So little Jon Stewart doesn't understand the depth of the threat of the black horde, and if that understanding is not naive enough, he goes so far as to deny the existence of pure evil itself? Why is that you ask? Simple. He is not a self hating jew at all, he is only an atheist. And because of this, the truth is not in him, and oh, how proud his parents must be? But the monumental stupidity of people like him are not the cancer, but rather, just another symptom.
So what is really going on here? Well, I will tell you this, now that the anti Christ has been exposed, things will get a whole lot worse before they get better! Isis, Hezballa, and the rest, they are everywhere now, their tentacles have sunk deep into every Country. They live among you! And like a pack of hungry wolves, the dinner bell rings loudly for them! Evil, pure and unadulterated evil has descended on the land. Because as with everything in life, it is cyclical. What was will be again? If you do not get the metaphor, you might want to Google Adolph Hitler. Because what was foretold has now become apparent? Evil now stands unashamed and proud in the light. And make no mistake about it, you can no longer hide from global war, because it now stands at your front door!
You see, it's Deja Vu all over again, Want to know about all that will happen now? Read the book of Revelation, it is all there in black and white and red. Too hard for you to understand you say? OK, let me simplify it for you? Suppose Obama was to use his now famous pen, to assist black men and women , solid saints of God, to descend on the city of Chicago where black men, young and healthy black men, kill each other at a terrible rate? Result? Black on black crime would fall off dramatically, and in time, would almost disappear completely!
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