I've put this off as I could, but now I guess its time to open this can of worms? First, who am I? Good question, for those of you who have read me for a while already know, I asked that very question of some of you, back in the Wisdom Quest days I think? Anyway, any of you who have been on board that long, thank you! I'd love to hear from some of you. What I am is nothing any of you can't be. Some people love to talk about themselves, I'm not one of them. So badly I did I not want to do this, that I wrote it out once, corrected it twice, and finally it came down to this. to A "shooting from the hip one,"' which means I'm typing directly what comes to mind, and this old wooden chair kills my back. But anyhow, back to the question at hand. Its a deep subject, but I am less confused about it now, than then. But there were people on line who thought I was Jesus. I can assure you that I'm not. I've been a Jersey Kid all my life, my wife's from Irvington, which was a kind of suburb to Newark I was born in Jersey City, so between the two of us, You can't get more Jersey than that. I'm a Christian Writer, but as a person, I'm kind off like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Politically, I'm considered a conservative, and thats a fair label, as I am a believer in States rights, rather than a centralized government. And that belief is not only for this country, but for the world, Congratulations to all you British patriots who stood your ground for freedom from the central government and this so called attempt at globalization. Each country, except by vote otherwise, should remain autonomous. Remaining to be proud countrymen, a separate nation, who is an equal and willing partner in the global community. Your stand was grass roots, your stand was for the working man, your stand was a brave step toward fighting the tyrant who is sure to come. Don't all of histories worst mass murderers always start so subtlety, as a gentle Socialist bearing gifts? Im gonna stop now, as even I know I'm meandering. I'm back, been gone for quite a spell I suspect? Just realized that the date might be important. Not sure why, but I went back to see the start date, but there was only current information. Anyway, I started this thing about would two weeks or so ago in July, and now its August fifth. Be back in a flash..
So anyway, let me get this debt paid, afterall, a promise is a promise. Where to begin is half the problem and how and where to end is the other. The square hole round peg reference is to the fact that politically, I'm considered conservative, while religiously, I wish there was a better word, but in that way, I'm considered a liberal. I can't win? The truth is that the truth hurts, and telling it will lead to more enemies than friends. As Kermit once said, It isn't easy being green. This really is hard, there are so many directions I can go? I believe I could probably make stereo instructions interesting, but when it comes to writing about yourself, I haven't got a clue?Maybe just a few personal stories, but that would take too long. Perhaps just a few beliefs. I believe there is one God, and that everything that is, is because of him. Recently, I was watching National Geographic, or something like that on TV. I don't know their names, but they are the new Carl Sagans, physics is their game. The premise of the story was that these two guys were all excited that according to their math, everything came from nothing. This is true enough, but trying to explain what they think is news, and their genius in math, left them woefully short in explaining it in English. Smart in math, but their oratory skills were somewhat lacking. The explanation they gave was that the universe condensed upon itself, until the pressure of this mass became so small and heavy that it exploded. I've also heard it explained that two objects collided causing this big bang. Your equations may be correct sirs, but no matter how you slice it, something had to pre-exist before the big explosion. You either believe that all of the perfection of life had an intelligent designer, or you believe that all of this was just a lucky accident? An intelligence far beyond our own is responsible, God exists!
I believe in one God, and though he has many names, there is only one way to that God, and that is through belief in his son, Jesus Christ. I believe that the U.S. constitution is the most perfect basis for any country. As personal as I can be is to tell you that I am logical to a fault. I'm not good with emotions. Things have to make sense for me to accept them. It was the same way with becoming a Christian. Though I agree that his thoughts are not ours, I could never accept that as an answer to a tough question, and just move on. I figured that God is the God of order, and not disorder, and though I don't claim to have all the answers, I know that I am right, because of the questions I did pursue, I did get the answer, and they made perfect sense. The key to remember is that the Lord doesn't want blind obedience, he wants you to understand. Don't be afraid to challenge him, that doesn't make it a sin, it makes it a conversation. I believe that there are others, but I'm sure the Lord intended me to be like a 21st. century John the Baptist. His job was to tell the people of His first coming, mine is to tell about His second coming. I'll tell you one more thing, and then I'm done, God has blessed me with knowledge, but I can also tell you that sometimes it seems more a burden than a blessing. It really isn't easy being green.
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