Saturday, July 29, 2023

Second Chance Saloon

   Imagine if you can, that you could stay young forever. Forever young. Now, assuming that you have a plan in mind, What if you could take anything with you from this point to that. Besides the obvious physical improvement, what mind set would you choose to take back with you to then, from now?  Would you choose to take all of your accumulated wisdom from now, and apply it to then? In other words, would you choose to know then what you know now? 

  Mind you, this little experiment carries with it one important caveat. You can only take wisdom, and not mere knowledge. There is a huge difference between the two. But rather than chase after that point, let's just keep it local. Knowing the type, and having seen the movie, it means that you cannot forward your knowledge of sport's history, and take it to your younger self, to get rich quick and easy, betting with your favorite sports book. Forget the vision of you peddling odds and knowing the outcome in advance. No, thats simple knowledge, wisdom is something completely different. Many of you know a person with a string of letters after his name, with a wall full of sheepskins in his office, who is dumber than a post when it comes to common sense. Knowledge no, wisdom yes! 

  So now that you know what the small caveat is, let me ask it again, If you could return, and, remain forever young, would you? And if you could, what would be your choice of age, and, what acquired wisdom would you give to your younger self from your older self? What would you do with a second chance at the game?

  Unfortunately, back we cannot go, only forward. One step at a time, sometimes just slushing along and at times, running. But forward we must always go, the history has been made, it rolls up against the shore behind us in our wake, and it is what it is. What will be, is in front of us, passing this way quickly and rushing back from us, to quickly becoming history. 

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