I love two things in this world other than my family, and those two things are my God, and my Country. And though of the two, God comes first, the immediacy of the time makes me speak about politics, and in this case, world politics. Believe me, I'd much rather explain to you about how, all God wants from us is to have a relationship with Him. This may astound you, but not only does God live, you can speak to him, but what he doesn't want, is your religion. Many of you have this confused, as you think love of God, and love of one's religion, are the same thing? They are not. The church is not a building, its people. The problems that confront all of us, not just Americans, but all of us in the world, can be solved only by God, and as a nation, we have strayed so far from God and morality, it is staggering.
So then, politics, but where to begin? I know, how about Mark Cuban? He comes to mind as a friend and I were just the other day talking about his latest rant regarding Brexit, a word most are familiar with by now, and the importance of having this so called globalism movement be accepted by the people. His warnings were meant for us working class people, who are so uninformed, that we need someone's help figuring it out. He tells us that the economy will collapse, not that it will not hurt him, as he said, I'm filthy rich, so I'm is in no danger. But he's a regular guy, you know, he doesn't care one way or the other, but he was just worried about the folks? But I would ask Mr. Cuban one question, Dangerous to who? Mr. Cuban is a salesman for globalism, because he is rich and elite and is part of it. I'll bet you a dollar to a donut, that he is heavily invested in Bitcoins.
Bitcoins? They call them a basket of currencies. What that means is, a new currency which is a little French frank, a little German mark, British pounds, well, you get the picture. But don't be naive, the currency they covet the most is the American dollar. The globalists need a new type of currency, for this new, One world government they want so badly. But as to who will be hurt if these changes go through is open to interpretation and perspective. Certainly not the already rich, not the poor, as there is a line in a book that says, The poor we will always have, but as for the middle class? No, world wide, they will not do so well. You see friends, A vote for Globalism is a vote for a two class system, one for the elites like Mr. Cuban, and one for everyone else, in the olden days, they were called, Peasants.
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