Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Father and I (part one)

  Why that title? Because Jesus lives within my heart, and when I write, it is mostly Him, but some of me comes through too. It is your job as the reader to decipher between which words are his, and which one's mine. That is what being a Christian is, it is an intellectual pursuit, and the more you learn about the teacher, the more you want to be just like him. Jesus said, Ye must be born again, and he also said, You must enter the Kingdom of Heaven as a little child. Being born of the Spirit, you start out has a baby, imagine, your a kid again! As innocent children you come, but as you gain in knowledge, you gain in maturity. 

So then, the election, which one of the two to choose? About the only thing that both the left and the right can agree on, is that either candidate is appealing. But funny how God works, He often uses the foolish things of this world to confound the proud. Don't believe that? I'm living proof! But anyway, the election. God exists, and so does his counterpart, the devil. So then, there is also such a thing as ultimate good, and ultimate evil. OK you say, but which is which, hmmm..? If you were able to understand the Book of Revelation even a little bit, you would know that for the end of times to come to be, one of the things that must happen, is that a new world order must be established, a one world government. They, ( the godless), call it globalization. As sinister as it may sound, that is what this election is all about, the godless on one side, and the people of God on the other. On the issue of globalization, the godless are campaigning for it, while on the other side, they are  just fine with the United Sates of America remaining to be just that, sovereign and free! How evil is the one side, and just how important is politics to them? I actually believe that if Hillary could be assured of a voting block of 10,000 voting for her, she would be fine with abortion six months from conception. Donald Trump, with all of his faults, surrounds himself with Godly people, who is Hillary's moral supporters, Uma what's her name, Anthony Weiner's ex? She surrounds herself with people who are like her, and would, and have, sold their souls for power.          

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