Saturday, July 29, 2023

Second Chance Saloon

   Imagine if you can, that you could stay young forever. Forever young. Now, assuming that you have a plan in mind, What if you could take anything with you from this point to that. Besides the obvious physical improvement, what mind set would you choose to take back with you to then, from now?  Would you choose to take all of your accumulated wisdom from now, and apply it to then? In other words, would you choose to know then what you know now? 

  Mind you, this little experiment carries with it one important caveat. You can only take wisdom, and not mere knowledge. There is a huge difference between the two. But rather than chase after that point, let's just keep it local. Knowing the type, and having seen the movie, it means that you cannot forward your knowledge of sport's history, and take it to your younger self, to get rich quick and easy, betting with your favorite sports book. Forget the vision of you peddling odds and knowing the outcome in advance. No, thats simple knowledge, wisdom is something completely different. Many of you know a person with a string of letters after his name, with a wall full of sheepskins in his office, who is dumber than a post when it comes to common sense. Knowledge no, wisdom yes! 

  So now that you know what the small caveat is, let me ask it again, If you could return, and, remain forever young, would you? And if you could, what would be your choice of age, and, what acquired wisdom would you give to your younger self from your older self? What would you do with a second chance at the game?

  Unfortunately, back we cannot go, only forward. One step at a time, sometimes just slushing along and at times, running. But forward we must always go, the history has been made, it rolls up against the shore behind us in our wake, and it is what it is. What will be, is in front of us, passing this way quickly and rushing back from us, to quickly becoming history. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


   Who are you responsible for besides yourself? Family and close friends of course, but what about those outside your personal cluster of bubbles? You know, strangers, people from other countries, do we have any responsibility to them, and if so, at what point do you draw the line? 

   How large is your love sphere? The bottom line is that though we have different spheres, bubbles, with which we interact, break it down into groups if you must, but as an example, work friends, church friends, political friends, (keep a weather eye on these). Though the groups have their due influence, in the end, it's your bubble. In other words, it's your private space that matters most, and thats true of all of us.  Sorry to hear that, but what about me? The world is going through many changes, and though slow change is healthy, quick and forced change never are. Look out on the horizon, and you too, keep a good weather eye out. Because on our journey through life, it doesn't matter what those other spheres are, or from where they came. Because  all you have control of, is your personal sphere, Your private self. It doesn't matter what the groups do. Reach out to those less fortunate and needing help, yes, of course, to whom much is given, much is expected. 

  Exactly because the times are so volatile now, Today, and not tomorrow, we must each look deeply to ourselves, being honest with ourselves, as to who it is that we truly are. It's not a fun experience, but an important one none the less. This is life you see, This is the journey. Should you choose to embark on this journey, a word of caution. Tip one, beware of pride, specifically self pride, because self is a tyrant. Second; Speaking again about love, ask yourself honestly, consider regarding love, Have you taken more of it than you have given?  What is going on all around us and all over the world is a spiritual war. As to what side you are on, that depends greatly, on who you truly are. 

  Oh, and by the way. In the end, God wins! 

Friday, July 7, 2023

Titanic Rising

   I don't know about you, but I'm just bursting with pride as our nation celebrated our 247th birthday recently. Coincidentally, just days before, the white house topped off gay pride month by a celebration of perversion on the front lawn of the people's house. The joint looked festive enough, with silky rainbow flags everywhere, including on the white house flag pole. The white house staff really went all out, as the grounds of the front lawn were festooned with bunches of pink and white balloons wherever you looked. What an important event, why our elected leaders could hardly contain their joy and made blathering speeches and sung songs praising their actions and that of their perverted guests. 

  America, what has happened to you? Have you thrown away your moral compass, so that now you have no heading on which to fix your course? Fully developed biological men now flaunt themselves in front of children barely old enough to attend kindergarten. This while wearing women's frilly underwear, under the dresses they wore for just such occasions. And the most amazing part is, the majority seems to either be fine with it at worst, or grossly over apathetic to it at best. They treat it with a wink and a nod. Have the alphabet people become so powerful? By in large, most people worship the creation rather than it's creator, but like it or not, we are all God's people whether you believe that or not. 

  But though all established religions will condemn this insanity, if you see it as only crazy religious zealots who know this is wrong, and by its nature, evil. You'd be right in a way, but wrong overall. Outside, the great outdoors! Nature, or what is natural. The beauty of all there is. So then, for those of you so limited that you can only worship things you can touch and see. Look around you in this natural world, what do you see? Not a lot of male lions dating other males, no gender confusion at all. As with us, biologically speaking, the male and female parts join together so perfectly, and so babies are born. Thats simple biology, and if you're not sure what that means, its Science! True, factual, actual, reality, purposeful, survival, Life! 

  It is time we became ourselves again, and cast off all that is so wrong, and to again be the home of the free and the proud. And I'm not talking only to the so called Gay community, because you see gang, We are all Bozos on this bus. All have sinned and fallen short. Bet you didn't know that sexual sins are a heterosexual problem also. God sees sex outside of the marriage bed, and yes, between a man and a woman, as sinful. What makes the difference? Owning up to your shortcomings, and not add to the misery of your fellow sinner, by trying to claim that your sin is different, its only natural. No its not! 

  We cannot help but wonder, how much more debauchery will it take, what fouler thing must happen until you come to realize, that like a ship without a compass to guide us, the secular world culture take us to ports of evil. Evil that will demand our worship. So far, by our silence about such evil, we as one nation have become passengers on the new Titanic. And as we raise our champagne glasses high in a toast, we are totally unmindful that the deep cold Atlantic awaits us.