Sunday, December 25, 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
The Meeting Part One
This is a fictional account of a meeting that may or might not have taken place at the Kremlin. The names are unchanged to protect the innocent. However, the players in this little tale are strictly fictional, as I am unfamiliar with Russian names, and have no idea as to their titles, as say to the equivalent position in America. I believe that they call their high officials Czars rather than Secretary, but these are the men who advise President Putin, and are his cabinet. If memory serves correctly, early on, President Obama called some of his people Czars? Whether I saw it on TV, or somewhere on the internet, I don't remember, but I'm fairly sure it happened. Who knows, maybe that had something to do with that open mike problem the President had, when he leaned over to Putin and whispered, I can be more flexible after I'm re-elected. But surely I digress, so let us return to the story at hand, The Meeting.
First, perhaps a quick primer on the difference between our form of government known as a Democratic Republic, and the Socialist/Communist form of government. The primary difference can be summed up best with one word. Freedom. In the United States, you can stand on a street corner with a bullhorn, chanting the most outrageous slurs against the government and it's leaders without fear of reprisal from that government. Not so with both socialism and communism. For these type of government, the people must be in lockstep with their leaders, and for those who don't, reprisal is swift. Shaming and accusations of racism, sexism, whatever. If that doesn't work, physical attacks, imprisonment and once totally out of control, people start showing up missing.
For you millennials out there, first let me congratulate you for the fact that you took the privilege of voting seriously, and although grossly uniformed, you were quite passionate and involved in the voting process. My generation was apathetic, and in truth, I didn't even vote until I was in my mid forties. It is my hope that you will stay interested, and that you will take the next four years to read up a bit on Socialism. For instance, Did you know that when Hitler first came to power that his movement was called, the German Socialist Party. It took only a few months before he cast his spell over the nation and called it the Nazi party. Read your history, most all of the dictators and tyrants started out as Socialists.
Friday, December 9, 2016
The Human Condition
Laughter is good for the soul, I'm sure you've heard that saying before, and its true, a light heart and all. When we laugh, we release all of that pent up worry, its freeing! Because we spend most of our time being serious, many times, way to serious. We stress over this and that, bogged down with thoughts to the smallest detail. Thats just us being us, complicating things with often a simple answer. Its what separates us from the rest of all other life, our intellect. When God said that we were made in his image, that is what he meant. The godhead, the Holy Trinity, is pure spirit and without form. But as far as a physical form, God came as the man Jesus, he came in human form.
But the intellect, it is our minds that separate us. If you are an evolutionist, still you must grapple with the question, why us, why our species so far above the rest? Why would we come from monies, because they look closest to us physically? Many scientist believe that next to ourselves, dolphins are the smartest. So shouldn't that mean that we should have been fish? Mammal, whatever.. We are the only species who can create. The sciences, music, and every type of art form, all come from our intellect. From the invisible world of the microscopic to reaching out beyond the earth. Yes, we are quite the species. But along with our potential for so much good, comes the other side. An intellect that can be cruel and used for evil. We may be the smartest, but nature, that which is natural to life, has no such problems. Dogs are busy being dogs, cats, cats, and so on. We can take even the simplest problem, and turn it into rocket science. (by the way, they aren't exempt), In other words, we make things more difficult than they have to be. The answers are usually quite simple and right in front of you. Sigmund Freud was right and said basically that as humans, we are obsessed with sex. The simple answers, are right outside your door. The animals aren't the ones stressed out and confused about life, we are. Keep this in mind, Stress almost always leads to depression, and depression is an obsession with self. Look to what is natural, the simple truth is right there in front of you, all you have to do is look.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Common Sense
Good day all. This is a happy day for me, or at least that's what I planned on, but peace was nowhere to be found until mere hours ago. I'll tell you why I had hoped the day would have started out as planned. Because for me at least, I promised myself that this one will definately be the last. Afterall, we are just a tad over a week away, so for me at least, I've done what I could, I'm done. When all else fails, when all of the reasoning has fallen on deaf ears, oh well, I'll tell you one thing, and you choose the establishment to lead this country, your a fool. If every answer for you is more laws, and an even bigger federal government, I feel sorry for you. Sorry not so much for you, but to and for the people you will hurt.
Do you avid supporters of Bernie learn anything when your up against the Democratic machine? By the way, if things were different, it could easily have been the Republican machine. The point is this is the establishment against one man. What terrifies them so much, is that he, (Donald) is not an insider, he wasn't fully blessed by either side. Why? Because this is a people's movement, a true grass roots movement. Throughout history, populist movements were always looked down on by those in power. Nothing has changed. In fact, its safer now for those of you fearful of the hated Fox News. Come on in, the water's getting more to your liking each day. Truth has a way of exposing biases, and truth will gain you more enemies than friends. I had a friend once who when I asked, answered me and said, People are intimidated by you. It worried me for a while, I know that Jesus said, because they have hated me, they will hate you too. And who fits the bill better, than me? I'm a white male: strike one. a man: two, and strike three, I'm a Christian man. Not the, I got some water sprinkled on me when I was a child, but the kind who reads his bible, and believe it is the inerrant word of God. Unfortunate, for far too many of you, that last statement qualifies me as a bona-fide wacko. I wear it as a badge of honor. Oh, I almost forgot the common sense part. You know the press hates Trump and will be all over him like a cheap suit. A simple statement he made I believe in one of his black church stops, but anyhow, what he told them is, What have you got to lose? Over fifty years of Democratic leadership in our inner cities, has done nothing! Vote Donald Trump, or vote for the establishment's establishment. One last common sense hint. If you are middle class, especially if you are hanging by your fingertips to the bottom wrung of the middle, I f God forbid Hillary does win, pull out of all luxury items yo possess or hope to possess, because the tax man cometh. Here in New Jersey, we start our brand mew 23 cents a gallon on gas. This is nothing. Are there any of you stupid enough that she'll pay for all her promised give a ways by the hated one percent? If so, I got this bridge for sale..
Monday, October 17, 2016
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama killed Sadam Hussein. And oh how he said he suffered about making that call. They were all so huddled around that tiny screen, intent on watching the drama unfold in real time. Proving his true liberal bleeding heart, he thought about taking the life by saying, tortured by the weight of such a decision, he gave the order to Go. Anyone who was old enough to have experienced the original 9/11, wouldn't have hesitated for a moment. Afterall, this was the monster responsible for that cowardly act that killed over 3,000 Americans. Strangely, his reaction to the second 9/11 was quite different, I believe he went golfing? Hillary? No, she wasn't huddled around the screen this time, no, she was nowhere to be found, most probably sound asleep during the 13 hour gunfight, Zanex anyone? But poor Hillary, she is little more then a tool, Barack's the man. Besides all of his warnings to the people to not be islamaphobic, , his steadfast refusal to name the enemy is another clue to who he is. Did anyone besides me think that the lone dissenter to go into Iraq for the WMD's. That the whole world believed it, every security agency from every country believes it meant nothing to him. He voted no, adding comfortably that they are wasting their time, their are no weapons there he said. He was right of course, and he bragged about it a lot on the campaign trail. But how was he right, how could he have known? He knew because he had inside information. He knew that the Iranians had taken care of moving them. Imagine, Wouldn't it have been nice if he shown even half of the concern he showed for Sadam Hussein to our soldiers and statesman. But no, Barack has no tears for them, because they were only a political problem that must go away. Just like in that movie where Harrison Fords men were left to die, the Whitehouse pulled the feed. What they needed and fast was a patsy, someone to take the fall, a diversion from the fact that at least they were inept, and at worst, criminal. Poor Hillary went through 11 grueling hours of testimony, and if you were to read the transcript, you would see that she admitted sending emails to her daughter and to an Arab friend, telling them that it was a terrorist attack. Days later, she would look another mother in the eye and tell her that justice was served, and they had the guilty man. How does one mother lie like that to another while standing over her son's flag draped coffin? What kind of human being can do that to another? Only one with a very dark soul. Barack Hussein Obama. Sometimes a man's name does say it all.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Father and I, part three
But who is this Jesus, and why is he so important? Well, we are in the year 2016, but do you know how we know that? Because history, all of it, is based from the year of his berth, or the year of his death, I could never get that straight. But all of world history is dated as either BC, before Christ, or AD, after his death. He walked on this earth for approximately 33 years. But think of it, there would be no way of dating history, if not for Jesus, I'd say that that qualifies him as being as a big deal, wouldn't you? This country was founded on the precepts and teachings of an old Jewish Rabbi. How old you ask? Old enough to be called an Ancient. In fact, one of his many names is, the Ancient of Ancients. For God is before time, and God will be after time, because in many ways, He is time. The bible is very clear that most will reject him, as, Wide is the road to destruction, and it is freely traveled, but narrow is the path to life, and few will find it. Hopefully, that doesn't become a metaphor for a Clinton/Obama win. Because if we choose wrong again and put Hillary in office, surely then the Lord will lift his hand of protection, and may God have mercy on us, as by our vote we will have said to Him, Away with you, we have no need of you. This coming war is like none before in history, because this one won't be fought over land and money only, because this is a spiritual war. The dimensions of spiritual beings, both Angels and demons will spill out into our reality. Make no mistake, there are only two sides. One the right one, an acknowledgement that we need to return to the truth of the Bible, and the Constitution that is still the best political document the free world has ever known. Mr. Trump is far from perfect, and if I am repeating myself, I apologize, but the best example I can give you as to the power of prayer, and the commitment of God's people to it is this. A blessing, complete with a prayer shoal was given him. You would think that, that alone would secure his victory, and it well might. But God already knows our decision, as to him it is history. But for us, there is no such knowledge, as the Lord will allow us to seek our own destiny, and so, by our free will, we will choose our fate.
If you have been trying to keep score as to who's words are whose, these are clearly mine. Hillary, being a student of Barack Hussein Obama, the master of the misdirect via the use of semantics, has learned a thing or two. When the video tape of director Comey's remarks which proved lie after lie was told by Hillary regarding her use of her private and a non-secure personal server, and the emails she sent and received, were in fact classified. She said that she and her interviewer were, "talking past each other". Donald should take a page out of her book, and talk past all this obsession with sex, and force the matter back to the differences between the two, and stick to the issues that really matter. Like global Islamist terror, and our crushing debt. But if she is able to distract him with the shiny bobble of accusations of sexual impropriety, then we all loose. One last comment. The press hates him, that is no secret, so if he is half as bad as they are trying to make you believe, then he will surely be a one term President. But if team Obama/Hillary wins, after eight more years of this madness, they'll be no reason for an election, as the next president after her will simply be anointed by the elites.
Father and I, part two
I told you once that Jesus would be on the ballot, and for this great nation, founded on Him as the foundation, now, we decide to accept or ignore him. This election is about much more than Donald and Hillary, this election is about you. Will we as a nation choose again to follow the godless, who's morals flip like flags in the wind? But if Hillary is so clearly the evil one, does that make Donald represent good? It took me awhile to get here. I was confused and frankly, let down, when my guy, Dr. Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump. But it sure did one thing, it peaked my interest as to why? God works in mysterious ways, but once he gets your attention, he will give you the answer to the question you have. For me, it was other Christian theologians, They told me that, they had never seen the forces of evil so stacked against one person, as what was happening to Mr. Trump. So for me, I sort of backed into it. I figured if all the forces of evil were so set against him, that he must have the moral high ground and it was time I climbed down from my tower of judgement, and throw my hat of support in, so to be on the side of the side that the devil so clearly hates! So I did just that, and I support Donald Trump, complete with his failings, to be the next President of the United States of America. I love this country, and I am proud to call her my home. C'mon folks, life isn't really that hard. It always comes down to yes or no, right or wrong. You must choose, choose wisely, because like no other before it, this one is that important.
The Father and I (part one)
Why that title? Because Jesus lives within my heart, and when I write, it is mostly Him, but some of me comes through too. It is your job as the reader to decipher between which words are his, and which one's mine. That is what being a Christian is, it is an intellectual pursuit, and the more you learn about the teacher, the more you want to be just like him. Jesus said, Ye must be born again, and he also said, You must enter the Kingdom of Heaven as a little child. Being born of the Spirit, you start out has a baby, imagine, your a kid again! As innocent children you come, but as you gain in knowledge, you gain in maturity.
So then, the election, which one of the two to choose? About the only thing that both the left and the right can agree on, is that either candidate is appealing. But funny how God works, He often uses the foolish things of this world to confound the proud. Don't believe that? I'm living proof! But anyway, the election. God exists, and so does his counterpart, the devil. So then, there is also such a thing as ultimate good, and ultimate evil. OK you say, but which is which, hmmm..? If you were able to understand the Book of Revelation even a little bit, you would know that for the end of times to come to be, one of the things that must happen, is that a new world order must be established, a one world government. They, ( the godless), call it globalization. As sinister as it may sound, that is what this election is all about, the godless on one side, and the people of God on the other. On the issue of globalization, the godless are campaigning for it, while on the other side, they are just fine with the United Sates of America remaining to be just that, sovereign and free! How evil is the one side, and just how important is politics to them? I actually believe that if Hillary could be assured of a voting block of 10,000 voting for her, she would be fine with abortion six months from conception. Donald Trump, with all of his faults, surrounds himself with Godly people, who is Hillary's moral supporters, Uma what's her name, Anthony Weiner's ex? She surrounds herself with people who are like her, and would, and have, sold their souls for power.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Who are We?
You know, talking to you readers, my fellow Americans, I find myself again questioning not only who I am, but also, who you are, and who we are as Americans? The upcoming election is by far the most frustrating election that I can remember in my life time. Who are we as Americans, what are our shared dreams for this country, what is our vision for the future?
What I would much rather do, is strictly talk to you about this election, from a spiritual point of view, and tell you how I believe that God sees it. But we have become so fragmented and classified as one demographic or the other, bounced around like ping pong balls by the latest social emergency, that it is a wonder if our heads are still on straight. Today's topic? Sexism 101. Its always something though isn't it? Look everyone at the shiny bobble over there, anything, but heaven forbid that we talk about the serious issues.The threat of global terror, globalism itself, Twenty Trillion in debt with more promised. Can we talk about that? Naa, lets talk about sex and the differences thereof?!? I will say one thing to you girls and women out there. Its time to put on your big girl pants and woman up! Men are pigs, and this is a revelation to you? And by the way, this goes out to the snobby women on the right as well as the left, a man's opinions and actions regarding the fairer sex has nothing at all to do with whether a man has a college degree or not. I've been on construction crews all of my life, and yes ladies, there were times when we spoke about you as if you were a side of fine beef. Having been on many a construction gang, I can tell you honestly, that if any man on any site was to say aloud what we used to, they'd be arrested.
But compared to what college friends I have been around socially, we construction workers are mere pikers next to them, whatever a piker is? I had a neighbor for around five years who was a big muckity muck in some Wall St. firm. At times he would have parties, and my wife and I were invited. These guys were all college educated, in fact, a couple of them had masters in both business and finance. But these guys were so rough on women with their war stories, that at times I think I may have blushed?
Damn politics! I wanted to give you God's perspective on all of this silliness, but that'll be the next one I promise.
What I would much rather do, is strictly talk to you about this election, from a spiritual point of view, and tell you how I believe that God sees it. But we have become so fragmented and classified as one demographic or the other, bounced around like ping pong balls by the latest social emergency, that it is a wonder if our heads are still on straight. Today's topic? Sexism 101. Its always something though isn't it? Look everyone at the shiny bobble over there, anything, but heaven forbid that we talk about the serious issues.The threat of global terror, globalism itself, Twenty Trillion in debt with more promised. Can we talk about that? Naa, lets talk about sex and the differences thereof?!? I will say one thing to you girls and women out there. Its time to put on your big girl pants and woman up! Men are pigs, and this is a revelation to you? And by the way, this goes out to the snobby women on the right as well as the left, a man's opinions and actions regarding the fairer sex has nothing at all to do with whether a man has a college degree or not. I've been on construction crews all of my life, and yes ladies, there were times when we spoke about you as if you were a side of fine beef. Having been on many a construction gang, I can tell you honestly, that if any man on any site was to say aloud what we used to, they'd be arrested.
But compared to what college friends I have been around socially, we construction workers are mere pikers next to them, whatever a piker is? I had a neighbor for around five years who was a big muckity muck in some Wall St. firm. At times he would have parties, and my wife and I were invited. These guys were all college educated, in fact, a couple of them had masters in both business and finance. But these guys were so rough on women with their war stories, that at times I think I may have blushed?
Damn politics! I wanted to give you God's perspective on all of this silliness, but that'll be the next one I promise.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Holy Shimoli
My wife took the kids out for a while, thank you Jesus! It is a lot when you become parents again at our age. They are a full time job. I have a new found respect for all those grandmas and grandpas out there who for whatever the reason, have to raise young kids.
I've been watching a lot of cartoons lately, and so have fallen a bit behind. What scares me in this election, is not Hillary Clinton, as she is just a tool. I had respect for Lester Holt, probably for no better reason than he is a handsome man who looks good in thousand dollar suits. But my hope for fairness, emboldened by the fact, that Matt Lauer actually asked a follow up question, regarding one of her email scandals. so I figured, maybe NBC will actually report the news? They, (NBC), are by far and away, the furthest left of the so-called, Main Stream Media. MSNBC, their sister station, have become a laughing stock, a private joke to those in the know, because they've become Propaganda central for the Democratic party. So what did the astute Mr. Holt choose to talk about? Benghazi, Oh god forbid they say, afterall, didn't Hillary say to us, What difference does it make, Or, how about the full weight of the IRS being used against Christian groups. How about after 8 years of you and Barack's leadership, the world is on fire? How about a million other pertinent subjects? But no, Lester followed the script. So instead of talking about the really important stuff, we would up talking about some bimbo from over twenty years ago, who may have been the driver in a drive by shooting.
Hillary Clinton is so corrupt, that anyone could beat her, Given of course, that they use one of the Presidents favorite saying, if both sides get their "fair share" of time, uninterrupted.. All that is left for the Hillary campaign, is to call names, sexism, Oh poor me, I'm only a girl, racism, If you don't agree with this administration, then you must be a racist Its not much of a platform, I'm a woman, and I'm not Donald Trump,
Hillay Clinton is the insider's insider. She talks till about Donald's taxes? You know what I want to see released, the transcripts of the speeches she made to her Wall St. buddies and the ones given to her Arab friends. She talks incessantly about the one percenters, and now that she's worth around 1/4 billion herself,, she is well on her way to access in the club.Hillary is not alone in this, there are far too many who enter public service as a lowly congressman, just barely getting by, who have become millionaire when they retire, . You may not like Donald, for whatever your reason, but like it or not, Donald didn't make his money off the people's taxes, He did it the old fsshioned way, he earned it!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
A day in the life,
Good morning all, I have found a moment of peace. We are watching my daughter's kids for a while, the youngest of which is two. Two boys, and the little guy is a terror. For those of you who know the Lord, I would ask from you prayer. And for those of you who don't know Him, a kind thought would be appreciated.
My daughter has been admitted to the Hospital, and we'll have them a few days. I won't get into the specifics, as even though she is my little girl, she's an adult, and I respect her privacy. A quick story while the house is relatively quiet. While walking Max with me, the oldest, Brandon, came along. At one point he says to me, I like the clouds, and I can see in the fog! Cool I said, did you know that clouds and fog are the same thing? Yes he said, I know that. You don't know that I responded, who told you that I said? I did, he responded, I told it to myself.
Kids. They are our future and our greatest hope. If you think that you have never seen God, just look into the eyes of the innocence that you see. What you don't understand, is that, that is the way we all were in the beginnig, full of innocence and wonder. And that is how we will all be again. Born again of the Spirit of God, innocent, blameless. Gotta go, the little guy just caught me, bye..
My daughter has been admitted to the Hospital, and we'll have them a few days. I won't get into the specifics, as even though she is my little girl, she's an adult, and I respect her privacy. A quick story while the house is relatively quiet. While walking Max with me, the oldest, Brandon, came along. At one point he says to me, I like the clouds, and I can see in the fog! Cool I said, did you know that clouds and fog are the same thing? Yes he said, I know that. You don't know that I responded, who told you that I said? I did, he responded, I told it to myself.
Kids. They are our future and our greatest hope. If you think that you have never seen God, just look into the eyes of the innocence that you see. What you don't understand, is that, that is the way we all were in the beginnig, full of innocence and wonder. And that is how we will all be again. Born again of the Spirit of God, innocent, blameless. Gotta go, the little guy just caught me, bye..
Friday, September 23, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
I love two things in this world other than my family, and those two things are my God, and my Country. And though of the two, God comes first, the immediacy of the time makes me speak about politics, and in this case, world politics. Believe me, I'd much rather explain to you about how, all God wants from us is to have a relationship with Him. This may astound you, but not only does God live, you can speak to him, but what he doesn't want, is your religion. Many of you have this confused, as you think love of God, and love of one's religion, are the same thing? They are not. The church is not a building, its people. The problems that confront all of us, not just Americans, but all of us in the world, can be solved only by God, and as a nation, we have strayed so far from God and morality, it is staggering.
So then, politics, but where to begin? I know, how about Mark Cuban? He comes to mind as a friend and I were just the other day talking about his latest rant regarding Brexit, a word most are familiar with by now, and the importance of having this so called globalism movement be accepted by the people. His warnings were meant for us working class people, who are so uninformed, that we need someone's help figuring it out. He tells us that the economy will collapse, not that it will not hurt him, as he said, I'm filthy rich, so I'm is in no danger. But he's a regular guy, you know, he doesn't care one way or the other, but he was just worried about the folks? But I would ask Mr. Cuban one question, Dangerous to who? Mr. Cuban is a salesman for globalism, because he is rich and elite and is part of it. I'll bet you a dollar to a donut, that he is heavily invested in Bitcoins.
Bitcoins? They call them a basket of currencies. What that means is, a new currency which is a little French frank, a little German mark, British pounds, well, you get the picture. But don't be naive, the currency they covet the most is the American dollar. The globalists need a new type of currency, for this new, One world government they want so badly. But as to who will be hurt if these changes go through is open to interpretation and perspective. Certainly not the already rich, not the poor, as there is a line in a book that says, The poor we will always have, but as for the middle class? No, world wide, they will not do so well. You see friends, A vote for Globalism is a vote for a two class system, one for the elites like Mr. Cuban, and one for everyone else, in the olden days, they were called, Peasants.
So then, politics, but where to begin? I know, how about Mark Cuban? He comes to mind as a friend and I were just the other day talking about his latest rant regarding Brexit, a word most are familiar with by now, and the importance of having this so called globalism movement be accepted by the people. His warnings were meant for us working class people, who are so uninformed, that we need someone's help figuring it out. He tells us that the economy will collapse, not that it will not hurt him, as he said, I'm filthy rich, so I'm is in no danger. But he's a regular guy, you know, he doesn't care one way or the other, but he was just worried about the folks? But I would ask Mr. Cuban one question, Dangerous to who? Mr. Cuban is a salesman for globalism, because he is rich and elite and is part of it. I'll bet you a dollar to a donut, that he is heavily invested in Bitcoins.
Bitcoins? They call them a basket of currencies. What that means is, a new currency which is a little French frank, a little German mark, British pounds, well, you get the picture. But don't be naive, the currency they covet the most is the American dollar. The globalists need a new type of currency, for this new, One world government they want so badly. But as to who will be hurt if these changes go through is open to interpretation and perspective. Certainly not the already rich, not the poor, as there is a line in a book that says, The poor we will always have, but as for the middle class? No, world wide, they will not do so well. You see friends, A vote for Globalism is a vote for a two class system, one for the elites like Mr. Cuban, and one for everyone else, in the olden days, they were called, Peasants.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Evolution and the scrubbing of History
As is becoming more and more apparent, our children are not being taught the truth about their own history, American History. I've been aware of the social engineering attempts going on in our country for some time now, but it became most obvious when so many young people seemed excited with the idea of Socialism. This should be a matter of concern, not only to me, but to all parents and grand parents. Because this can not being fluffed off as just some right wing conspiracy, this is actual. We watch as the barbarians we see on our TV's, blow up religious and historical artifacts, one after another. These are cherished ancient relics, works of art, being destroyed by barbarians, hell bent to destroy any artifact or reference to any historical event that doesn't share their ideology.
Well you say, those people are disgusting animals, and that could never happen here. And you would be right, but only in the fact that we wouldn't resort to barbarism, our attempts at scrubbing history are much more subtle than that. Our history is who we are, the good and the bad, but when you look to ignore it, or worse yet, attempt to change it, then it is no longer history, but something else, something sinister. In recent events, the Confederate flag was taken down from a state's capital, and rightly so, but to try and deny the historical significance of that part of our history is a mistake. We are who we are, the worst about us and the best. The general idea of these social engineer types, is to tell our children that we are not an exceptional country, in fact, we are not even a good country, and in reality, because we are the biggest, that we are nothing but a bunch of bullies beating up on the smaller countries. But where do these lies and misconceptions come from? Though there is nothing new in this mind set, and it is clear, now that Obama has made the curtain call for his apology tour, that it is President Obama who is the drum major with the big baton leading the parade. The apologies for America began with the Arab countries, with whose leaders he bowed. He apologized and made nice with comrade Fidel, and finally made our apologies to the Japanese people for having ended the most expensive war in the history of the world by using the atom bomb. For history's sake, it should be noted that at that time, the Japanese people were as fanatical about their Emperor, as were the German people towards Hitler. Fanatical to the point of fighting to the death. The full impact of that misguided will was made apparent on the island of Okinawa, the last island before the landing on the Japanese mainland. But for a hundred or so, the Japanese soldiers did fight to the death. Worse yet, so brainwashed were the Japanese people of Okinawa that the Americans were blood thirsty killers and rapists, that everyday citizens committed suicide in mass. The simple truth is, that as horrific a weapon as the bomb is, the decision to use it shortened the war, and saved the lives of millions.
Wanna hear something funny? This essay was to have been about evolution. But try as I might, the words weren't flowing, and I couldn't get it to sound right. So I'm thinking to myself, Uh oh, its finally happened, I must have writer's block? Then I realized that it was because the subject itself is so incredibly stupid, that there was no way to explain it logically.
Well you say, those people are disgusting animals, and that could never happen here. And you would be right, but only in the fact that we wouldn't resort to barbarism, our attempts at scrubbing history are much more subtle than that. Our history is who we are, the good and the bad, but when you look to ignore it, or worse yet, attempt to change it, then it is no longer history, but something else, something sinister. In recent events, the Confederate flag was taken down from a state's capital, and rightly so, but to try and deny the historical significance of that part of our history is a mistake. We are who we are, the worst about us and the best. The general idea of these social engineer types, is to tell our children that we are not an exceptional country, in fact, we are not even a good country, and in reality, because we are the biggest, that we are nothing but a bunch of bullies beating up on the smaller countries. But where do these lies and misconceptions come from? Though there is nothing new in this mind set, and it is clear, now that Obama has made the curtain call for his apology tour, that it is President Obama who is the drum major with the big baton leading the parade. The apologies for America began with the Arab countries, with whose leaders he bowed. He apologized and made nice with comrade Fidel, and finally made our apologies to the Japanese people for having ended the most expensive war in the history of the world by using the atom bomb. For history's sake, it should be noted that at that time, the Japanese people were as fanatical about their Emperor, as were the German people towards Hitler. Fanatical to the point of fighting to the death. The full impact of that misguided will was made apparent on the island of Okinawa, the last island before the landing on the Japanese mainland. But for a hundred or so, the Japanese soldiers did fight to the death. Worse yet, so brainwashed were the Japanese people of Okinawa that the Americans were blood thirsty killers and rapists, that everyday citizens committed suicide in mass. The simple truth is, that as horrific a weapon as the bomb is, the decision to use it shortened the war, and saved the lives of millions.
Wanna hear something funny? This essay was to have been about evolution. But try as I might, the words weren't flowing, and I couldn't get it to sound right. So I'm thinking to myself, Uh oh, its finally happened, I must have writer's block? Then I realized that it was because the subject itself is so incredibly stupid, that there was no way to explain it logically.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Of Liars and Elitists
I am watching the country I love tear itself in two, and I am saddened beyond measure. The battle lines are drawn between the haves and the have nots. Nothing new, as this is the basis for most wars. But rather than stroll down history's hallways, lets take a good look at the here and now. Elitism has been around forever, it separates the ruling class from the ruled. The Democrats may be in power now, but this isn't only about the abuses of the Obama administration. The outright snobbery of elitist thinking lives on both sides of the isle. Both sides look to take care of their own first, and if the people can gain from it now and then, all the better. It is this elitist attitude that is behind this dream of a one world government, through globalism,. One government to oversee all the different peoples of the world being led by the United Nations. Obama has already applied for the head job, so you know what his plan is. But for now, here in America, the government is still centered in Washington. The country got an eye opening example of the elitists on both sides not wanting the status quo to be trifled with. On the Democratic side, all those enthusiastic Bernie supporters learned that the fix was in, it was Hillary's turn, and that was decided in 08, right after Barack had secured the nomination. On the Republican side, we saw the same attitude then, that is still going on now in earnest. The establishment Republicans no more want Donald Trump than did the Democrats want Bernie. It isn't just the left, who, being so thin skinned about a little sarcasm, that is hurting Trump, but the elitists on the Republican side. Neither side can claim victory in this one, as their greed, and the fear of losing power, became clear to see for all Americans. Though both sides will tell you that the Constitution of the United States of America is a great document, neither of them seems to understand that the document was written to give the power to the people, The document begins with the words, We the People, not, we the ruling class, or, we the politicians. The power belongs to the people, because it is our people who makes this the greatest nation in the world. The people have spoken, and neither was taken serious. Why? Because what makes people elitists is more than just money and social standing, but their core belief that the people are just too stupid to rule themselves. Us poor working slobs, us everyday Joe's and Jane's are to be placated, but never taken seriously. Washington and it's insiders have become like a private club, it really doesn't matter your party, once your in, your part of the membership, and the club looks to protect it's own. This became clear to me after that mid level bureaucrat, decided it would be fun to use the power of the IRS and other agencies, to not grant tax free status to Christian groups, because they were considered to be conservative, and therefor posed a threat to the Democrats. The head of the IRS lied before the Senate subcommittee, regarding the woman's actions, and a career Republican, I believe it was Orrin Hatch from Utah? If not, my apology sir, called this disgrace, an honorable man? Thats when it was apparent, that the real Washington was like a private county club. Do any of you besides me think there is something wrong when the richest counties in the nation surround Washington DC? The pay is great, the benefits are the best there is, your guaranteed a job for life, and the work is easy! Who wouldn't want a job with the federal government? It has become nothing but a bloated cash cow, that has grown to obese proportions, (federal jobs have been created at record rates by the Obama administration). We who are patriots and citizens of the world applauded the Brits for their brave stance against the globalization machine, and now in this country, we too have a critical vote coming. You can give the elitist establishment what it wants, and put in their choice, you can waste your vote on some libertarian, who are weak kneed on defense, stay home and not vote at all, or vote for the first non-politician ever to run for the office. I'm for the people, and I am sick of politics as usual, I want real change, and after prayer and a lot of consideration, I am voting for Donald Trump in November. If you too are sick of the hypocrisy and double standards, if you are sickened by what 8 years of leading from behind has done to this nation, if you want any chance at all of restoring American pride and prestige again, vote for Donald Trump, and yes, he will make America great again!
Friday, August 5, 2016
A Can of Worms
I've put this off as I could, but now I guess its time to open this can of worms? First, who am I? Good question, for those of you who have read me for a while already know, I asked that very question of some of you, back in the Wisdom Quest days I think? Anyway, any of you who have been on board that long, thank you! I'd love to hear from some of you. What I am is nothing any of you can't be. Some people love to talk about themselves, I'm not one of them. So badly I did I not want to do this, that I wrote it out once, corrected it twice, and finally it came down to this. to A "shooting from the hip one,"' which means I'm typing directly what comes to mind, and this old wooden chair kills my back. But anyhow, back to the question at hand. Its a deep subject, but I am less confused about it now, than then. But there were people on line who thought I was Jesus. I can assure you that I'm not. I've been a Jersey Kid all my life, my wife's from Irvington, which was a kind of suburb to Newark I was born in Jersey City, so between the two of us, You can't get more Jersey than that. I'm a Christian Writer, but as a person, I'm kind off like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Politically, I'm considered a conservative, and thats a fair label, as I am a believer in States rights, rather than a centralized government. And that belief is not only for this country, but for the world, Congratulations to all you British patriots who stood your ground for freedom from the central government and this so called attempt at globalization. Each country, except by vote otherwise, should remain autonomous. Remaining to be proud countrymen, a separate nation, who is an equal and willing partner in the global community. Your stand was grass roots, your stand was for the working man, your stand was a brave step toward fighting the tyrant who is sure to come. Don't all of histories worst mass murderers always start so subtlety, as a gentle Socialist bearing gifts? Im gonna stop now, as even I know I'm meandering. I'm back, been gone for quite a spell I suspect? Just realized that the date might be important. Not sure why, but I went back to see the start date, but there was only current information. Anyway, I started this thing about would two weeks or so ago in July, and now its August fifth. Be back in a flash..
So anyway, let me get this debt paid, afterall, a promise is a promise. Where to begin is half the problem and how and where to end is the other. The square hole round peg reference is to the fact that politically, I'm considered conservative, while religiously, I wish there was a better word, but in that way, I'm considered a liberal. I can't win? The truth is that the truth hurts, and telling it will lead to more enemies than friends. As Kermit once said, It isn't easy being green. This really is hard, there are so many directions I can go? I believe I could probably make stereo instructions interesting, but when it comes to writing about yourself, I haven't got a clue?Maybe just a few personal stories, but that would take too long. Perhaps just a few beliefs. I believe there is one God, and that everything that is, is because of him. Recently, I was watching National Geographic, or something like that on TV. I don't know their names, but they are the new Carl Sagans, physics is their game. The premise of the story was that these two guys were all excited that according to their math, everything came from nothing. This is true enough, but trying to explain what they think is news, and their genius in math, left them woefully short in explaining it in English. Smart in math, but their oratory skills were somewhat lacking. The explanation they gave was that the universe condensed upon itself, until the pressure of this mass became so small and heavy that it exploded. I've also heard it explained that two objects collided causing this big bang. Your equations may be correct sirs, but no matter how you slice it, something had to pre-exist before the big explosion. You either believe that all of the perfection of life had an intelligent designer, or you believe that all of this was just a lucky accident? An intelligence far beyond our own is responsible, God exists!
I believe in one God, and though he has many names, there is only one way to that God, and that is through belief in his son, Jesus Christ. I believe that the U.S. constitution is the most perfect basis for any country. As personal as I can be is to tell you that I am logical to a fault. I'm not good with emotions. Things have to make sense for me to accept them. It was the same way with becoming a Christian. Though I agree that his thoughts are not ours, I could never accept that as an answer to a tough question, and just move on. I figured that God is the God of order, and not disorder, and though I don't claim to have all the answers, I know that I am right, because of the questions I did pursue, I did get the answer, and they made perfect sense. The key to remember is that the Lord doesn't want blind obedience, he wants you to understand. Don't be afraid to challenge him, that doesn't make it a sin, it makes it a conversation. I believe that there are others, but I'm sure the Lord intended me to be like a 21st. century John the Baptist. His job was to tell the people of His first coming, mine is to tell about His second coming. I'll tell you one more thing, and then I'm done, God has blessed me with knowledge, but I can also tell you that sometimes it seems more a burden than a blessing. It really isn't easy being green.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Finding the Truth (3.)
And so obviously, I've been doing a lot of thinking about this truth stuff, and so the Lord said to me, Yup Ed, you're right about that, and people have to learn to trust each other again, to speak to each other, rather than speaking at each other. Great idea, but what about you? Me? I speak the truth, you know I named my site Tested Truths. I always tell the truth. Have you told them who you are, and by what authority you think to say such things? Shouldn't they know about who it is that writes such things? Have you told them what it is you believe and why? You don't have to explain it to them, unless of course, someone asks of you an answer, but you do have to tell them what it is you believe. I think they know all that already Father, I've been telling them... Tell them what you believe! yes Lord.
Um, OK, well you heard it, its fess up time for me, but first, let me get in one more political point. The country is so divided, that we have begun to splinter off into sub groups within groups, nobody really knows what is going on. But why? How have we become this divided, why is it that we are as divided now as we were in the time of President Lincoln, at the time of the civil war. Again, how has this happened, how is it even possible, and most importantly, who is to blame? Well gang, there just isn't a way around it. Spin it how ever you want, blame the Republicans, blame the Senate, blame the press, blame the people? No, this violently divided country is the sole responsibility of President Barack Obama. As another president once said, the buck stops here. He was not only the President, but also the Commander in chief. Besides the racial tensions he helped stir up, the rest of the world is on fire during his watch. I can still hear the desperately stupid ones say weakly, yeah but Bush? What? That was 8 years ago man, he owns this mess. Because he was the first man of color elected, history will tread lightly on him, but his true legacy is that under his leadership, the country is so violently divided on so many issues, its ridiculous. I voted for him in 08. I did so because I hoped that it would fulfill Dr. King's dream, that we had made it, we had lived up to our creed. Finally, this nation could put the ugly scars of racism away forever. But no, it wasn't to be, instead he took us backward. Hollywood stars would recall the dragging death by some KKK people from the early fifties and equate that with I believe it was the Trayvon Martin kid, the one killed by some over zealous cop wanna be. The point is, the country had people of color in every powerful position in the country, and we were being told we are racist? Obama's true legacy is that he has been the most divisive President in the history of this country. Black people deserved better, all Americans did.
By the way, this ends the Finding Truth series, but I haven't forgotten, I'll fess up in the next one.
Um, OK, well you heard it, its fess up time for me, but first, let me get in one more political point. The country is so divided, that we have begun to splinter off into sub groups within groups, nobody really knows what is going on. But why? How have we become this divided, why is it that we are as divided now as we were in the time of President Lincoln, at the time of the civil war. Again, how has this happened, how is it even possible, and most importantly, who is to blame? Well gang, there just isn't a way around it. Spin it how ever you want, blame the Republicans, blame the Senate, blame the press, blame the people? No, this violently divided country is the sole responsibility of President Barack Obama. As another president once said, the buck stops here. He was not only the President, but also the Commander in chief. Besides the racial tensions he helped stir up, the rest of the world is on fire during his watch. I can still hear the desperately stupid ones say weakly, yeah but Bush? What? That was 8 years ago man, he owns this mess. Because he was the first man of color elected, history will tread lightly on him, but his true legacy is that under his leadership, the country is so violently divided on so many issues, its ridiculous. I voted for him in 08. I did so because I hoped that it would fulfill Dr. King's dream, that we had made it, we had lived up to our creed. Finally, this nation could put the ugly scars of racism away forever. But no, it wasn't to be, instead he took us backward. Hollywood stars would recall the dragging death by some KKK people from the early fifties and equate that with I believe it was the Trayvon Martin kid, the one killed by some over zealous cop wanna be. The point is, the country had people of color in every powerful position in the country, and we were being told we are racist? Obama's true legacy is that he has been the most divisive President in the history of this country. Black people deserved better, all Americans did.
By the way, this ends the Finding Truth series, but I haven't forgotten, I'll fess up in the next one.
Finding the Truth (2.)
Speaking the truth isn't easy and it takes a fair amount of courage, because more often than not, the truth will make you more enemies than friends. The truth hurts, it slaps you upside the head with common sense, there is no wiggle room with the truth, the truth just is. Often, the truth can be troublesome for politicians, and so they will use semantics to blur the facts, and pepper what they say with partial truths. The best of them are masters at avoiding speaking truthfully. These are the ones who flip like flags in the hot air of the day's public opinion. They want only to say the words that the crowd wants to hear, even when they themselves disagree with it, and know it to be untrue.
So what is it that can be done, now that the country is so hidden in this bed of lies, what can we, the average citizen do against the lies spread by the powerful? What is needed is the truth, even in the smallest things, speak truthfully to your fellow citizens, because big changes always starts small. It really is up to us, you and me, the people. We certainly can't count on our political leaders as they are the ones who got us all so confused with their political double speak, that it is hard to find the truth about any subject. Political lies is what has changed this country so much that for many, it doesn't seem if this is still the country we grew up in? If things like honor and integrity are important to you, we, the people of this once honorable land must act. Want your country back? If yes, then the responsibility begins with you citizen. When asked about, or discussing an uncomfortable subject, and in this environment, what isn't an uncomfortable subject, simply speak the truth, political correctness be damned! It is a tall order I know, speaking truthfully which should be a natural thing, has become almost dangerous today, as those who look to stifle free speech are masters of PC speak. These are the types who will call you a racist if you disagree with the president, or will accuse you of suffering from some sort of phobia. One thing is always true about the left, they hate facts, and the truth that logical reasoning brings. When threatened by the truth, and name calling doesn't stop you, you can expect to be shouted down. So how then are we to speak honestly and respectfully to those so threatened by anyone who disagrees with them? Remain calm, no matter how emotional the subject, your goal is to debate your fellow citizen with facts, not emotions. Remember, it doesn't really matter how you or the other person feels about the subject, feelings only clouds logic, and the truth is always logical. Remember to present your case calmly and without yelling or raising your vote, because nine times out of ten, the person doing the screaming is usually wrong, and always the one who is an idiot. If a respectable debate is not possible with that person or group, leave, because you should never cast your pearls to swine. Its a biblical term that loosely translated means, Don't waste your time with idiots.
So what is it that can be done, now that the country is so hidden in this bed of lies, what can we, the average citizen do against the lies spread by the powerful? What is needed is the truth, even in the smallest things, speak truthfully to your fellow citizens, because big changes always starts small. It really is up to us, you and me, the people. We certainly can't count on our political leaders as they are the ones who got us all so confused with their political double speak, that it is hard to find the truth about any subject. Political lies is what has changed this country so much that for many, it doesn't seem if this is still the country we grew up in? If things like honor and integrity are important to you, we, the people of this once honorable land must act. Want your country back? If yes, then the responsibility begins with you citizen. When asked about, or discussing an uncomfortable subject, and in this environment, what isn't an uncomfortable subject, simply speak the truth, political correctness be damned! It is a tall order I know, speaking truthfully which should be a natural thing, has become almost dangerous today, as those who look to stifle free speech are masters of PC speak. These are the types who will call you a racist if you disagree with the president, or will accuse you of suffering from some sort of phobia. One thing is always true about the left, they hate facts, and the truth that logical reasoning brings. When threatened by the truth, and name calling doesn't stop you, you can expect to be shouted down. So how then are we to speak honestly and respectfully to those so threatened by anyone who disagrees with them? Remain calm, no matter how emotional the subject, your goal is to debate your fellow citizen with facts, not emotions. Remember, it doesn't really matter how you or the other person feels about the subject, feelings only clouds logic, and the truth is always logical. Remember to present your case calmly and without yelling or raising your vote, because nine times out of ten, the person doing the screaming is usually wrong, and always the one who is an idiot. If a respectable debate is not possible with that person or group, leave, because you should never cast your pearls to swine. Its a biblical term that loosely translated means, Don't waste your time with idiots.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Finding the Truth (1.)
The strangest part for me is that I'm writing this at all. For the first time in my life, I didn't want to write. The problem was that try as I might, everything I started to write turned out being political in some way. I tried so hard to get away from it, I stopped watching the news and pretty much ignored the internet. But still from bits and pieces, the headlines found their way in, clouding over far more important subjects. Recently, the Islamist murder of the kids at a dance club, and now this dumb racist targeting white cops, and it became too much! What in God's name is happening to us? Both are hate crimes and should be tried as such. But yesterday's attack wasn't only about whites, but as the radicals themselves have said, Its a war on police. Cops are being shot and killed at alarming rates, all across the country, and the majority of them were probably black and hispanic. This kid may have been a racist nut, but he'd a killed any cop, black or white. No matter your politics, you have to admit that these men were heroes, they ran toward the bullets, like our military, fire firefighters and the like, they ran toward the danger, not for themselves, but for others, and you have to respect that.
So what has happened, how has it come to this, will this be the end or only the beginning? When I think about the country I love, I am saddened by what I see. There is so much wrong, and we have become so divided, how can any of it be fixed? What is needed is an honest conversation, a conversation where PC speak is ignored, and a person speaks honestly and unafraid. Speak the truth about what you believe and why. And even though you think you'll probably disagree, listen to the other guys point of view and treat him with respect. There is always a lot of talk about phobias. racial phobias, sexual phobias, and Obama's personal favorite, Islam a phobia. Strangely, the biggest phobia is the most dangerous for the country and the least well known. Amer a phobia, or the fear of embarrassment for being called a patriot. In our schools words like liberators when landing on foreign soil is being replaced with invaders? The lessons being taught is that America is not a great nation, and that we are just a mean ole bully. How else do you explain so many kids thinking that maybe this time socialism will work? Obama just got back from the second apology tour, where he apologized for the dropping of the bomb that ended the war. Key word, ended, and though terrible, it saved millions. Historians on both sides agree on that point. That is just one of many examples, but the bottom line is our children don't know their own history, and are being made to feel ashamed of their heritage. That same lack of respect is why that evil man thought it was OK to feel like that, and justified in his decision. Disrespect for our country, and disrespect for those who defend her, and that is a politically learned response. That is at the core of what is wrong.
So what has happened, how has it come to this, will this be the end or only the beginning? When I think about the country I love, I am saddened by what I see. There is so much wrong, and we have become so divided, how can any of it be fixed? What is needed is an honest conversation, a conversation where PC speak is ignored, and a person speaks honestly and unafraid. Speak the truth about what you believe and why. And even though you think you'll probably disagree, listen to the other guys point of view and treat him with respect. There is always a lot of talk about phobias. racial phobias, sexual phobias, and Obama's personal favorite, Islam a phobia. Strangely, the biggest phobia is the most dangerous for the country and the least well known. Amer a phobia, or the fear of embarrassment for being called a patriot. In our schools words like liberators when landing on foreign soil is being replaced with invaders? The lessons being taught is that America is not a great nation, and that we are just a mean ole bully. How else do you explain so many kids thinking that maybe this time socialism will work? Obama just got back from the second apology tour, where he apologized for the dropping of the bomb that ended the war. Key word, ended, and though terrible, it saved millions. Historians on both sides agree on that point. That is just one of many examples, but the bottom line is our children don't know their own history, and are being made to feel ashamed of their heritage. That same lack of respect is why that evil man thought it was OK to feel like that, and justified in his decision. Disrespect for our country, and disrespect for those who defend her, and that is a politically learned response. That is at the core of what is wrong.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
The question mark is because I legitimately don't know what the letters mean. I was going to refer to your group as the Alphabet people, you know, kind of tongue in cheek, but figured for sure that someone would take offense? As an outsider, it might be fair to say that you guys aren't the only ones confused by all this sexual identity stuff.
For those of you who have never read anything of mine before, from your political views, I am probably the worst of the worst? Meaning, that I am a bible believing conservative, a veritable double shot of the dreaded other side. For the record, I, as do all good Christians, share your grief, and we mourn for those of you who lost family and friends. I know what its like personally to have someone who died at the hands of these same terrorists. I knew two people personally who died in the Twin Towers. I know of your pain and your anger. It is righteous anger.
I tell you this because your community is about to be used as political pawns by those who wish to separate us for political gain and worse. Soon, during what is shaping up to be one of the filthiest and vile political campaigns will soon to be unleashed on all of us. You will be told vicious lies about the Christian right, that we are all homophobic, and that secretly we think you got what you deserve, but don't you believe it! Because though we hate the politics that you represent, we love you. In short, Christians are told to hate the sin, but love the sinner, because all are guilty, and no one but God has the right to judge. For the record, it isn't your love that is a sin, Jesus is love, and to love is natural. It is only when the natural love which is spiritual, becomes the unnatural, that sin occurs. But enough about that, except to say, if any would like to have an honest discussion about the subject, Please, feel free to comment.
No doubt you've heard that politics makes for strange bedfellows, and so it is here as we share a common enemy, so slide over baby, and quit hogging all the blankets! Across the world, genocide is in full swing, and Christians and gays are definitely targets. What happened at that club in Orlando is just the beginning, a church service could very well be next. One thing we know for sure, is that like the club, it'll happen in another place where the only ones who have guns are the bad guys. So here's the point to all of this, Though Obama will do everything in his power to divert the motives of this latest murderer, to the availability of guns, or the story that the married man did it because he was battling with his own homo-sexual feelings, the plain truth is, you were a target because you were gay, by another Islamist terrorist who screamed Allah Akbar while he calmly executed the innocent. You and I might be miles apart politically, but we share one thing, we both have targets on our backs. We can no longer ignore the enemy who makes himself so obvious and kills so arrogantly. We, not just Christians and gays, but all Americans, must come together to fight this common enemy. We either put the politics away for now and join as one people, or we will die as one people, some faster than others.
For those of you who have never read anything of mine before, from your political views, I am probably the worst of the worst? Meaning, that I am a bible believing conservative, a veritable double shot of the dreaded other side. For the record, I, as do all good Christians, share your grief, and we mourn for those of you who lost family and friends. I know what its like personally to have someone who died at the hands of these same terrorists. I knew two people personally who died in the Twin Towers. I know of your pain and your anger. It is righteous anger.
I tell you this because your community is about to be used as political pawns by those who wish to separate us for political gain and worse. Soon, during what is shaping up to be one of the filthiest and vile political campaigns will soon to be unleashed on all of us. You will be told vicious lies about the Christian right, that we are all homophobic, and that secretly we think you got what you deserve, but don't you believe it! Because though we hate the politics that you represent, we love you. In short, Christians are told to hate the sin, but love the sinner, because all are guilty, and no one but God has the right to judge. For the record, it isn't your love that is a sin, Jesus is love, and to love is natural. It is only when the natural love which is spiritual, becomes the unnatural, that sin occurs. But enough about that, except to say, if any would like to have an honest discussion about the subject, Please, feel free to comment.
No doubt you've heard that politics makes for strange bedfellows, and so it is here as we share a common enemy, so slide over baby, and quit hogging all the blankets! Across the world, genocide is in full swing, and Christians and gays are definitely targets. What happened at that club in Orlando is just the beginning, a church service could very well be next. One thing we know for sure, is that like the club, it'll happen in another place where the only ones who have guns are the bad guys. So here's the point to all of this, Though Obama will do everything in his power to divert the motives of this latest murderer, to the availability of guns, or the story that the married man did it because he was battling with his own homo-sexual feelings, the plain truth is, you were a target because you were gay, by another Islamist terrorist who screamed Allah Akbar while he calmly executed the innocent. You and I might be miles apart politically, but we share one thing, we both have targets on our backs. We can no longer ignore the enemy who makes himself so obvious and kills so arrogantly. We, not just Christians and gays, but all Americans, must come together to fight this common enemy. We either put the politics away for now and join as one people, or we will die as one people, some faster than others.
Ticks on a hound
How are things looking in your neck of the woods? Things are looking pretty bleak from here. If nothing else, it is getting interesting, wouldn't you say? We have never been so divided, 50 American kids are gunned down by a guy who's god is murder. But within minutes of the horror, while the floors were still wet with blood, everyone retreated to their fox holes and dug in. These are the type whose mind has been closed on the subject long ago, these are "the hard liners". Hard liners live in abject fear of giving an inch, for they will surely take a mile. This is the motto of the hardliners, on both the right and on the left. Their fear borders on paranoia when it comes to anyone even discussing their pet project. For some, they consider it the hardliners in the NRA that bothers them, for others, its Roe vs. Wade, and then there is the largest group, those who fear touching Social Security. For these, the fact that the fund will be broke very shortly means nothing. The problem for the rest of us, no matter our pet law, is that the hardliners usually lead the rest, us included. Usually, the only reason they tend to lead is because they scream the loudest and are the most obnoxious. To follow a bunch of loud obnoxious fools isn't easy. You can never find a good moderate when you need one.
No, the saddest news is, that thanks to the most divisive president in history, no one will give an inch. Why their dug in deeper than ticks on a hound.
No, the saddest news is, that thanks to the most divisive president in history, no one will give an inch. Why their dug in deeper than ticks on a hound.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Social Christianity
If I were to tell you that Socialism has it's own religion, would you believe me? Turns out they do, and its' called, Social Christianity. Key word, Social. So then, socialism, what is it? On it's surface, it looks very appealing. It's appeal comes from the fact that if Heaven was to have a government, Socialism would best define it. With socialism, the theory is, that everyone is equal. Everyone that is, except for the ruling class. If our government were today, socialist, the only wildly rich people would be the elitists, those who are high up in government, hollywood actors. People like that would remain filthy rich, but as for the rest of us, No, not so much. In heaven of course, everyone truly is equal, everyone that is except for the Lord, as he would provide all our needs and then some, and they would all come from a loving God, and not from a government hell bent on self perpetuating. With the heaven on earth attempt called socialism, men are in control, and their power is great. In heaven, it isn't men in control, but God, huge difference! Sooner, rather than later, all that money and power goes to your head, and it is absolutely true that with people, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Believe it or not, I came upon the existence of this little cult quite by accident. I was thinking of doing a piece about peace, and when looking up the Serenity Prayer, I noticed the author's name was Reinhold Niebuhr. Another German I thought, and went about looking him up. His heritage may be German, but he was born in Missouri, USA in 1892. As an acknowledged theologian, he helped to put in place child labor laws. He also was a faithful follower of Karl Marx, and if you don't know who Karl Marx is, he was one of the founders of Communism, and like any good tyrant, was responsible for millions of deaths. As a follower of Marx, it isn't hard to understand his left leanings and ideology, and why when mixing his politics with his religion, that he would come upon the idea for Social Christianity. Social Christian teaching is still very much alive. In fact, for the twenty years of Barack Obama's Christian walk, he sat under the tutelage of the heavily racist, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Social Christianity is based on a kind of "it takes a village" mentality, in that all power comes from a select group. In Mr. Wright's point of view, that group was black. Before him, Adolf Hitler's use of this false doctrine was to limit his group to what he called, "those of aryan blood. The key to this cult, as with all the others, is its demand that all within the group be like minded to the point of being in lockstep. Like goose stepping little soldiers? There can be no thought or opinions outside of the group directive, free thinkers need not apply. But speaking from a purely Christian perspective, let me tell you why these teachings are so wrong. They believe that salvation can be achieved only in a group setting, but we know from Jesus's teaching on the subject, that salvation, that come to Jesus moment, is uniquely personal, and though we often praise God in a group setting, our salvation is personal. Secondly, their gospel tells us that before Christ's return, the second coming won't happen until the church cures all the social ills of the world? If the church, (people), could solve the social ills of life, then Jesus died for no reason.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Fate (Rom. 8:28-)
I have this little game I play with the children in my life. Always at a family get together, while the kids are laughing and running wild in the house, I will call one of them over. When I was sure I had their attention, I would ask them, Where would you be if you weren't here? The reactions and the answers to such a silly question is as different as are the children. Other than my two grand daughters saying, Oh Poppi and giggling, no two reactions were the same. Whats the point of this little story of mine? There is no point really, except to use it as an example for fate. With fate, you might ask yourself, was it their destiny to take the steps across a busy room to be confronted with grandpa fate? Surely if everything is fate, then they would have had no choice in the matter, they would be like actors performing a role in Life's one act play. If fate, then they had no choice in the matter, and they couldn't have not come when I called them. Words like destiny and fate are powerful words, because much like legacy, they are a statement about a life.
Paul addresses this very question in the book of Romans. Perception, keep this word in mind, because it is important that you know whose perspective Paul is talking about, yours or Gods. He uses words like predestined, preconceived and foreknew. These are the words used when speaking about time and how it works. Fate has a finality to it, as does destiny, but destiny can be a running account, where fate comes only at the end. It isn't a simple subject by any means, as to talk about such things, you must also start to understand the workings of time. The answer as to whether your life has already been prescribed, and therefore you have no choice in the matter, or whether you have free will, and your life goes only as you run it, is yes on both counts. Confused? I don't blame you. Remember Perspective? One from God's point of view and one from ours. With God, all our lives are seen as fate, because he has seen it all. Because God is outside of time, it is hard to get his point of view. Because you can't see time, imagine God's view of it was from space, where ours is from wherever we are? The best way I can explain it, how and what God sees when he looks at us. He sees our lives as linear lines of film, starting from our berth till our death, each moment a snapshot. Each of us has a length of film attached to us some longer than others, according to the length of our lives on this earth. From His perspective, he can see your whole life, past, present, as you take each breath, and future, all of it, from beginning to end. From God's perspective, you are fulfilling a destiny that will lead you to your fate. From your perspective, You are free to do whatever it is you do. Because you? Your not following any prescribed steps, your just stumbling around, one day at a time.
Paul addresses this very question in the book of Romans. Perception, keep this word in mind, because it is important that you know whose perspective Paul is talking about, yours or Gods. He uses words like predestined, preconceived and foreknew. These are the words used when speaking about time and how it works. Fate has a finality to it, as does destiny, but destiny can be a running account, where fate comes only at the end. It isn't a simple subject by any means, as to talk about such things, you must also start to understand the workings of time. The answer as to whether your life has already been prescribed, and therefore you have no choice in the matter, or whether you have free will, and your life goes only as you run it, is yes on both counts. Confused? I don't blame you. Remember Perspective? One from God's point of view and one from ours. With God, all our lives are seen as fate, because he has seen it all. Because God is outside of time, it is hard to get his point of view. Because you can't see time, imagine God's view of it was from space, where ours is from wherever we are? The best way I can explain it, how and what God sees when he looks at us. He sees our lives as linear lines of film, starting from our berth till our death, each moment a snapshot. Each of us has a length of film attached to us some longer than others, according to the length of our lives on this earth. From His perspective, he can see your whole life, past, present, as you take each breath, and future, all of it, from beginning to end. From God's perspective, you are fulfilling a destiny that will lead you to your fate. From your perspective, You are free to do whatever it is you do. Because you? Your not following any prescribed steps, your just stumbling around, one day at a time.
Monday, May 16, 2016
On being alone,
Alone, we are, all of us, alone. We are that famous trio of ignorance, Me myself and I, and they go wherever we go. Afterall, isn't it true that everywhere you go, there you are, and that no matter how hard you try, that you can never get away from you? But alone we all go, and alone we shall be. Alone with our thoughts, alone in a crowd, alone at times when we are by ourselves, those times when we truly are, all alone. While alone and isolated is when we can do the best clear thinking, at those times when the only opinions you hear are your own. These few sentences were how I had started this one before I decided to change it. Because while thinking about the subject, I discovered a correlation between being alone and Paul's teaching on fate and had switched gears to talk about that. The one with all the foreknew, predetermined and predestined stuff, the one that so few understand.
Obviously, this was a mistake, as the two subjects though joined in some ways, are a complete enough subject within themselves, and deserved the proper amount of space to be separate story's. Anyway, this is what it is to become, whatever it is this turns out to be from here on? Though being alone is most often a good thing, being alone to the extent where loneliness comes, this is not good. It is a very serious subject, and I was trying to begin such a serious subject with humor. That is why the first paragraph had so many uses for the word alone. I have found that by intentionally spinning words like that, that it draws the reader in. But for me, at that point, enough had become enough, and even I was sick of it. In fact, the paragraph about Paul's teaching started with the words, Enough already.
Getting back to the subject of being alone. Being alone with our thoughts can be a scary place without the Lord. The loneliness that a person who does not know God feels is real, for they truly are alone. If for whatever reason, that person believes that there is no one who can help, and little hope, left alone to his thoughts, all that person has is self, and self is a tyrant. That feeling of being alone and isolated, almost always leads to depression and all that comes with such a state of mind.
Left alone to our own devices, when we are alone and have time to think, what comes so easily at these times is self examination, and with that, guilt. I've heard that Jewish moms are the best at spreading guilt, but I know others who ain't to shabby at laying on the guilt either. Doubts, it always starts with doubts, and who among us has not had doubts? None, because it is part of the human condition. The, if onlys, and what ifs, they get you every time. So what about those regrets both small and large, what about those times when what you did caused others to hurt? The answer? There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and as long as you belong to him, there is no reason for any guilt, and the guilt you do still feel, that is only the last remnants of pride.
Obviously, this was a mistake, as the two subjects though joined in some ways, are a complete enough subject within themselves, and deserved the proper amount of space to be separate story's. Anyway, this is what it is to become, whatever it is this turns out to be from here on? Though being alone is most often a good thing, being alone to the extent where loneliness comes, this is not good. It is a very serious subject, and I was trying to begin such a serious subject with humor. That is why the first paragraph had so many uses for the word alone. I have found that by intentionally spinning words like that, that it draws the reader in. But for me, at that point, enough had become enough, and even I was sick of it. In fact, the paragraph about Paul's teaching started with the words, Enough already.
Getting back to the subject of being alone. Being alone with our thoughts can be a scary place without the Lord. The loneliness that a person who does not know God feels is real, for they truly are alone. If for whatever reason, that person believes that there is no one who can help, and little hope, left alone to his thoughts, all that person has is self, and self is a tyrant. That feeling of being alone and isolated, almost always leads to depression and all that comes with such a state of mind.
Left alone to our own devices, when we are alone and have time to think, what comes so easily at these times is self examination, and with that, guilt. I've heard that Jewish moms are the best at spreading guilt, but I know others who ain't to shabby at laying on the guilt either. Doubts, it always starts with doubts, and who among us has not had doubts? None, because it is part of the human condition. The, if onlys, and what ifs, they get you every time. So what about those regrets both small and large, what about those times when what you did caused others to hurt? The answer? There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, and as long as you belong to him, there is no reason for any guilt, and the guilt you do still feel, that is only the last remnants of pride.
Friday, May 6, 2016
America, still one nation under God?
America, What have you gone and done? The great strength of our nation has always come from our diversity, we got the best from each country. A patchwork blanket made from every nation known to man. This quilt of many colors and textures, covers us in a blanket of security. It protects us because it is strong, and it is strong because it was made from the finest thread and yarn from many different places. Many different places, many different people, many threads to make our blanket, but always one resolve. A belief that we, all of us, whether born here or naturalized, that we are all an equal part of the greatest nation in the world. A pride born of hard work and suffering, each to his own personal struggle, but each with one common goal, that being the pursuit of life liberty and happiness.
But into our midst an evil has come, it grew undetected at first, but now like a cancer, brazen, it lets it's ugly tumors to be seen by all. Evil knew that our strength was our diversity, and so it looked to weaken the strength of our fabric by dividing us, working to separate the strands from the cords, the fine cotton linen from the silk, and the wool from the strings. Evil knew that only divided could we fall, and so it is evil that is so hard at work trying to divide us. How has this happened you might ask, how is it that we have allowed this? The forests of truth burn all around you, and yet, you can not see the flames for the trees. The things of greatest importance you ignore, while you squabble about silly things.
God looks at the kings and power brokers of this world and laughs at their feeble attempts. The politicians will rush towards the center looking to appease them all, looking to reunite a people who have been divided by forces and powers that they can not see. But they are doomed to fail, no matter the source, for the doctrines of men are folly to our God. You see America, this coming election is far more important that simply naming another president, because this election is about the very soul of America. The evil that has beset our nation and goes about dividing us for defeat, is not man but spirit, and men can not cure spiritual ills, only another spirit can do that. We as a nation must return to our founding father, we must return to the Lord. Simply put, from the Lord's perspective, it isn't about whether you vote Republican or Democrat, but rather do you believe in Him? Jesus is on the ballot, and he asks of you, Do you believe in me or not, and if you do, what are you prepared to do about it? What can you do you ask? Start by listening to the other guy, and tell the truth. Simple right? From this point forward, be honest with yourself and others, and let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. Nothing short of the fate of our land lys with your decision.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
One Interesting Day
On Tuesday night, I got to meet two of my heroes. I thought for a while about calling them heroes, and all that such a word brings to mind. I had considered just saying that I was a fan, but I have always believed that the word fan came from the word fanatic, and that word conjures up too much negativity. Anyway, I decided on hero, as for me, these two men meet my criteria for such a compliment.
It was held in a building built in 1930 called, The Union League Club, and it housed the Socrates in the City event to which I was to attend. Very posh neighborhood, and inside, the walls held portraits of historical people. A lot of oak and high ceilings, marble floors throughout, as were the winding staircases and the railings. I felt immediately out of place, and found my way to the bar to order a glass of red wine to settle myself down a bit. The barman was very friendly and when I tried to pay him said, Oh no sir, the drinks are complimentary. Oh yes, I said, of course they are, or something equally stupid like that, while the others around the bar nodded knowingly. I found my seat and sat down. I thoroughly enjoyed the event, and when it was over I wound my way to the front to get my book signed by Eric Metaxas. I was lucky to have remembered my copy, as I had almost left it at home. The book, Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, is a great book, and I highly recommend it. He was gracious and signed it, and I made my way from the stage to where I knew Dick Cavet had been sitting. He was speaking to another man, or more accurately, another man was speaking to him, but when the man stopped talking I said, Mr. Cavet, while extending my hand. He turned and shook it, and I said looking at him, thats' it, and thank you. You're a good man he said as I turned to go. So far, this was turning out to be an interesting day. I walked back to Penn Station, and was able to catch an earlier train. When I got home it was not yet midnight, I turned on my TV, and found out that it will be Donald Trump who will be the Republican nominee to run against the new Democratic Socialists party in November. Yup, this surely had turned out to be an interesting day.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Frustration with a side of Slim Pickens
Its looking like all Americans are going to have to prepare themselves for slim pickens come November. Whether you are a righty or a lefty, neither side has put forth their best. So in November, both democrats and republicans are going to have to face going into the voting booth, holding their nose, and pulling a lever. The phrase slim pickens came to me when I was thinking about one of my favorite cowboy actors, Slim Pickens. Slim Pickens, what a great name for a cowboy!
But as for the frustration side of the coin, I used to spend a lot of time being frustrated, but hopefully, no more. You see, it has been building in me for years now. But after about eight frustrating years of trying to get a self published book out, I'm finally giving up the ghost. I fought the good fight, but I lost. All I really wanted was to see my book, any of them, on the shelves at book stores. Seemed like a reasonable desire, afterall, I am a writer. But for a number of reasons, all of them frustrating in their own right, I have to let go of the things I have no control over. The problem for me, and I think this true for most men, I get mad at the things I cannot change. I have dealt with rage for most of my life, and so I've come to a place where the things that hurt me or cause me to be frustrated aren't worth having around, and so I cut those things out of my life like a cancer.
So anyway, I'm still stewing over the book thing, but I'm working on calming down. Enter the drive from hell! My wife and I are driving into the city. We have tickets to be in the studio audience for the Greg Gutfeld show. It started out as such a nice peaceful drive. Key word, Drive. Though we had talked about taking the train in, I convinced her that it would be better if we drove? Bad decision. They used to say that New Jersey had the most cars per square mile than any other state. It must be true, because every single one of them was out on Saturday. Had I bothered to check the traffic reports, I would have known that the best way into the city was the Holland tunnel. So here we sat. Out there on the highway, that now was a parking lot. Frustrated? An understatement. But here's the good news, I didn't loose my temper!
But as for the frustration side of the coin, I used to spend a lot of time being frustrated, but hopefully, no more. You see, it has been building in me for years now. But after about eight frustrating years of trying to get a self published book out, I'm finally giving up the ghost. I fought the good fight, but I lost. All I really wanted was to see my book, any of them, on the shelves at book stores. Seemed like a reasonable desire, afterall, I am a writer. But for a number of reasons, all of them frustrating in their own right, I have to let go of the things I have no control over. The problem for me, and I think this true for most men, I get mad at the things I cannot change. I have dealt with rage for most of my life, and so I've come to a place where the things that hurt me or cause me to be frustrated aren't worth having around, and so I cut those things out of my life like a cancer.
So anyway, I'm still stewing over the book thing, but I'm working on calming down. Enter the drive from hell! My wife and I are driving into the city. We have tickets to be in the studio audience for the Greg Gutfeld show. It started out as such a nice peaceful drive. Key word, Drive. Though we had talked about taking the train in, I convinced her that it would be better if we drove? Bad decision. They used to say that New Jersey had the most cars per square mile than any other state. It must be true, because every single one of them was out on Saturday. Had I bothered to check the traffic reports, I would have known that the best way into the city was the Holland tunnel. So here we sat. Out there on the highway, that now was a parking lot. Frustrated? An understatement. But here's the good news, I didn't loose my temper!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
The Blues
It came crawling out of the back woods and bayous of the South. Like a crawling King snake on the prowl. All art begins crudely, and speaking from a purely musical perspective, so it is with the Blues. But it is those crude beginnings that are at the base of the music. It was born of hard times and disappointments, and fueled by the beat of jungles from far away places. But as with any art, it must evolve to stay relevant, and the red hot players of today, have carried the flame proudly. The blues should never be confused with pop music, though the cross overs are ominous and many. Blues stands alone as one of the three foundations of American music. A trio that is as American as apple pie. The blues, jazz, and country, in that order for me, which is not to diminish the importance of any. Each is important, each can stand alone, but together, their blending is a music uniquely our own, American music. Our music and it's world wide appeal is yet another reason why we are the greatest country in the world. If we weren't, perhaps we'd all be listening to Russian dance music?
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Just Wondering?
I figure after my last distasteful post, that possibly something completely different was in order? Anyway, this. This is a shoot from the hip post, meaning that I'm just typing. So I came upon this egg corn just outside my front door. The majority of trees in my area are oaks, but this was not from an oak? It looks like a peanut shell, similar to walnuts, but elongated rather then bulbous in shape. Also, this egg corn/nut, is loose within the shell, it rattles when you shake it. This is turning out to be only a question, with no real point, other than to just settle my curiosity.
What is the study of trees called, Ontology, or is it some other kind of ology? Anyway, to be more specific, does anyone know the name of the science, and the name of the type of tree? Please comment, and save me all this angst. Trees are one of the most interesting forms of life on the planet. It is said that they are the reason for the air we all breath. But beyond that important matter, their life and existence and the importance of that life, is made clear throughout the Bible. It is talked about in Genesis and Revelation, the beginning of the bible and its end. Trees are often described in literature, usually as scenes of beauty or as a place of comfort, like the shade of the tree on a hot summer's day. But also, trees are often used as a metaphor to denote strength and wisdom.
But I'm not looking to delve into the metaphorical importance of trees right now. All I'm wanting is a simple answer to my question, and any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What is the study of trees called, Ontology, or is it some other kind of ology? Anyway, to be more specific, does anyone know the name of the science, and the name of the type of tree? Please comment, and save me all this angst. Trees are one of the most interesting forms of life on the planet. It is said that they are the reason for the air we all breath. But beyond that important matter, their life and existence and the importance of that life, is made clear throughout the Bible. It is talked about in Genesis and Revelation, the beginning of the bible and its end. Trees are often described in literature, usually as scenes of beauty or as a place of comfort, like the shade of the tree on a hot summer's day. But also, trees are often used as a metaphor to denote strength and wisdom.
But I'm not looking to delve into the metaphorical importance of trees right now. All I'm wanting is a simple answer to my question, and any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Of bed bugs and lice
It is a complicated thing, this figuring out where the nation is going. It takes a bit of fine considerings. Amazingly, and this I say to Fox news cable along with the rest of the media riff raff, Donald Trump and what goes on with the Republicans is not the story. The story is the Democratic party, and how it handles Socialism! Add to that, the recent embarrassment our President caused us by his ass kissing event, held recently in Cuba. So by Barack's example, has Bernie's Democratic Socialism be enough, or are we to have Democratic Communism not far behind? Speaking of behinds, I heard that even after Barack got his lips dirty in the kissing event, comrade Fidel dissed him?
The Republicans will run either Trump or Cruz. If they feel at all suicidal, then they'll hand pick another? But here's the thing, it doesn't matter who the Republicans run, it could be Mickey Mouse. One thing is only now becoming crystal clear, A vote for crazy uncle Bernie or Hillary, puts you in bed with the new Democratic Socialists, or the not too far behind, Democratic Communist party. But I will tell you that you will be sorry if you choose to sleep in that bed. Because that bed is loaded with bed bugs and lice!
The Republicans will run either Trump or Cruz. If they feel at all suicidal, then they'll hand pick another? But here's the thing, it doesn't matter who the Republicans run, it could be Mickey Mouse. One thing is only now becoming crystal clear, A vote for crazy uncle Bernie or Hillary, puts you in bed with the new Democratic Socialists, or the not too far behind, Democratic Communist party. But I will tell you that you will be sorry if you choose to sleep in that bed. Because that bed is loaded with bed bugs and lice!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
Today is Palm Sunday, the day we celebrate Jesus, entrance to Jerusalem as King of the Jews. He was proclaimed as such by the people, but rejected by the Sanhedrin, who in those days were the equivelant of the government for the faithful. Rome had conquered Israel, so they were the government government . But I'm not going to talk about that. I will tell you to read the account of this day in any of the four gospels yourself. You'll be amazed at the relevance with today. The people rejoiced at his coming, but the government feared it. So they had a PR problem on their hands, and had to divide the people among themselves so that their's was the voice of reason. Sound familiar? That is why the bible is a Living Document, it is always relevant.
That event happened about 2100 years ago, but I want to talk about the future, in that our time was prophecied by so many, and this is that time. We are in the beginnings of the end. The actual day of the end of the end, no one but the Father knows.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Translation, As the time of the Lord's return gets closer by the day, Evil will look to separate the flock. I've have seen this already among some of you. I take liberties with scripture with my style of writing that often upsets the "jot and tittle" crowd, and I apologize to you for that. But one thing I have never done, is to lie to you. The passage goes on to tell how to judge between the good and the bad, By their fruit it says. A metaphor for their lives yes, but also of the ultimate fruit, Truth. He who tells the truth speaks for Jesus, while he who speaks lies speaks for Satan. It is that easy, and of course, that hard. It is hard because it takes so many lies to cover the truth. But the excavation on your part to find that truth, lies in the pages of the Bible. Anyone who strays from the whole truth, but rather tells only half truths, these are false prophets also. What I write goes out publicly, but it is meant for those who already know the Lord. You believer, are a target, because in matters that concern the Kingdom of God, the people they look to confuse and separate are the faithful. You are the real target, because the rest, those who still don't know him, are already lost. But you Christian, you. If the evil one can get to you and convince you of a lie, you will lead the rest.
It is simple really, preach Jesus and him crucified, and why it was necessary, and when next Sunday comes, maybe some will be less about the finery they wear, and more about the man who is the only link to the Living God.
That event happened about 2100 years ago, but I want to talk about the future, in that our time was prophecied by so many, and this is that time. We are in the beginnings of the end. The actual day of the end of the end, no one but the Father knows.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Translation, As the time of the Lord's return gets closer by the day, Evil will look to separate the flock. I've have seen this already among some of you. I take liberties with scripture with my style of writing that often upsets the "jot and tittle" crowd, and I apologize to you for that. But one thing I have never done, is to lie to you. The passage goes on to tell how to judge between the good and the bad, By their fruit it says. A metaphor for their lives yes, but also of the ultimate fruit, Truth. He who tells the truth speaks for Jesus, while he who speaks lies speaks for Satan. It is that easy, and of course, that hard. It is hard because it takes so many lies to cover the truth. But the excavation on your part to find that truth, lies in the pages of the Bible. Anyone who strays from the whole truth, but rather tells only half truths, these are false prophets also. What I write goes out publicly, but it is meant for those who already know the Lord. You believer, are a target, because in matters that concern the Kingdom of God, the people they look to confuse and separate are the faithful. You are the real target, because the rest, those who still don't know him, are already lost. But you Christian, you. If the evil one can get to you and convince you of a lie, you will lead the rest.
It is simple really, preach Jesus and him crucified, and why it was necessary, and when next Sunday comes, maybe some will be less about the finery they wear, and more about the man who is the only link to the Living God.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Being What Is
I had such a great story in mind about my dog Max. A real funny one too, or so I thought. Mostly because, sometimes I just think funny things. But instead.. well, you know the rest?
Here we all are, election, 2016 style. No one, and that bears repeating, no one, on the left or the right denies that this country is seriously divided. As to whose responsible? If you can believe it, its been eight years since he was in office, there are some, who still would blame Bush for this? Stupid? You bet. To no small amount, this election is very much about the legacy of Obama and his administration. The problem? Nobody but Hillary is defending it, and why not, she was part of it. The problem she has with the truth makes her a danger. But after all, aren't they all liars they will say? Not like this. You may hate hearing it, but Benghazi is important. The left will tell you that poor Hillary has been through 11 grueling hours of testimony regarding it, and nothing came out of it? Nothing? If you would read the transcripts, or just go to the video tape, you will see that she testified, that yes, she knew it was a terror attack as it was happening, because she used that oft talked about private server to alert her daughter Chelsea, and some Arab friend on the day of the attack of those very words. So, to any honest thinking person, she knew full well from the beginning that it had nothing to do with some stupid obscure video. And yet, Hillary and Rice, I think is her name, went out and lied bold faced to the American people. And in case you watch NBC for your news and didn't know this, a full five days later, Barack stood in front of the U.N. and told the same lie. But for those who do know, and I maintain most don't, at least within the Democratic party, think this to be unimportant? She sells herself as the first woman, and yet could look a grieving mother in the face and tell that lie to her. You may be a Democratic mother, but what if it were your son? Or how about the traitor Bergdall? Have you heard the truth about this one? We gave five murderous pigs back to the terrorists, and got back that gutless wonder. So you say that you don't understand the appeal of extremes like Trump and Sanders? Do you think of his supporters as uneducated fools? More then half the country thinks that you are the fools. Ignorance of the facts comes from apathy, and both sides are guilty of that. Donald Trump is resisted by his own party, but so are the party loyalists on the other side trying to rid themselves of Bernie. When it comes to apathy and stupidity, there is more then enough for both sides. Truth be told, As a new Republican, having just left the Democratic party, I would rather someone other then Mr. Trump. That isn't to say that I disagree with him on everything. Trump, like Obama, mastered the media, and that is how you win, so far at least, in this century. The fact that he is the mirror image of Obama, in that they are both ego driven and self centered, shouldn't surprise you. These people, like the Obama supporters before them, may be short on facts, but they are big on emotion. Mr. Trump said one thing that I steadfastly agree with, and that is, that he is bringing thousands of new voters into the process, and that the last guy. Mitt Romney, who I admire, couldn't close the deal. I watched as Candy Crowley and Obama sprung their little Benghazi trap on him, and he folded. I couldn't believe it! All he had to do is talk about the video, which even then was the key to the administrations lie for politics sake, and he didn't do it? right then I knew he had lost. I want to win in November, and I don't care who does it. If it is to be Donald Trump, then so be it. The point is gang, that this country may not survive another four years of this move towards becoming just another socialists sap. But if the people choose wrong again, then I'll make my peace with it, while the people get exactly what they asked for. If we get it wrong this time, there will literally be hell to pay.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Of Purple Pandas and girls and boys
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist. He calls it Democratic Socialism, but if you know your history, what would follow next? Democratic Communism, or perhaps Democratic Nazi-ism is more your style? But when I look at the sea of innocent and enthusiastic young faces at one of his rallies, I don't see the faces of the pseudo revolutionaries of their predecessors. The Bill Aires type, so filled with vile hatred and acts of terrorism, has been replaced with the bright shiny faces of all American kids. The kids are harmless enough, but the ideology they support never ends well for any but the politically elite. But we must ask ourselves, whose to blame for all these misguided kids? Certainly not the kids, they are ignorant of the facts, and so, innocent of any ill intent. Bernie himself isn't to blame. After all, I have no doubt that he is only a foolish old man, and that he honestly believes that socialism isn't really a bad thing, and unlike all the others who failed so miserably before him, he can get it right. Our free enterprise system of capitalism, is like our constitution, the best in the world. Our system of government is emulated and admired by every free people in the world. Capitalism vs. Socialism is not a fair fight, one is a huge bull dozer, and the other a Tonka toy.
So who are these crazy kids, these millennials? Lets start with my parents generation, they called them the "greatest generation". Their kids, my generation, are called "baby boomers" because after the second world war, when a lot of very horney soldiers and sailors came home, they made up for lost time, and Boom, us. We gave berth to, "generation X", who are the parents of the millennials. So what happened? How did we go from a generation of people who literally died to provide the freedoms we all enjoy, to this? This, where kids not only have no understanding about our true history, and believe that patriotism is a bad thing. The only positive that can be gleaned from this is, at least the kids are interested in the process and are actively involved. By comparison, I didn't even vote until I was forty five. These children are America's kids, the first to not be expected to do better then the generations before them. They are the first to be raised almost completely without the moral compass that is God. They are the first to be taught that government is god, and that political correctness its religion. The first to be told that they aren't boys and girls, but Purple Pandas. The first to get participation awards, and so, the first who will never know the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. The first to be taught that the government is not just your kindly uncle Sam, but rather that the government is their daddy. So when they hear, Free college and more free stuff, they need not worry about how all this is paid for? Just sit back and relax kids, there is nothing to see here, and so, nothing to fear. Don't worry, daddy will take care of everything.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Finding Wisdom
Tales far away places, places you have never seen but in your dreams. Motions like melodies coalesce so much, that the dreams you see feel real. The mind can be a powerful thing, so much so, that it can play tricks on you, until you are no longer sure whether it happened or not? We choose what thoughts to dwell on, and of which ones we discard.
Revelations come from the seeking, but are only found when the question is worthy of pursuing. Those that aren't worthy, lead only to those that are just meaningless rabbit holes. These decisions are at the very foundations of reasoning. Thought in its truest form, comes to you in the seeking, questioning our reasoning is how we not only challenge ourselves, but decipher what is fact from that which is not.
It is the same when we look to find God. Too many, usually because they are fearful, are afraid to ask and challenge him. But God actually desires your questions, he enjoys the give and take in a meaningful conversation. You see, God doesn't want your religion, because religion is mostly the doctrines of men, steps provided by someone else, laid out as the way to the Living God. But finding the reality of God, is a personal journey, and no two journeys are alike. It is by your considerations on the matter, and how you react to the answers you hear in your mind. This is where analytical thinking is born. And it is only by its berth, that wisdom can be found. And with wisdom, comes the ability to know truth from lies, and love from scorn. Of course, two of the attributes of Jesus is that he is love and truth. So how do you attain true wisdom? To know the Lord, is to know his ways, and in all his ways is wisdom, so to know God is to know wisdom.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Unusual Politics
I had a great story in mind regarding the stupidity of the theory of evolution, and how that rather then being mutually exclusive, science and God are quite compatible. I even started thinking of a title. I dismissed Scope It Out as too corny a reference to the Scopes Trial, and was leaning toward, Of Monkeys and Men. But try as I might, there was no way of escaping the politics of the day. No matter where you go, the shear stupidity of it all finds you, and there it is, everywhere and anywhere. Anyway, it wore me down, until I knew that I wasn't going to do a piece on Creationism, but rather this, whatever this is to become? God knows I'll be happy when all the politicking is done. I even thought maybe I could combine the two stories, but the only connection to monkeys with politics is that the politicians look to make monkeys out of the American people. So instead of a great story about Creationism vs. Evolution, you get this one, and sorry just doesn't say it. I had heard that there was to be a debate tonight on Univision, which for me is channel 18, but it wasn't on there? Quite by accident while scrolling channels, I found it on CNN. I told myself that because I already knew what I would say about the coming elections, that I'd watch the debate, but I wouldn't let it influence what I planned on saying. I wanted to speak about the subject in general terms, and was determined not to get caught up in individual personalities. Well, that went out the window almost immediately, as the spirited debate made being more specific inevitable.
Overall, looking at this election cycle as a whole, all the pundits from the left and the right agree on one thing, that being, that what the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders means is that all Americans are sick to death of the promise it all and do nothing politics as usual. What the two men really represent is a collective middle finger raised to the political elites. Those stodgy old men and women who have made a life long career out of clogging the halls of the Whitehouse and the halls of Congress. Term limits folks! One of the main reasons nothing ever changes in Washington, is because serving in politics was never meant to be a life long profession, but rather, do one or two terms serving the public, and then return to the private sector. But certainly, I digress?
Extreme behavior begets more extremes, so after seven years of the most divisive president in our history, we get a polarized electorate, hence Bernie and Donald. All that the extremist politics of Barack Obama has done, is to galvanize an extreme reaction from both the left and the right. So wide is the divide caused by Obama, that only the voices of other extremists can be heard. But electing another extremist who is so self absorbed that they think that they know better then the people what they need, is not the answer. We elected Obama for two reasons. One because he was accepted as black, and the other for his flowery words which gave no substance, and was little more then empty promises. The difference between Barack and the Bernie/Donald duo is that Obama was a gifted orator who could have sold ice to Eskimos, while the other two have no debate skills, so instead of finely crafted lies, they use the words of anger and betrayal. The full meaning of the empty phrase hope and change has come full circle, and been replaced with words like liar and revolution. The one thing Americans don't need is another divider in chief, what we need is a Uniter in Chief. We must come together as a nation, because only our very way of life is at stake.
Overall, looking at this election cycle as a whole, all the pundits from the left and the right agree on one thing, that being, that what the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders means is that all Americans are sick to death of the promise it all and do nothing politics as usual. What the two men really represent is a collective middle finger raised to the political elites. Those stodgy old men and women who have made a life long career out of clogging the halls of the Whitehouse and the halls of Congress. Term limits folks! One of the main reasons nothing ever changes in Washington, is because serving in politics was never meant to be a life long profession, but rather, do one or two terms serving the public, and then return to the private sector. But certainly, I digress?
Extreme behavior begets more extremes, so after seven years of the most divisive president in our history, we get a polarized electorate, hence Bernie and Donald. All that the extremist politics of Barack Obama has done, is to galvanize an extreme reaction from both the left and the right. So wide is the divide caused by Obama, that only the voices of other extremists can be heard. But electing another extremist who is so self absorbed that they think that they know better then the people what they need, is not the answer. We elected Obama for two reasons. One because he was accepted as black, and the other for his flowery words which gave no substance, and was little more then empty promises. The difference between Barack and the Bernie/Donald duo is that Obama was a gifted orator who could have sold ice to Eskimos, while the other two have no debate skills, so instead of finely crafted lies, they use the words of anger and betrayal. The full meaning of the empty phrase hope and change has come full circle, and been replaced with words like liar and revolution. The one thing Americans don't need is another divider in chief, what we need is a Uniter in Chief. We must come together as a nation, because only our very way of life is at stake.
Friday, February 19, 2016
On the Eternal side
Then He who sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me, Write, for these words are true and faithful. Revelation 21:5
What does the Lord mean when he says, I will make all things new? Let's approach this question first from this side of eternity. When you come to know God, you will find that two things will happen almost immediately. The first, simply put, is that you'll become wiser. Because you have awoken your spiritual self, you'll have a better understanding of things, because you'll have a spiritual perspective.
In short, you'll be smarter. Smarter, in that, you'll begin to see the truth in all things, even though the truth may be hidden in a bed of lies. So then, what's new on this side of life? You'll be smarter, your IQ will go up. And you'll have to trust me on this, because I know of no scientific study on the IQ of spiritual people vs. the unspiritual.
On the eternal side,
Things will be new, all things, because the Kingdom of Heaven is like no other place ever. The Lord has said, There will be a new heaven and a new earth. But how can we grasp the understanding of what Heaven will be like? The first great blessing from the spiritual side of things, is that, by it, eternal life is guaranteed you. Listen, life and death share on characteristic, and that is that they are both eternal. Eternal life and eternal death are two sides of the same coin, as time is eternal, and no one escapes time. God, being all things, is time, as eon after eon, time rolls on, time is eternal, God is eternal.
But here's the truly amazing part, God is greater then time, because God is outside of time. He was, before it was first recorded, and he will be there when it ends. For what does God say about himself? It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. Rev. 21:6
What does the Lord mean when he says, I will make all things new? Let's approach this question first from this side of eternity. When you come to know God, you will find that two things will happen almost immediately. The first, simply put, is that you'll become wiser. Because you have awoken your spiritual self, you'll have a better understanding of things, because you'll have a spiritual perspective.
In short, you'll be smarter. Smarter, in that, you'll begin to see the truth in all things, even though the truth may be hidden in a bed of lies. So then, what's new on this side of life? You'll be smarter, your IQ will go up. And you'll have to trust me on this, because I know of no scientific study on the IQ of spiritual people vs. the unspiritual.
On the eternal side,
Things will be new, all things, because the Kingdom of Heaven is like no other place ever. The Lord has said, There will be a new heaven and a new earth. But how can we grasp the understanding of what Heaven will be like? The first great blessing from the spiritual side of things, is that, by it, eternal life is guaranteed you. Listen, life and death share on characteristic, and that is that they are both eternal. Eternal life and eternal death are two sides of the same coin, as time is eternal, and no one escapes time. God, being all things, is time, as eon after eon, time rolls on, time is eternal, God is eternal.
But here's the truly amazing part, God is greater then time, because God is outside of time. He was, before it was first recorded, and he will be there when it ends. For what does God say about himself? It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. Rev. 21:6
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Global Freezing
The year is 2026, and outside, snow drifts reached as high as 18 feet. Record colds world wide, shattered all other records, Meteorologists were amazed. The carbon alarmists of just a few years ago, called it global warming? It had been global freezing, not too long again either. But the weather scientists who had predicted this, were all caught with their slips showing, as the big freeze never happened. So they changed their point of view to predict warming, but the public relations department insisted on softer language, and so the term climate change was berthed. And who could argue that, the climate does change. My dad who was quite the weather prognosticator, having worked out of doors all his life, would often say about New Jersey's weather, because Jersey is all he knew, and it was the perfect barometer for change in that we enjoy a full four seasons, so the weather is always in a state of flux. That if you don't like the weather in Jersey, wait, it'll change. Brilliant! Weather, like everything in life is cyclical. So why all the hub bub? Why the panic over risings seas, millions drowning, a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions? Money.
Surprise surprise, it's all about the money and who controls what, where, and when. Why would we consider giving so much power to any school of thought. Who would control this climate problem, the EPA? They have become second in abuse to Americans only to the IRS. Money is power, and power is control, it has little to do with our being able to influence the weather. As George Carlin once joked, We think we control the planet? Why this planet will shake us off like a bunch of fleas. Obviously I paraphrase, my photographic memory is getting a bit frayed around the edges.
In the argument over this ridiculous subject, a warning for both sides, to make you seem less stupid,when discussing this hot topic. We are snowed in here in the Northeast, and a few weeks ago at Christmas time it neared 70 degrees. The advice? Don't go around touting your point just by recent weather patters, keep in mind that the experts were left looking like fools for exactly the same thing.
Surprise surprise, it's all about the money and who controls what, where, and when. Why would we consider giving so much power to any school of thought. Who would control this climate problem, the EPA? They have become second in abuse to Americans only to the IRS. Money is power, and power is control, it has little to do with our being able to influence the weather. As George Carlin once joked, We think we control the planet? Why this planet will shake us off like a bunch of fleas. Obviously I paraphrase, my photographic memory is getting a bit frayed around the edges.
In the argument over this ridiculous subject, a warning for both sides, to make you seem less stupid,when discussing this hot topic. We are snowed in here in the Northeast, and a few weeks ago at Christmas time it neared 70 degrees. The advice? Don't go around touting your point just by recent weather patters, keep in mind that the experts were left looking like fools for exactly the same thing.
Friday, January 22, 2016
President 2016
So what facilitated this little political blurb? Well, as much as I hate the division that politics has spawned in this country, and as hard as it is to get away from the subject, what really resparked my interest was receiving my new voter registration card from the Ocean County Registra's office. I am now officially a Republican. Though as I said, I am a compassionate conservative, I had, prior to this opted more to the compassionate side, and became what my father who was, a life long Teamster, which back then meant a Democrat. As much as I detest the labeling anyone or any group, a little of the rhetoric is true on both sides of the aisle. Liberal's hearts do bleed to the point of making a mess, and Republicans do tend to worry more about the cost rather then the solution for solving social ills. But the problem for the Democrats is that the Democratic party of my father and others from the "greatest generation" is that the once proud party has changed so drastically, that not only would they not recognize their party, by looking around at what this country has become, when the Second world War came calling for their sacrifice, they would be unsure who to fight, them or us? Possibly a bit over played, but there you have it.
One of the many fundamental changes I would bring about as President, would be the abolishment of the two party system. By it's exclusiveness, it breeds corruption. National offices should be paid for by the federal government, with each of the final candidates receiving equal funding for advertising. All unused money to be returned to the tax payers. But we are a long way from making any meaningful changes. Other then Mike Huckabee, I haven't heard anything about term limits. Wouldn't that be the first step in breaking up the Washington cartel?
But as for the reality of the here and now, the country needs to adjust hard to the right, before we can get control of it, and settle in the middle. So for the here and now, we need anyone other then another Democrat. My choice is influenced by the fact that we will need someone with a calm demeanor behind the wheel, one who is intelligent and slow to anger. A person who not only understands the reality of the life that plays out on the streets and battlefields of the world, but also one who understands the under lying spiritual reasons as to why these situations exist. Not a career politician, nor an extreme capitalist entertainer, but what I want is what the country needs, a true man of the people, off the charts smart and compassionate. A man who rose up from among us, a citizen statesman, a man who felt called to lead this great country, not for any personal glory, but because he loves this country and her people. One who is not beholding to anyone on either side of the aisle. That is not a weakness, but rather his biggest strength. Ben Carson for president of the United States.
One of the many fundamental changes I would bring about as President, would be the abolishment of the two party system. By it's exclusiveness, it breeds corruption. National offices should be paid for by the federal government, with each of the final candidates receiving equal funding for advertising. All unused money to be returned to the tax payers. But we are a long way from making any meaningful changes. Other then Mike Huckabee, I haven't heard anything about term limits. Wouldn't that be the first step in breaking up the Washington cartel?
But as for the reality of the here and now, the country needs to adjust hard to the right, before we can get control of it, and settle in the middle. So for the here and now, we need anyone other then another Democrat. My choice is influenced by the fact that we will need someone with a calm demeanor behind the wheel, one who is intelligent and slow to anger. A person who not only understands the reality of the life that plays out on the streets and battlefields of the world, but also one who understands the under lying spiritual reasons as to why these situations exist. Not a career politician, nor an extreme capitalist entertainer, but what I want is what the country needs, a true man of the people, off the charts smart and compassionate. A man who rose up from among us, a citizen statesman, a man who felt called to lead this great country, not for any personal glory, but because he loves this country and her people. One who is not beholding to anyone on either side of the aisle. That is not a weakness, but rather his biggest strength. Ben Carson for president of the United States.
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