I have called to her, but she will not come, and I have reasoned with her, but she will not listen. My anger rising, I say to her, Come here to me, come back home! No, she snaps, I will no longer listen! I have had fury bring me to tatters, I have been ripped and shredded by bombs and wars, but I still flutter above this land, and I still wave the captives home!
Come back to me I say, I want you as you once were! As I once was, she said. As I still am! I have waved over you from the beginnings, and I am soaked through with the blood of my patriots! But now you treat me as a whore, you hide your reverence away from my eyes. What has happened she crys, what has happened to my people? Why do you plot against each other, who is it that has divided you like this? You must separate those who spin lies about me, from those who still look to honor me!
You have forgotten who you are, you think that who you once were, should not be today? It is you who have lost your way, I have been with you from the beginnings, and I will be here until the end!
Root out the purveyors of evil from among you, and cast out all liars!
Do this, remember who you are, and I will once more wave proudly over this great nation, just as I always have! God bless America.
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