Thursday, October 13, 2016

Who are We?

    You know, talking to you readers, my fellow Americans, I find myself again questioning not only who I am, but also, who you are,  and who  we are as Americans? The upcoming election is by far the most frustrating election that I can remember in my life time. Who are we as Americans, what are our shared dreams for this country, what is our vision for the future?
  What I would much rather do, is strictly talk to you about this election,  from a spiritual point of view, and tell you how I believe that God sees it. But we have become so fragmented and classified as one demographic or the other, bounced around like ping pong balls by the latest social emergency, that it is a wonder if our heads are still on straight. Today's topic? Sexism 101. Its always something though isn't it? Look everyone at the shiny bobble over there, anything, but heaven forbid that we talk about the serious issues.The threat of global terror, globalism itself, Twenty Trillion in debt with more promised. Can we talk about that? Naa, lets talk about sex and the differences thereof?!? I will say one thing to you girls and women out there. Its time to put on your big girl pants and woman up! Men are pigs, and this is a revelation to you? And by the way, this goes out to the snobby women on the right as well as the left, a man's opinions and actions regarding the fairer sex has nothing at all to do with whether a man has a college degree or not. I've been on construction crews all of my life, and yes ladies, there were times when we spoke about you as if you were a side of fine beef. Having been on many a construction gang, I can tell you honestly, that if any man on any site was to say aloud what we used to, they'd be arrested.
  But compared to what college friends I have been around socially, we construction workers are mere pikers next to them, whatever a piker is?          I had a neighbor for around five years who was a big muckity muck in some Wall St. firm. At times he would have parties, and my wife and I were invited. These guys were all college educated, in fact, a couple of them had masters in both business and finance. But these guys were so rough on women with their war stories, that at times I think I may have blushed?
Damn politics! I wanted to give you God's perspective on all of this silliness, but that'll be the next one I promise.

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