Tuesday, July 18, 2023


   Who are you responsible for besides yourself? Family and close friends of course, but what about those outside your personal cluster of bubbles? You know, strangers, people from other countries, do we have any responsibility to them, and if so, at what point do you draw the line? 

   How large is your love sphere? The bottom line is that though we have different spheres, bubbles, with which we interact, break it down into groups if you must, but as an example, work friends, church friends, political friends, (keep a weather eye on these). Though the groups have their due influence, in the end, it's your bubble. In other words, it's your private space that matters most, and thats true of all of us.  Sorry to hear that, but what about me? The world is going through many changes, and though slow change is healthy, quick and forced change never are. Look out on the horizon, and you too, keep a good weather eye out. Because on our journey through life, it doesn't matter what those other spheres are, or from where they came. Because  all you have control of, is your personal sphere, Your private self. It doesn't matter what the groups do. Reach out to those less fortunate and needing help, yes, of course, to whom much is given, much is expected. 

  Exactly because the times are so volatile now, Today, and not tomorrow, we must each look deeply to ourselves, being honest with ourselves, as to who it is that we truly are. It's not a fun experience, but an important one none the less. This is life you see, This is the journey. Should you choose to embark on this journey, a word of caution. Tip one, beware of pride, specifically self pride, because self is a tyrant. Second; Speaking again about love, ask yourself honestly, consider regarding love, Have you taken more of it than you have given?  What is going on all around us and all over the world is a spiritual war. As to what side you are on, that depends greatly, on who you truly are. 

  Oh, and by the way. In the end, God wins! 

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