The Meeting Part One
This is a fictional account of a meeting that may or might not have taken place at the Kremlin. The names are unchanged to protect the innocent. However, the players in this little tale are strictly fictional, as I am unfamiliar with Russian names, and have no idea as to their titles, as say to the equivalent position in America. I believe that they call their high officials Czars rather than Secretary, but these are the men who advise President Putin, and are his cabinet. If memory serves correctly, early on, President Obama called some of his people Czars? Whether I saw it on TV, or somewhere on the internet, I don't remember, but I'm fairly sure it happened. Who knows, maybe that had something to do with that open mike problem the President had, when he leaned over to Putin and whispered, I can be more flexible after I'm re-elected. But surely I digress, so let us return to the story at hand, The Meeting.
First, perhaps a quick primer on the difference between our form of government known as a Democratic Republic, and the Socialist/Communist form of government. The primary difference can be summed up best with one word. Freedom. In the United States, you can stand on a street corner with a bullhorn, chanting the most outrageous slurs against the government and it's leaders without fear of reprisal from that government. Not so with both socialism and communism. For these type of government, the people must be in lockstep with their leaders, and for those who don't, reprisal is swift. Shaming and accusations of racism, sexism, whatever. If that doesn't work, physical attacks, imprisonment and once totally out of control, people start showing up missing.
For you millennials out there, first let me congratulate you for the fact that you took the privilege of voting seriously, and although grossly uniformed, you were quite passionate and involved in the voting process. My generation was apathetic, and in truth, I didn't even vote until I was in my mid forties. It is my hope that you will stay interested, and that you will take the next four years to read up a bit on Socialism. For instance, Did you know that when Hitler first came to power that his movement was called, the German Socialist Party. It took only a few months before he cast his spell over the nation and called it the Nazi party. Read your history, most all of the dictators and tyrants started out as Socialists.
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