Thursday, February 23, 2023

Reason of Reasons

   Our God is the God of perfection. Pure, order, and not chaos, undefiled, without the slightest amount of blemish, perfect from any perspective. Knowing this, how could you not also know, that there is a profound meaning to life? Our part in it on this side of forever, is to set a goal toward perfection. The bible tells us that our God is a jealous God. He will not abide with any other gods, especially ourselves. Heaven seems like a very strange place, with four sided figures pumping to and fro, across the translucent gold floors. Angels, cherubim's, wheels with eyes, and assorted other oddities. 

  All of us at one time or another, has felt that gnawing at our gut, a longing in your heart. A deep longing for something that you don't understand. That emptiness is the longing to remember our God. Unclear reckonings are all we carry inside us. The trail to understanding comes first with understanding yourself. Then, after we become clear minded as to who we are, then, we can pursue the deeper meanings of God. 

  Strangely, what the tyrants and governments of the world want, each in their own way, is to provide nirvana, a heaven on earth being the promise. Obviously as you reflect back on history, nothing has changed. The plans of men have always been the same, each generation thinking, We can make it right. All of these plans eventually fail.  

  Like most of you, I have wondered if heaven existed, and if it did, what would it look like. If asked for whatever reason, where it was, I'd shrug and point up and say, There. But God's plan for His people is for them to return from where they came, to return to Himself.  His plan though extremely difficult, was also delicate in its complexities. Only the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the Wisdom of all, could execute so perfectly, this delicately powerful plan to bring to a close this reality, as this, the old world, will pass away. It must, because down from the heavens, comes a new heaven and a new earth. 

  Incredibly, in the end, mankind gets what it had driven for throughout all of history. Heaven on earth. This new reality that comes with this new life, is a reality yet to come from this perspective, but in the reality of this new heaven, has already happened. Waiting as it were, for this current age to end. And for those who's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, eternity with the Father, our God, waits to greet all who will join the rest of the heavenly hosts, being at one with the essence of all, with the Father God of us all, and  join with Him, in the infinite realm. For forever, and forever again. Amen 

  If hopefully your curiosity is piqued, and you would want to understand what the actual Heaven is like, take whatever time is necessary for you, to sit quietly, and slowly, read the Book of Revelation, Chapter 21.  


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