So now what, what am I supposed to do with you people? You are dumber then posts, and that makes you dumber then most. So you want a good old fashioned race war eh? Just like the 67 riots revisited? But for those who look to divide us again, they are not content to riot only in Missouri, because just like if we reRan nineteen sixty seven again, they will only be truly happy when all the inner cities are on fire! You see, everyone has to make a living, and for some, their stock and trade is Racism. Yeah a capital letter for a capital crime, a damn shame, a purpose so misunderstood? Divide and conquer is they're rallying cry, for it is in the division that they profit! It is no use I honor these fools by naming them by name, because you all know who they are?
But I have this against them, that they call themselves Reverend? Reverend who, Reverand Satan? You look to divide people, you preach divisiveness, it is your stock and trade. But you are good at what you do, because look, it is on the brink of starting again. How do they stir the pot? They play on the ugliest of all human emotion, they look to insight rage! Rage is never s good thing rage full bore only brings about death and more death.
I hate talking about this stuff, probably because I realize how far we have come together. All races and creeds had been getting along just fine, at least by American Cowboy reasoning? Didn't we just get finished shining as a nation when the basket ball owner said what could have set it in motion, but didn't? It was a terrible thing to say, a statement born of an old man's prejudices and nothing more. We, the American people, shook it off as if only a mild case of fleas?
But now the race baiters are in full charge mode, they see another opening where they can sow their vile hatred. Saying things like, The white man has always kept us down, now f--- him, it's our turn now! Fools, dividers, haters of all that is holy. Retreat back into your lair of lies, for the time of your come uppance is at hand! What will the reverend boys do when Christ calls upon them and says to them, OK boys tell me about all that you have done? Well Lord, we protect you by calling your people to see the truth.. The Truth, who's truth? Away from me, I never knew you!
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