Common Sense
Good day all. This is a happy day for me, or at least that's what I planned on, but peace was nowhere to be found until mere hours ago. I'll tell you why I had hoped the day would have started out as planned. Because for me at least, I promised myself that this one will definately be the last. Afterall, we are just a tad over a week away, so for me at least, I've done what I could, I'm done. When all else fails, when all of the reasoning has fallen on deaf ears, oh well, I'll tell you one thing, and you choose the establishment to lead this country, your a fool. If every answer for you is more laws, and an even bigger federal government, I feel sorry for you. Sorry not so much for you, but to and for the people you will hurt.
Do you avid supporters of Bernie learn anything when your up against the Democratic machine? By the way, if things were different, it could easily have been the Republican machine. The point is this is the establishment against one man. What terrifies them so much, is that he, (Donald) is not an insider, he wasn't fully blessed by either side. Why? Because this is a people's movement, a true grass roots movement. Throughout history, populist movements were always looked down on by those in power. Nothing has changed. In fact, its safer now for those of you fearful of the hated Fox News. Come on in, the water's getting more to your liking each day. Truth has a way of exposing biases, and truth will gain you more enemies than friends. I had a friend once who when I asked, answered me and said, People are intimidated by you. It worried me for a while, I know that Jesus said, because they have hated me, they will hate you too. And who fits the bill better, than me? I'm a white male: strike one. a man: two, and strike three, I'm a Christian man. Not the, I got some water sprinkled on me when I was a child, but the kind who reads his bible, and believe it is the inerrant word of God. Unfortunate, for far too many of you, that last statement qualifies me as a bona-fide wacko. I wear it as a badge of honor. Oh, I almost forgot the common sense part. You know the press hates Trump and will be all over him like a cheap suit. A simple statement he made I believe in one of his black church stops, but anyhow, what he told them is, What have you got to lose? Over fifty years of Democratic leadership in our inner cities, has done nothing! Vote Donald Trump, or vote for the establishment's establishment. One last common sense hint. If you are middle class, especially if you are hanging by your fingertips to the bottom wrung of the middle, I f God forbid Hillary does win, pull out of all luxury items yo possess or hope to possess, because the tax man cometh. Here in New Jersey, we start our brand mew 23 cents a gallon on gas. This is nothing. Are there any of you stupid enough that she'll pay for all her promised give a ways by the hated one percent? If so, I got this bridge for sale..
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