I took my first walk this morning for the first time in a long time! But to call it a walk just wouldn't be accurate? It was more like a hobbled shuffle, but I made it! God has been putting on quite a show lately, you can see it in both the day, and the night sky! This morning's sky was incredible! And for those of you who know him, and you do not take the time to enjoy this, shame on you! Because the time of beautiful skies, is about to change!
I was reminded as I watched, that the brilliant white puffs and trails of clouds will soon be replaced by clouds of a different type. These will not be soft and billowy, but rather red and angry! These will be clouds angry with violence! These do not come from high above, but rather, these rise up in fire and smoke, these rape the horizon!
It is a terrible thing to know this, and it is a very lonely feeling! My God, why me? Why must I be the purveyor of words? Why has this task been appointed to me? I am betwixt and between, and I am troubled by it all! It comes and goes as it wills, and over it, I have no control. I am sometimes, almost forced to think about things which I would rather not think about?
Because I would much rather tell you about something else, anything else, anything but this! But I am here, and you are where you are, and somehow, it has fallen upon me to explain it?
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