So what facilitated this little political blurb? Well, as much as I hate the division that politics has spawned in this country, and as hard as it is to get away from the subject, what really resparked my interest was receiving my new voter registration card from the Ocean County Registra's office. I am now officially a Republican. Though as I said, I am a compassionate conservative, I had, prior to this opted more to the compassionate side, and became what my father who was, a life long Teamster, which back then meant a Democrat. As much as I detest the labeling anyone or any group, a little of the rhetoric is true on both sides of the aisle. Liberal's hearts do bleed to the point of making a mess, and Republicans do tend to worry more about the cost rather then the solution for solving social ills. But the problem for the Democrats is that the Democratic party of my father and others from the "greatest generation" is that the once proud party has changed so drastically, that not only would they not recognize their party, by looking around at what this country has become, when the Second world War came calling for their sacrifice, they would be unsure who to fight, them or us? Possibly a bit over played, but there you have it.
One of the many fundamental changes I would bring about as President, would be the abolishment of the two party system. By it's exclusiveness, it breeds corruption. National offices should be paid for by the federal government, with each of the final candidates receiving equal funding for advertising. All unused money to be returned to the tax payers. But we are a long way from making any meaningful changes. Other then Mike Huckabee, I haven't heard anything about term limits. Wouldn't that be the first step in breaking up the Washington cartel?
But as for the reality of the here and now, the country needs to adjust hard to the right, before we can get control of it, and settle in the middle. So for the here and now, we need anyone other then another Democrat. My choice is influenced by the fact that we will need someone with a calm demeanor behind the wheel, one who is intelligent and slow to anger. A person who not only understands the reality of the life that plays out on the streets and battlefields of the world, but also one who understands the under lying spiritual reasons as to why these situations exist. Not a career politician, nor an extreme capitalist entertainer, but what I want is what the country needs, a true man of the people, off the charts smart and compassionate. A man who rose up from among us, a citizen statesman, a man who felt called to lead this great country, not for any personal glory, but because he loves this country and her people. One who is not beholding to anyone on either side of the aisle. That is not a weakness, but rather his biggest strength. Ben Carson for president of the United States.
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