Saturday, August 9, 2014


  Self reflection is a deeply personal thing. We all are wrapt up within the thoughts and opinions we hold. These, if you really think about them, is all we really are? Memories of the past, and present time considerations, our hopes and dreams of tomorrow is what makes us unique from one and other.
  Dreams tell us a lot, in that, it is in dreams where our three states of concousness come together. I have found what I consider an oddity about myself, in that I rarely dream at night, and when I do, it is always in black and white? But my daydreams are different, as they are plentiful, and most always in vivid color!
It has become a source of wonder to me, as I wonder why this is? I often pray that I dream at night too in brilliant colors. But whether I dream at all, in color or not, I do not know? Perhaps I have, and I simply do not remember them? But I think that this limitation stems more from a pysical condition, as I don't really sleep, I just sort of pass out? This is more likely to come from a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I no longer work hard, and so I never have that good tired anymore? That contentment that includes exhaustion at the end of a good days work. It's not that I don't want to sleep, I do, but without the physical tiredness, I must first stop thinking and turn my mind off. So I must stop my mind from thinking, but when I think about that, it may be the reason why at night I rarely dream at all?

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