Today is Palm Sunday, the day we celebrate Jesus, entrance to Jerusalem as King of the Jews. He was proclaimed as such by the people, but rejected by the Sanhedrin, who in those days were the equivelant of the government for the faithful. Rome had conquered Israel, so they were the government government . But I'm not going to talk about that. I will tell you to read the account of this day in any of the four gospels yourself. You'll be amazed at the relevance with today. The people rejoiced at his coming, but the government feared it. So they had a PR problem on their hands, and had to divide the people among themselves so that their's was the voice of reason. Sound familiar? That is why the bible is a Living Document, it is always relevant.
That event happened about 2100 years ago, but I want to talk about the future, in that our time was prophecied by so many, and this is that time. We are in the beginnings of the end. The actual day of the end of the end, no one but the Father knows.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Translation, As the time of the Lord's return gets closer by the day, Evil will look to separate the flock. I've have seen this already among some of you. I take liberties with scripture with my style of writing that often upsets the "jot and tittle" crowd, and I apologize to you for that. But one thing I have never done, is to lie to you. The passage goes on to tell how to judge between the good and the bad, By their fruit it says. A metaphor for their lives yes, but also of the ultimate fruit, Truth. He who tells the truth speaks for Jesus, while he who speaks lies speaks for Satan. It is that easy, and of course, that hard. It is hard because it takes so many lies to cover the truth. But the excavation on your part to find that truth, lies in the pages of the Bible. Anyone who strays from the whole truth, but rather tells only half truths, these are false prophets also. What I write goes out publicly, but it is meant for those who already know the Lord. You believer, are a target, because in matters that concern the Kingdom of God, the people they look to confuse and separate are the faithful. You are the real target, because the rest, those who still don't know him, are already lost. But you Christian, you. If the evil one can get to you and convince you of a lie, you will lead the rest.
It is simple really, preach Jesus and him crucified, and why it was necessary, and when next Sunday comes, maybe some will be less about the finery they wear, and more about the man who is the only link to the Living God.
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