Tuesday, August 19, 2014


  What is the spirit, or how are you to know when it is the spirit that is talking, and not just plain old you? No c'mon now, a serious question for all you Christians out there. How do you know how much of yourself is the spirit, and how much just you? I mean, can you see the spirit? How are you sure that He is even in you?
  Yeah, I know I What I'm asking you, is now that, Now that you have made that decision, you received as promised, the gift of eternal life. Where is that life, can you put your finger on it and say that  here it is, or there it is? How do you know? You say, Because it was his promise to you on the day you accepted him, but that isn't what Im asking, can you see this spirit?
  No of course not you say, He is the Holy Ghost, and no one can see a spirit, they are invisible in this world, and only completely visible in the next. Yes, you have answered well, for no one sees the spirit with these eyes, but only with our spiritual eyes in, can we see them. You may not be able to see him, but be assured that he sees all of you. In his eyes, you are more naked then nude? You are exposed to him, and you have become hopeless without him, innocent, vulnerable!
  Well c'mon now Ed you say, How do we know when we are acting with the spirit, and when is it that we are not? Well, let's see now? The spirit is visible for a moment like this, You have a sarcastic friend, his sense of humor is very dry, some might call it droll? You might not, but some others might? But I digress? This friend of yours, the sarcastic one, How often have you said to yourself, Is he kidding or is he serious? That moment, that time spent unsure of what your friend's meaning was, that is the Spirit! Here for a moment, and then he moves onto something else. You see, unlike our physical selves which are tethered to this world by are dieing bodies, our spirits have no such limitations, we are temporary, while the spirit is eternal. The spirit goes wherever it pleases, it can move from this world of death into the realm of Eternal Life, just as easy as catching an on time bus.

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