Thursday, February 23, 2023

Reason of Reasons

   Our God is the God of perfection. Pure, order, and not chaos, undefiled, without the slightest amount of blemish, perfect from any perspective. Knowing this, how could you not also know, that there is a profound meaning to life? Our part in it on this side of forever, is to set a goal toward perfection. The bible tells us that our God is a jealous God. He will not abide with any other gods, especially ourselves. Heaven seems like a very strange place, with four sided figures pumping to and fro, across the translucent gold floors. Angels, cherubim's, wheels with eyes, and assorted other oddities. 

  All of us at one time or another, has felt that gnawing at our gut, a longing in your heart. A deep longing for something that you don't understand. That emptiness is the longing to remember our God. Unclear reckonings are all we carry inside us. The trail to understanding comes first with understanding yourself. Then, after we become clear minded as to who we are, then, we can pursue the deeper meanings of God. 

  Strangely, what the tyrants and governments of the world want, each in their own way, is to provide nirvana, a heaven on earth being the promise. Obviously as you reflect back on history, nothing has changed. The plans of men have always been the same, each generation thinking, We can make it right. All of these plans eventually fail.  

  Like most of you, I have wondered if heaven existed, and if it did, what would it look like. If asked for whatever reason, where it was, I'd shrug and point up and say, There. But God's plan for His people is for them to return from where they came, to return to Himself.  His plan though extremely difficult, was also delicate in its complexities. Only the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the Wisdom of all, could execute so perfectly, this delicately powerful plan to bring to a close this reality, as this, the old world, will pass away. It must, because down from the heavens, comes a new heaven and a new earth. 

  Incredibly, in the end, mankind gets what it had driven for throughout all of history. Heaven on earth. This new reality that comes with this new life, is a reality yet to come from this perspective, but in the reality of this new heaven, has already happened. Waiting as it were, for this current age to end. And for those who's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, eternity with the Father, our God, waits to greet all who will join the rest of the heavenly hosts, being at one with the essence of all, with the Father God of us all, and  join with Him, in the infinite realm. For forever, and forever again. Amen 

  If hopefully your curiosity is piqued, and you would want to understand what the actual Heaven is like, take whatever time is necessary for you, to sit quietly, and slowly, read the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21.  


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Human Mindedness

   A reasonable response I would gladly hear. But of the words of fools, no, they make me ill. If a book title it would be, Looking for intelligent life., and it would be fair to phrase it that way. As we live out our daily lives, We encounter many problems. Some of us, have allowed these problems to become predicaments. Surely these predicaments are of our own making. It's all in the reflexes you see, when you understand things quickly, the impulse is to react quickly. But the word of God tells us to consider a matter before responding. Only fools speak before first considering what they say. When you encounter one of these, avoid them if possible, but certainly render them irrelevant. At times like these, your minds might drift like a feather on the wind. But consideration is the key to understanding, you must interpret what you hear. You must take time to interpret the matter from every angle, and cover each perspective. The urgency of the moment will dictate how fast a response is necessary. The cadence of this life comes as a pulse, it beats steadily, and unalarmed, but we quake in fear, jumping at shadows. Digression is annoying sometimes.  

  Consider a problem in the time afforded you, Come let us reason together the word of God tells us. In short the message is, Don't suffer fools. And as for the flip side of that coin, one like a punch in the gut. Simply and with understanding, If you know that you don't know, please don't make up a lie. For God sake, don't lie, but do shut up! 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Extraterrestrials, Aliens, and other Oddities

  And so the nations rose up and plotted together, What can be done with the crown jewell of the globe? America, how can we pluck that crown from her head? Wars and rumors of wars, things well meant left unsaid. How bout that newest invention we just came up with, A. I., and it's controllers. They bring yet another dream to fruition, another layer to the tower of Babel. One more layer closer. God they say, who needs God, look at how smart we've become, Are we not ourselves God?   

  Simple answer to that type of ego-maniac. A. I. is dead, we are alive! So the next idol to man is the cyber world. If it is successful as an awe that inspires worship, again, it's dead, its life comes from a plug. It's a giant calculator, it's for condensing vast files of information and finding it faster than any human. But again, It's Dead, we are alive! Others of our kind made these machines. Fear A I? why? It's the same as fearing the gun but not the shooter. With this new tool, it can do nothing that we don' tell it to do. In short it's not A.I. that we need worry about, its the people who control it. 

  Having said that, let me come straight to the point. We, the followers of Jesus Christ are Aliens. We are not of this world, we are extraterrestrials by nature,. Not to be confused by the wave of unknown aliens who have flooded the country. We are more like Science Fiction type of aliens, this is not our home. Let me explain. 

  When John penned the words of God when he wrote the Book of Revelation, the Spirit of Jesus pulled him into what John called, "the third heaven." What is meant by the Third Heaven? The first heaven is the atmosphere that surrounds our planet. the second, is the vastness of space. The third is the unseen realm, the one that is outside of space and time, it is the Eternal realm, the place of the great Throne room of the Living God! Another dimension, one beyond what we can see and feel, for this 

 the Spiritual Realm, this is the place where the Alpha and Omega dwell, this is the Lord God's address. Infinity!  

  You still a God denier? Still arrogantly sitting on that narrow fence? "I haven't decided yet you say? Adult up and make a choice, there is only two possibilities, it's either true or it isn't about Jesus as the way? There is no other option. Choose this day Who you going to serve?  

Friday, February 3, 2023

Who's Line Is It?

   The morning's waking was soon enveloped in a shroud of doom. Surely I thought, a light hearted day would cure these blues. Steer clear of the news, as the enemy within has now given into the threat from without, as a Chinese spy ballon floated one hundred thousand feet above its target. But an old personal scene from my youth appeared in my mind, and I thought to myself, surely, the balloons are up. This made me smile in my heart.  

  Amazingly, and without much effort, I had managed to start the day off with a smile on my face. But how I thought, could I maintain this sunny disposition? First for sure, stay away from the news as best I can, as it is always bad. I did catch a glimpse of it last night, and saw the infamous Squad meltdown which was both funny and nauseating at the same time. Each of them took a turn ignorantly screeching in the house, working themselves into a frenzy, until at last they burst into tears! This as each parroted about the injustice of it all. Ironic? sure, but these cats actually deserve an Academy award. As with everything, with these purveyors of hatred, their crocodile tears were not genuine, but scripted. 

  Anyway, that was then, this is now, as I set off to have a good day, and by God, I was determined to have it! First I decided to put aside the story I was writing for awhile, as it is badly in need of editing, as it had ballooned into four pages, and to borrow a metaphor from the pop music genre, I needed to cut it down to three-o-five. So, what to do what to do? I chose to watch one of the movies I had recorded, and played the movie Arthur. A comedy about a born into wealth rich guy, (Dudley Moore), and his falling in love with a commoner, Liza Minelli. The movie is wildly funny with its prat falls, and deeper oddities common to us all are funny. But what struck me very early in the movie is when Arthur sitting in the back of his chauffeur driven Limo, drunk as a skunk, laughing like a loon, says to himself, Sometimes I just think funny things. Now I have used that line many times over the years, and always thought it was original? Also, just before I turned in last night, I watched the real late night king, Johnny Carson, with both George Carlin and Richard Pryor on that same show. Three icons of comedy, together on one TV show, needless to say, it was hilarious! At one point, Johnny ask them a question about using other comics jokes and mannerisms. Both laughed and admitted to using some of their influencer's material. So with comedy, I guess its a fair question to ask, Whose line is it anyway? Perhaps a warning to all you Wokesters out there. That old bit of comedy genius is rated WP, so you won't think it's funny. There isn't a hint of politics in it.