Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Frustration with a side of Slim Pickens

  Its looking like all Americans are going to have to prepare themselves for slim pickens come November. Whether you are a righty or a lefty, neither side has put forth their best. So in November, both democrats and republicans are going to have to face going into the voting booth,  holding their nose, and pulling a lever. The phrase slim pickens came to me when I was thinking about one of my favorite cowboy actors, Slim Pickens. Slim Pickens, what a great name for a cowboy!
  But as for the frustration side of the coin, I used to spend a lot of time being frustrated, but hopefully, no more. You see, it has been building in me for years now. But after about eight frustrating years of trying to get a self published book out, I'm finally giving up the ghost. I fought the good fight, but I lost. All I really wanted was to see my book, any of them, on the shelves at book stores. Seemed like a reasonable desire, afterall, I am a writer. But for a number of reasons, all of them frustrating in their own right, I have to let go of the things I have no control over. The problem for me, and I think this true for most men, I get mad at the things I cannot change. I have dealt with rage for most of my life, and so I've come to a place where the things that hurt me or cause me to be frustrated aren't worth having around, and so I cut those things out of my life like a cancer.
  So anyway, I'm still stewing over the book thing, but I'm working on calming down. Enter the drive from hell! My wife and I are driving into the city. We have tickets to be in the studio audience for the Greg Gutfeld show. It started out as such a nice peaceful drive. Key word, Drive. Though we had talked about taking the train in, I convinced her that it would be better if we drove? Bad decision. They used to say that New Jersey had the most cars per square mile than any other state. It must be true, because every single one of them was out on Saturday. Had I bothered to check the traffic reports, I would have known that the best way into the city was the Holland tunnel. So here we sat. Out there on the highway, that now was a parking lot. Frustrated? An understatement. But here's the good news, I didn't loose my temper!

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