Timeless paintings hang in the ancient gallery! Posters both bright and macabre. Pieces of life caught forever on canvas, scenes from times of long ago! Each one a true perception, each one having captured the moment perfectly! Along these same walls, are cases of books, there musty smell adds a certain ambiance to the dampened room. Green moss is on these canyon walls, and they stain green the brilliant granite beneath them.
This is the library of the most high, and it brims over with knowledge and beauty! In its rows of books, are records and the stories about all that has ever happened, and with volumes dedicated to the things which have yet to occur! How can one fathom all of this wisdom? Incredible looking books are strewn about on tables of solid oak, covered in the dust from long ago! From a past time, when someone sat and read these books which were new then, but now tossed aside and forgotten? But the tales of which they told are still safe within their pages, waiting only for someone to read them and bring them to life again!
This is the Library of God, and it is yours to peruse at your leisure, for as long as you would like!
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