Sunday, August 14, 2016
Of Liars and Elitists
I am watching the country I love tear itself in two, and I am saddened beyond measure. The battle lines are drawn between the haves and the have nots. Nothing new, as this is the basis for most wars. But rather than stroll down history's hallways, lets take a good look at the here and now. Elitism has been around forever, it separates the ruling class from the ruled. The Democrats may be in power now, but this isn't only about the abuses of the Obama administration. The outright snobbery of elitist thinking lives on both sides of the isle. Both sides look to take care of their own first, and if the people can gain from it now and then, all the better. It is this elitist attitude that is behind this dream of a one world government, through globalism,. One government to oversee all the different peoples of the world being led by the United Nations. Obama has already applied for the head job, so you know what his plan is. But for now, here in America, the government is still centered in Washington. The country got an eye opening example of the elitists on both sides not wanting the status quo to be trifled with. On the Democratic side, all those enthusiastic Bernie supporters learned that the fix was in, it was Hillary's turn, and that was decided in 08, right after Barack had secured the nomination. On the Republican side, we saw the same attitude then, that is still going on now in earnest. The establishment Republicans no more want Donald Trump than did the Democrats want Bernie. It isn't just the left, who, being so thin skinned about a little sarcasm, that is hurting Trump, but the elitists on the Republican side. Neither side can claim victory in this one, as their greed, and the fear of losing power, became clear to see for all Americans. Though both sides will tell you that the Constitution of the United States of America is a great document, neither of them seems to understand that the document was written to give the power to the people, The document begins with the words, We the People, not, we the ruling class, or, we the politicians. The power belongs to the people, because it is our people who makes this the greatest nation in the world. The people have spoken, and neither was taken serious. Why? Because what makes people elitists is more than just money and social standing, but their core belief that the people are just too stupid to rule themselves. Us poor working slobs, us everyday Joe's and Jane's are to be placated, but never taken seriously. Washington and it's insiders have become like a private club, it really doesn't matter your party, once your in, your part of the membership, and the club looks to protect it's own. This became clear to me after that mid level bureaucrat, decided it would be fun to use the power of the IRS and other agencies, to not grant tax free status to Christian groups, because they were considered to be conservative, and therefor posed a threat to the Democrats. The head of the IRS lied before the Senate subcommittee, regarding the woman's actions, and a career Republican, I believe it was Orrin Hatch from Utah? If not, my apology sir, called this disgrace, an honorable man? Thats when it was apparent, that the real Washington was like a private county club. Do any of you besides me think there is something wrong when the richest counties in the nation surround Washington DC? The pay is great, the benefits are the best there is, your guaranteed a job for life, and the work is easy! Who wouldn't want a job with the federal government? It has become nothing but a bloated cash cow, that has grown to obese proportions, (federal jobs have been created at record rates by the Obama administration). We who are patriots and citizens of the world applauded the Brits for their brave stance against the globalization machine, and now in this country, we too have a critical vote coming. You can give the elitist establishment what it wants, and put in their choice, you can waste your vote on some libertarian, who are weak kneed on defense, stay home and not vote at all, or vote for the first non-politician ever to run for the office. I'm for the people, and I am sick of politics as usual, I want real change, and after prayer and a lot of consideration, I am voting for Donald Trump in November. If you too are sick of the hypocrisy and double standards, if you are sickened by what 8 years of leading from behind has done to this nation, if you want any chance at all of restoring American pride and prestige again, vote for Donald Trump, and yes, he will make America great again!
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