So what are the blues anyway, what are they really? Are they nothing more then just a passing bit of sadness, something that you might call the blahs? You could more accurately call these momentary lapses as a touch of the blues.
Passing sadnesses and regrets are little more then a caress on your face, they tease you and say to you, Come deeper with me, come and follow me down the rabbit hole. I will put you at your ease, and why would you not come, as this is all about you? Now the blues are certainly birthed by these bits of sadness, but only when they come together as a whole can you take the next step. But it is a price too few are willing to pay, for it is introspection that bring on the blues. Why is that you ask? Because once you come to really understand life, you realize that far more is wrong then is right! Now this is a sobering thought, but upon this realization, you have taken another step down that rabbit hole. But again, will you choose to come deeper, for we are only at the edge of the hole now, and as you peer down into the darkness, will you choose to come deeper with me still? I must tell you that it can be a very scary place, so come a little further if you dare? In sadness and contemplation lie the shortcomings of this life, and most will refuse to go there. Not because they can't, but because they won't. Certainly it can be a place of fear, for it is an unknown. And with fear, can despair be far behind? But there is good news! For buried within all of this needless worry, is the key to eternal happiness. So then, now that you aware of fear, you must not make any allowance for it, because the only way to defeat fear is with power. And no one or nothing is more powerful then God!
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