I watched early, just before the day's sun rose full with it's light. The eastern horizon was just showing the tell tale signs of reds pinks and whitened clouds. But across the spectrum, going as far west as my sight would allow, were last night's finger clouds, lit by the moon, but also joining with the reds and pinks of the early morning's eastern horizon, and running full length to the west, until the white wisps of the fingers disappeared beyond the tree line of my western most line of sight. A pretty impressive start to the day, wouldn't you say?
But that is not why I sat down here, no, not really? But it had something to do with a piece I started but never finished because every time I sat to complete it, my grandson would find me and pepper me with the Why questions? Now, for any of you who have never encountered such a barrage, it is an endless stream of whys, until finally in desperation, you stop answering as best you can, and leave the kid off with, I don't know, maybe you should ask your mom? But I definitely digress?
So, ego, can I still put it together? Not really a question to you the reader, but to me the writer? Um, how bout a question? Is ego a good thing? Wait, better yet, how is ego different from pride? Yeah, now I'm remembering it. When punctuating, and your not sure what figure to place at the end of your sentence, I have found that in such cases of confusion, a period will suffice. But again down the rabbit hole? No, damn the torpedos, full speed ahead! Where ahead, where was I anyway? Oh yes, ego vs. pride, or to put a different face on it, how about ego and pride, does that alter it to a clearer question for you? Ego is self love, and therefore is false, now pride of self is wrong too, hence their joining in that other point of view. But pride in self is good, unless it becomes what it really wants to be. Then it becomes something else? Then it becomes an arrogance that says to that person that he or she is the best, and the smartest? You see a lot of this self love, mostly from those Hollywood types, but again I digress? I may just have spun my own self into a corner? Meaning, that I lost my train of thought?
I guess to simplify things, I should make some kind of qualifying statement? OK, here goes. Somewhere I read, though I cannot remember where, a story which asked of it's readers whether atheists were the smartest of us? I gave it a fair amount of consideration, because I know a lot of smart athiests? But that is the definition of an oxymoron? Here is the difference, which is really where smart and wise part company. The smartest people in the world, no matter their endeavors are Christians! Why do I say this? Because Christians know the truth, and truth and wisdom are one in the same. So then the atheists do not have this truth. because they and their egos cannot allow for a god other then themselves. And the agnostics? These are sadder still, because they have no opinion at all? That is to say, that they wait to see which way the wind blows before they open their mouths? Agnosticism is just another word for coward!
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