run over from all sides of the boiling pot. So then, How did we reach this place, how is it that we feel the pressure of impending doom? Being here, in this boiling mass of doubt and confusion. Which way is out, we ask. How might I free myself from this doubt and despair? The wise among us know the answer, but still, they too ask, What has happened to America, and from this point forward, in which way will she choose to go? 

  A cache phrase for both the left and the right has never sounded so realistic, so urgent. No longer can we deny it as simple hyperbole, it is and never was, an over statement to ask with all sincerity, where we will be after this next election, for this is completely true; The fight is for the soul of this nation. What we as a people allow to become the next four years and beyond, is completely on us, it's citizens to decide. A warning of sorts though, Choose wisely, choose for what is right and honorable, choose as if our sovereignty is at stake, because it is! 

  Simply spoken, clear of all smoke and trick mirrors, the actual choice you will make at the ballot box is this, Whether to remain the United States of America, or to be labeled as a state only of the world. The original status has served us well for over two centuries. This new proposed World Order, will surely bring tyranny. Freedom or tyranny, a free nation under God, or, a nation state, of the world, ruled by elitists who actually are arrogant enough to believe, that they know better than you as to how to achieve happiness. Wake Up America!, our collective soul is the real prize that evil people seek. We you see, are the prime ingredient, without the USA, the new world order will quickly become yesterday's news. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Tied at the Hip

   Sometimes the days fall like rain and soak me to the bone. And then there are the times you look forward to, and would prefer a beautiful sky. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  It is a part of the ebb and flow. A high banked river brings forth water in a rush. 

  Why all the ruckus? You've succumbed now, you are engrossed in the story. The soured wine touched His lips and he winced; Still grateful for the blush of dampness. Time is always relevant, as it goes along with us like a shadow everyday. Time is relevant, it has to be. because time is a product of the moment, Life is filled with moments, each unique to itself. Moments tend to over lap at times, and a collection of moments can collide and cause a blockage to your journey.

  Though it's true that your life is made up of many moments, each quick like a snapshot, all stored for memories call.  You see, in short what it is, is that, moments and time are tied at the hip. That is of course,  until the moment of our passing. Then it is one of two things you will choose between. Whether to be happy as dirt, and just to return there? Dead, forever! The body rots and dies, but The Spirit of Life goes on forever. 

  It is ourselves that do the choosing. Most, if not all of us, given the choice, would choose a longer run at it, as it, life that is. For it, (life), was never intended to be this short. Infinity's view point, is that life is eternal, and that now, we really are like dust on the wind.  From dust He made us, and from dust we will return, thats a guarantee. But as to where our personal life goes after we take our last breath? That is the question that you might want to seriously ask yourself.  Follow your broken body into the dirt, or choose life?

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Letter to America

  We who are finite by nature, cannot begin to understand that which is infinite. In a word; Infinity. Infinity is hard to explain, and the only way to see it in any form, is by its math sign, which looks like a deflated 8, laying on its side. Eternity is another wonder type word, as it too makes you think. It, like its larger self, Infinity, is hard to fathom, and impossible to get our minds to wrap around.  Both of them reflect on immeasurable time. And yet, hopefully to clarify, Infinity can be thought of as an even longer period of time. You could say, that Infinity is eternity times eternity, give or take a few centuries. 

  Just being silly of course, because the answer is regarding such deep matters as these, is that there is no answer. Einstein famously grappled with this problem back in the mid twentieth century. Now, in this the 21st century, there is still much that we don't know. Today they speak of things like, dark matter, god of the gaps, what gravity is, space time continuum, and still we are no closer to understanding the limitations of time, and the areas that are outside of time and space. Infinity. 

  The point of this Letter to America, is to remind us of who we are in all of this. We as a nation united, or we, as American citizens separately, must start by 1st, acknowledging our God. Our most sacred documents, our money, His words chiseled into the stone of our buildings. In every aspect of American life, we cannot escape the reality that the same God on Whom this nation was founded, is the God that we have turned away from. These things, these horrors that come new each day, are of our own making, and are to our national shame. The One True God of us all, on Who, this nation is founded, still calls to His people to turn from their wicked ways. Humble yourself and pray, and stop this mindless march with evil. 

  Directly from the words of God taken from the Bible, if you will not relent, repent, humble yourself, and pray to me, I will not heal your land. But, instead, I will give you over to all of your evil desires, until you become the thing you worship; instead of worshipping The Lord our God, The Great, I am that I am!