Saturday, April 2, 2016

Just Wondering?

  I figure after my last distasteful post, that possibly something completely different was in order? Anyway, this. This is a shoot from the hip post, meaning that I'm just typing. So I came upon this egg corn just outside my front door. The majority of trees in my area are oaks, but this was not from an oak?  It looks like a peanut shell, similar to walnuts, but elongated rather then bulbous in shape. Also, this egg corn/nut, is loose within the shell, it rattles when you shake it. This is turning out to be only a question, with no real point, other than to just settle my curiosity.
  What is the study of trees called, Ontology, or is it some other kind of ology? Anyway, to be more specific, does anyone know the name of the science, and the name of the type of tree? Please comment, and save me all this angst. Trees are one of the most interesting forms of life on the planet. It is said that they are the reason for the air we all breath. But beyond that important matter, their life and existence and the importance of that life,  is made clear throughout the Bible. It is talked about in Genesis and Revelation, the beginning of the bible and its end.  Trees are often described in literature, usually as scenes of beauty or as a place of comfort, like the shade of the tree on a hot summer's day. But also, trees are often used as a metaphor to denote strength and wisdom.
  But I'm not looking to delve into the metaphorical importance of trees right now. All I'm wanting is a simple answer to my question, and any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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