Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tested Truths: America

Tested Truths: America:   I have called to her, but she will not come, and I have reasoned with her, but she will not listen. My anger rising, I say to her, Come he...


  I have called to her, but she will not come, and I have reasoned with her, but she will not listen. My anger rising, I say to her, Come here to me, come back home! No, she snaps, I will no longer listen! I have had fury bring me to tatters, I have been ripped and shredded by bombs and wars, but I still flutter above this land, and I still wave the captives home!
  Come back to me I say, I want you as you once were! As I once was, she said. As I still am! I have waved over you from the beginnings, and I am soaked through with the blood of my patriots! But now you treat me as a whore, you hide your reverence away from my eyes. What has happened she crys, what has happened to my people? Why do you plot against each other, who is it that has divided you like this? You must separate those who spin lies about me, from those who still look to honor me!
  You have forgotten who you are, you think that who you once were, should not be today? It is you who have lost your way, I have been with you from the beginnings, and I will be here until the end!
Root out the purveyors of evil from among you, and cast out all liars!
  Do this, remember who you are, and I will once more wave proudly over this great nation, just as I always have! God bless America.

Tested Truths: All is in order

Tested Truths: All is in order:   Some people say that everything has a purpose, while others lump it all to chance, and then because of this, dismiss it out of hand? Just ...

All is in order

  Some people say that everything has a purpose, while others lump it all to chance, and then because of this, dismiss it out of hand? Just a coincidence they say, a strange set of events that just happened to fall together? Strangely or not, both points of view are correct, but for two different types of happenings. One, when coincidence is at play, this is a matter of little consequence, just the day to day things, that spin out of life together, and may never occur at the same time ever again? Now, though coincidence has its place, it is not in play, when the event is traumatic, and of major consequence! Moments like these are never coincidence, but happen most definitely, for a reason! The minor day to day occurrences of life, are often no more then coincidence. But those events which are major, whether they be a horrific storm, or the politics of a once great nation, that now finds itself wallowing in lies and self doubt, these are far more then merely a teachable moment? Events that are catastrophic in nature, whether they be immediate, or inevitable, these are more often then not, warnings! These have a purpose, born from reason, and to miss what the warnings say, is to flirt with our doom!
  To take moments of extreme consequence, and to label these as just coincidence, brings no truth to the matter, as to what just occurred, and why? Because when you count everything as just happenstance, with no rhyme or reason, you're counting it just to chance, leaves it all shrouded in doubt, for in happenstance, there is no reason, and without reason, is no order.
  But there is a reason to life, to death, to memories, and to everything that is! The planets and the solar systems may look to be chaotic, but everything has a purpose, and every event a proper time! How do I know this? Because God is the creator of reason, and for him, everything has its proper time, and all is in order!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tested Truths: But God

Tested Truths: But God:   I speak to you from a place where far too many of you will never know! Pity? It is a place that you should surely want to go to, for it is...

But God

  I speak to you from a place where far too many of you will never know! Pity? It is a place that you should surely want to go to, for it is a place of many wonders! It is a place of fabled fame, it is a life unto itself! It is a life, forever with God! Oh, it will not be your god, the one you see, but He will be God none the less. How far does your arrogance go, when will you choose to acknowledge him for who he is? When is it, that you will pay tribute?
  The arrogance that you feel, will tell you that there is no need for any change just yet, you have this thing wired pretty good? Besides you say, I'll take care of this god business when I am good and ready?
But what if when you when you finally decide to get serious about God, that he is no longer serious about you? His arms are still open now, just as they have been from the beginning of this thing we call life, but there is a limit! Once that limit is reached, once that last person has said, Yes Lord! At that time, the Book will be closed, and the names that are written in it shall be saved and granted eternal life!  The list of names of those who refuse, will not be written! Once the Book closes, if your name is not in it, your future is also secure, for you will be eternally dead!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tested Truths: Does Not Think

Tested Truths: Does Not Think:   Writing to tell it all, writing to please others, or just writing to please myself? This is one of the things that I do not understand, th...

Does Not Think

  Writing to tell it all, writing to please others, or just writing to please myself? This is one of the things that I do not understand, this compulsion to write? I have this need to tell a tale, even though I have no idea where it goes once I release it? I have no idea where it goes, nor do I know who, or how many read it, as my analytics have been on the fritz again! But by releasing it with the push of a button, it goes out at that moment, never to be thought of exactly like that again? I wonder if they will ever return to me again? But they never do.
  They disappear much in the same way that they came? Just a flash of recognition, a moment in time, and then gone again? Distractions will come and go. Some being welcomed, while others are just annoying? But I think the answer is, as to why the words I have written seem so vague, even to me, is because, they were written for that moment, and with that moment only, can they be understood? Once a moment passes, even though we can remember back on it with some clarity, that moment can never be the same! It is that way with time, that by it's passing, it changes things forever!
  Moments, ticks on a clock, life is made up of the moments experienced in it. Each moment is a nugget in time, with all the thoughts which went with that moment, trapped inside! What is the true power of thought, and can it ever be measured? Who can understand thought? Not just the physicality of it, but rather, the words of the thoughts that were thought at that moment? Where did they come from? They can come only from life, because death does not think!
  How powerful is thought? Would you believe that all that is, came into being by just that? A thought, God created all with an intellect far beyond any measure! The best of NASA's computers can not hold the knowledge! If a multi national like Google was to try only to label it, it would melt every mother board they own, and it would take months for them to get back on line! How powerful is thought? God created it all by a thought, He thought it into existence! This is a power outside of any realm we have ever known, because His thoughts were thought before there was any time! Time began when he said that it should, because he is time, and he has always been, and who can measure time?

Tested Truths: Only in Purity

Tested Truths: Only in Purity:   Any of us who have held strong beliefs, a faith in things greater then ourselves, will offend people at times, it is inevitable! I have fo...

Only in Purity

  Any of us who have held strong beliefs, a faith in things greater then ourselves, will offend people at times, it is inevitable! I have found that people's first reaction is to reject truth. They don't realize that the uncomfortableness that they feel is natural, but they take this feeling as a bad thing? But this is a perfectly normal reaction, and it is the same whenever and where ever the truth is spoken. Because the truth can not worry about hurt feelings, the truth is what it is, and truth makes no apologies! It has always been that way with truth, Truth cuts through bone and marrow, truth always gets right to the heart of the matter! Truth is a perfect specimen, strong in mind and spirit, unblemished, and always perfectly correct! There was a time when men and women were perfect, a time when everything they said was correct, a time when they were pure, a time when neither of them had any hint of the blemish of sin, a time when all was perfect! It is this man that will return home to the Spirit from which we all came, we shall know perfection again!
  But we can not do this by the force of our will! No will of our own is what he wants! None but His, because it is only his that is perfect! But you can never achieve this on your own? You can not make it without him. His name? His name is Jesus Christ!

Tested Truths: Abraham Lincoln

Tested Truths: Abraham Lincoln:   It was an odd turn of events, and it's funny how things work out sometimes, isn't it? While busy hiding away all of my pads, pens,...

Abraham Lincoln

  It was an odd turn of events, and it's funny how things work out sometimes, isn't it? While busy hiding away all of my pads, pens, and such things needed to what it is that I do? I came upon and old article on Abraham Lincoln that had I borrowed from a Doctors office? This I did to assist in neating up, as we were expecting guests? During this neating up process, is when I came upon this article, on this, the Memorial Day weekend? Now probably, because I am not a big believer in coincidence, that I found the whole matter quite queer? But on the other hand, it was perfect wasn't it? How things just seem to fall together perfectly! Coincidence? Me thinks not!
  It is on this day, that we are to remember those who fought to keep us free! We think back on great speeches, and those Presidents who meant every word they said in those quotes! But far more important then these, is for the soldiers, who laid down their lives so that we would remain free! Lincoln had said, No greater sacrifice can be made on the Alter of Freedom, then to lay down ones life for his Country!
  Conversely, what we have today is quite the opposite. When those who have died for those very same principles as the Presidents spoke of, are now ignored? Four dead in Benghazi? Fort hood is workplace violence? All this in the name of politics?
  May God forgive us, on this Memorial Day, while we honor those who have served. That as we mouth the words, while washing down that burger, that we make a vow to honor those killed and maimed in this, our time! If the dead among their ranks could speak today, they would be ashamed at what we have become as a Nation! What has happened that we allow such things?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tested Truths: Just The Typewriter

Tested Truths: Just The Typewriter:   It has been somewhat of a hectic time lately, a lot is happening all at once! And with all that's going on in the world, do you know w...

Just The Typewriter

  It has been somewhat of a hectic time lately, a lot is happening all at once! And with all that's going on in the world, do you know what I'm worried about? That stupid poem I sort of promised?  I still will do it, but can you imagine? Would it be a good poem, will people like it? Doubts? I hate doubts!
  But the strangest thing is, that I know I can do it! This is how I know? My tormentors over at Apple, have seen fit using something that they call Genius, and is everything but! It shuffles my music when I don't want it shuffled, and it does so with no apparent logic? But anyway, on this one particular shuffle, it fell onto Brand New Day by Van Morrison, which is the song I was going to use in my little experiment. But the reason I say that I could do it, is that almost immediately, I started thinking in verse? If I had been sitting at my computer at the time, I would have nailed it, and right on time! The phrases and sentences fell together beautifully, even for those that were of a heavier matter! Beautiful phrases, dark phrases, phrases of the logic of life, all of which were reasons to choose life!
  A boasted life is a life less worn, a time for tenderness past by sadly as we watched. A requiem for revivals not yet heard? A time harvested for souls who refuse to see!
  These are not my words, No, not mine! But I am here too! Me Ed, the guy who smokes too much, cusses too much, yells too much, and flirts too much! I am here too! You see I'm just the typewriter in all this, I type away, more ignorant in a sort of way, far less understanding as to what it is that is happening? Each time I post one of these, I always look to the box at the bottom that says Comment, but no one ever does?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tested Truths: A Poetic Sense

Tested Truths: A Poetic Sense:   It's funny me picking Hip Hop as the beat for the song I spoke of in that last post? It is strange in a lot of ways, but in two ways p...

A Poetic Sense

  It's funny me picking Hip Hop as the beat for the song I spoke of in that last post? It is strange in a lot of ways, but in two ways primarily? First, I know next to nothing about the genre, and though it must have some redeeming values, in truth, I don't really like it? But on the flip side of that, is the fact that it is easy to fit lyrics! The words that I wrote were about two different men, but I sung them to Max in a rap beat! The problem for me, is that I don't write music, and frankly, even if I did, I doubt I could remember it? It is not that it was complete, as I think it would need a few more verses, a bridge, and to make the whole thing run between three and three and a half minutes! Hitsville you see? Not too much, but just a good and steady beat! In my day, it would be a 45, and it would play on the AM stations.
  I hadn't planned on putting this on my blog, but thought I would just drop a note from my G+ page? But then, for some reason, I looked to explain my last post, and the thing just grew, until I thought it best to sit and put pen to pad? The short version, that is, what I thought only a quick note from my page, was an experiment I looked to try? Some of you know what I am talking about, as I have had some limited success in the past, with similar attempts. Putting words to music, without a written score?  In other words, putting the two together! So it occurred to me, that maybe I was going about it all wrong? If it is to work, it should be done cold, with no script, while listening to it. But this will be a bit risky for me, as I have given myself no safety net? Meaning, that I will correct spelling and grammar as best I can, but I will publish whatever comes of it. In other words, it will be an honest attempt! I'm not at all sure how it will work out, but I think that whatever it is, it will come out in a poetic sense?
  So anyway, I invite you all over to my Youtube site, if you want to see how it will turn out? But however it goes, when I run out of time, I will push the Publish button. Obviously, my biggest concern is with the timing!

Tested Truths: Free, for nothin

Tested Truths: Free, for nothin:   It seemed as if the beautiful women were no problem for the man from Lubbick Texas, Lubbick that is.   Rust on the bumpers, gun rack in t...

Free, for nothin

  It seemed as if the beautiful women were no problem for the man from Lubbick Texas, Lubbick that is.
  Rust on the bumpers, gun rack in the window, but this boy had snagged himself the finest of all the foxes! This boy from Lubbick Texas, this boy from Lubbick! He had had a knack, he has had it since he was quite young. This boy from Staten Island, this boy from one of the five.
  What that was about, those stanzas above, was my attempt at a rap song, lyrics, no music! The point of this is this, I would be honored if someone who can write music were to make a song for the lyrics, I think it would be cool! What I am trying to explain is, that whatever the law says about copyright and things like that, that there will be no charges brought by me, because in truth, if the music is good, we might just have a hit on our hands!
  This whole thing, and the particular line of thought, was brought on by the discussions on tonights show. The discussions were aided in no small way, by the music that was played on the breaks! Speaking of music, and realizing that I shouldn't stay around here for much longer, my times run out, and I gotta go,
  So please, someone, take me up on this, and put these words of mine into music! So I won't come around here for now, but I will come around this way again!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tested Truths: Desires

Tested Truths: Desires:   There are always desires that we must leave in the distance of life, for at times like those, we thought we had good reason to leave it al...


  There are always desires that we must leave in the distance of life, for at times like those, we thought we had good reason to leave it all behind? Good reason, sound logic, a reason to give it up? In childhood, our imaginations run free, they know no limits, and we dream great things! Life has not yet taken its toll, and the young have not yet learned to doubt. We all were there once, and all of us, should be able to clear our minds of all the clutter, long enough, to remember one childhood dream?
  So what is it that has stolen all of those dreams, are any still held in tact? How many have you decided that you will never accomplish? Is it the drudgery of life that has taken such a heavy toll? Perhaps a job you hate, a life you didn't want? How sad for you, how sad for any so afflicted! Life is hard, and the money is tight! The kids all need shoes, or my yacht needs a new hull, it is all the same thing!
  What is it that draws your attention, what is it that gets your motor running? Work is only a fact of life, but it isn't who you are! That is of course, unless you make it so? Take the time to enjoy life, for life is a gift!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tested Truths: Mr. Peabody

Tested Truths: Mr. Peabody:   Only one of the two, so I think that Mr. Peabody will have to wait? Instead, we will do this one, which was the other of the two that I wa...

Mr. Peabody

  Only one of the two, so I think that Mr. Peabody will have to wait? Instead, we will do this one, which was the other of the two that I was considering. This one is of a much lighter fare, because this one is about politics again, and nothing on God's green earth is sillier then politics! By comparison, our Mr. Peabody had been, or I guess still is a much heavier tale? It starts out quiet enough, but then changes begin, and it foams up with storm clouds overhead, and then explodes in a full rage across the land! So we will leave this one alone for awhile, we'll leave Mr. OPeabody lie asleep a little longer?
But I guess in reality, we have all just witnessed it in the physical sense? We have seen storms rip at our heartland, and we all say why Lord? How is it that you allow this? But he doesn't waste his breath explaining himself, because if you would look to yourselves, you already have the answer!
So anyway, politics?
  I would like to welcome all of you lovers of Coca Cola and other such fare, to the only place where discrimination is still quite welcomed? This is the place for those who are not in sync with the public good? It is a proud place, a place of defiance against a law gone insane, from a government bent only on self perpetuation. Welcome!
  We smokers were first, we who choose our relaxation from smoke? But the health, the bills were their cry! Do I say that smoking is healthy? Of course not, but it is a right! So now come soft drink lovers? But I do have a question for this our latest crusade against freedom? Are diet drinks immune from the tax? I mean better living through chemistry and all? Oh! As a side note to the smoking thing, second hand smoke is a bit of a reach, in fact, it's bullshit! But I digress?
 So now, all you soft drink users, are you ready to have your turn in the barrel? One penny per ounce, 12 cents per can, seventy two cents per six pack, are you ready? But let's take this discrimination for the public good a little further then, shall we? What would have happened if when the scurge of aids was rampant, that we had layed tax through discrimination on the gay community? All for the good of the public of course? As a caveat, or just another side note, you might want to keep this in mind? Aids is not cured, but only controlled for now!

The Official Movie Website for Hating Breitbart

The Official Movie Website for Hating Breitbart

Sunday, May 19, 2013


  I gave it my best shot, but Max was not impressed? Now these weren't shoddy smoke rings, not by anybodys standards! In fact, they were some of the finest smoke rings that I have ever seen blown! And I am talking about all those that I have made during my smoking career, but also, all that I have ever seen made, including the one that my uncle Stanley made, before I first picked up a cigarette! But Max was unimpressed? Max, God bless Max!
  So now that I have opened with a dog story, should I stick with it, or should I break it off clean, and go with another trend of thought? How about a variation on a theme, something that would afford more latitude? Oh, the question mark the one right before this one? That was because I wouldn't know a latitude from an entire group of longitudes?
  As it happens, I do ask a lot of questions, but I also have many of the answers. Fortunately or not, depending on your point of view, there are more questions then answers? But for me personally, the fact that there are more questions then answers, is the coolist thing that I have ever heard!
  TV, politics? Shannon Bream and Chris Stirewalt on the screen? Max is here, Max!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Tested Truths: Is God A Republican?

Tested Truths: Is God A Republican?:   One man's poetry is another man's trash, and so, we will attempt to keep this one simple? The goal is to keep the poetic separate ...

Is God A Republican?

  One man's poetry is another man's trash, and so, we will attempt to keep this one simple? The goal is to keep the poetic separate from the common? The thought is, that by making a conscious decision to keep it more common, that even the simplest of ear could understand it! The bigger problem is that spiritual knowledge is spiritually discerned. The majority of the people that you are trying to reach, not only don't know who God is, but see no reason to find out? They have no spiritual understanding at all! There is one thing that I wanted to make clear to those of you who do know him! Common language stops when the writing becomes poetic. Because Poetry is the language of God, Phrophecy begins when the writer begins to speak in a more poetic sense. Phrophecy can be in plain language also, but I believe that anything new, comes forth in poetic nuances only! But this is only my opinion.
  OK, lets slow down a bit, lets try to get a handle as to where we are? We are trying to talk about politics, so lets all put on our stupid hats for a while, shall we? You have probably heard that Businesses, corporations, can be an entity of and to themselves? So lets look at the Democratic party as a living breathing person? Think of him as the new kid on the block? Is Dem the kind of guy you would want to hang out with? He seemed like a nice enough guy at first, but once you got to know him, he was really kind of scary! He made fun of you once because you said that you believed in God? He did it only that once, as you had made it clear that if he said that again, Well? But Dem didn't not know God and just leave it at that, Dem hated God! Do you think this to be just silly, do you think that it is mean spirited? Don't, because every word is true! What do you think happened back at the national convention? Did you get the full coverage? The Democratic Party had adopted a plank that was atheistic, and they almost rammed it through! Even though it was stopped officially from the podium, the intent of the Party had been set! Being on the wrong side of abortion is only the tip of the iceberg, for the thing with this administration, and the national party at its core is this: We believe that God does not exist. And though we will protect the rights of those who believe these fables, it is our position, and that of the American people through us, to say and affirm, that there is no God. But is God a Republican? No way, because he doesn't care which party is for the truth. That is something that interests him, The Truth that is, and so, which ever party is the one telling the truth, that is the one that he supports!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tested Truths: It is what it is

Tested Truths: It is what it is:   How about if I pass along a couple of truths to you this morning? Would that be OK with you, or would that upset your day? Lieing is diffi...

It is what it is

  How about if I pass along a couple of truths to you this morning? Would that be OK with you, or would that upset your day? Lieing is difficult for the moral man, but unclean lips speak lies abundantly! Now that certainly is true, and because it is true in its bassist sense, it is immune to semantics. There is no spin that can be put on it, because it shakes off lies like a dog shaking off fleas!
  Now, you might find this enlightening, or you might find it disturbing, it doesn't really matter, because the truth will out, because the truth is what it is! When something just is, it is a living proof! It can not be denied, for even death knows the truth! People will sing out their complaints, I can hear them whine from all around me, and it is difficult sometimes with so many doubters around? But you should pay them no mind, because there has always been fools! The problem with this life is that the fools outnumber the rest of us! There is a time for temperance, a time for understanding, a time when all intelligent resistance is futile!
  The Godless come, and the Godless go, but remember that they are here only for our amusement, sort of like pets? Fools, they are conjurers of stupidity, simpletons in all things that really matter! You have probably run in to some of these, whether on line, or in person? But the first reaction is always the same? It is their arrogance! Because these clowns are all convinced that they are the smartest people in the room? And they think that they know something that no one else knows? But in reality, they know nothing at all!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tested Truths: Julian Bond

Tested Truths: Julian Bond:   Why have you done this to us Mr. Bond, what made you turn your back on the country you claim you love? Why would you, of all people, look ...

Julian Bond

  Why have you done this to us Mr. Bond, what made you turn your back on the country you claim you love? Why would you, of all people, look to divide us further? Why have you cried out racist, when you know that there is none? What has happened to you, what is it that has brought you to think like this? Have you now switched from crusader for equal rights, and do you now look to take them away? What has happened to you, why do you scream fire in the theatre, when you know that there is none? This nation is being ripped in two, and you look only to throw more wood on the fire, Why? I will tell you this, It is a sad state of affairs in this country, when one of those who helped to make men free, that now you would make an ugly and unfounded, accusation like that! I am precisely the type of man who you ranted against, I'm white, and I am a bible believing Christian! Do you think that I am a racist?
  But when it comes to figuring out motives, it is always easy with the Godless? They don't protest out of conscience, they protest out of obedience! For Mr. Bond is one of those? He needs no God he thinks? Because the only god he has ever looked to serve is himself! These erect alters to themselves, and they make sacrifices as they see fit? But all of the alters that they have erected for themselves, each one of them will burn!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tested Truths: Time Is On Your Side

Tested Truths: Time Is On Your Side:   So many thoughts, so many truths, I cannot remember them all, you move to fast for me! I move as I will, what else would you have me do? I...

Time Is On Your Side

  So many thoughts, so many truths, I cannot remember them all, you move to fast for me! I move as I will, what else would you have me do? It is too much for me, it is more then I can handle!
  It is like this between me and the Father, his thoughts are too many too fast! And when this happens, I think to myself, What can I do, I will never remember it all, it is too much, I am confused? I never said that you had to tell it all, I told you to tell what you remember, nothing more. You are only to tell, all that you have come to know.
  The mind of God is an ocean of thought, it splashes up against the walls of heaven, leaving words and phrases foaming at its base! Whole empires have been built on words, and he owns the key to them all! He speaks in a language, and his voice sounds like many waters, his voice calms, his words tell all! He says to his children, I have come for you, you who are mine!
  Who is it that can lay waste the plans of God, who will challenge Him? Who among you will step up and question him, which of you will stand in defiance? Call out your name if you dare, and I will crush you with my heel says he!
  How is it possible to love a power like this, how do you hold onto it? It is better to embrace it, and you need no more understanding then that. There are eons of time for you to get to know him. You see, when you know him, time is on your side, because you are his now, and you have all the time that is!

Tested Truths: Rape The Horizon

Tested Truths: Rape The Horizon:   I took my first walk this morning for the first time in a long time! But to call it a walk just wouldn't be accurate? It was more like...

Rape The Horizon

  I took my first walk this morning for the first time in a long time! But to call it a walk just wouldn't be accurate? It was more like a hobbled shuffle, but I made it! God has been putting on quite a show lately, you can see it in both the day, and the night sky! This morning's sky was incredible! And for those of you who know him, and you do not take the time to enjoy this, shame on you! Because the time of beautiful skies, is about to change!
  I was reminded as I watched, that the brilliant white puffs and trails of clouds will soon be replaced by clouds of a different type. These will not be soft and billowy, but rather red and angry! These will be clouds angry with violence! These do not come from high above, but rather, these rise up in fire and smoke, these rape the horizon!
  It is a terrible thing to know this, and it is a very lonely feeling! My God, why me? Why must I be the purveyor of words? Why has this task been appointed to me? I am betwixt and between, and I am troubled by it all! It comes and goes as it wills, and over it, I have no control. I am sometimes, almost forced to think about things which I would rather not think about?
  Because I would much rather tell you about something else, anything else, anything but this! But I am here, and you are where you are, and somehow, it has fallen upon me to explain it?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Tested Truths: Truth is not for sale

Tested Truths: Truth is not for sale:   The truth of it all, is all that I am after, and I have an ulterior motive which corresponds to the former! I seek also the truth about me...

Truth is not for sale

  The truth of it all, is all that I am after, and I have an ulterior motive which corresponds to the former! I seek also the truth about me, who is it that I am, just what is it that Im supposed to do?
  What is the power of the World Wide Web? Isn't it that it is world wide? Isn't that obvious to you, whatever else did you think was going on here? Not just with our country, but with the entire world?  There are powers and principalities that fight all around you! And they fight because of you! The forces of evil have run smack dab into the forces of good, and we are all caught in the middle!
  For me, what I meant when I said an ulterior motive, is because for me, they have kept me from prospering, and Lord knows how much I resent it! But I am called higher then the meaning of money, because what I peddle is the truth, but the truth is not for sale!
  This is the time for fact checking, this is the time for soul searching! What I am talking about is far more important then the ridiculous politics of this world! Is Barack Obama an evil man? I don't know, it is not for me to judge! But I will tell you this, he sure likes evil things! But how long did he think that he could hide from it? Is he naive enough to think that he can hide from it still? Does he still feel secure hiding behind the stupidity of others, for when the full light of Truth shines on them, they will scurry like cockroaches for the shadows!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tested Truths: The Wrong Pew

Tested Truths: The Wrong Pew:   I am sorry that it had to come to this America, you see, I really wanted him to succeed! Not so much him, as what he represented? I wanted...

The Wrong Pew

  I am sorry that it had to come to this America, you see, I really wanted him to succeed! Not so much him, as what he represented? I wanted it to work, and I thought that he might have been the answer, and I am sorry that he wasn't.
  What am I talking about? Barack Obama! I voted for him over Hillary, because I thought a white woman before a black man, would have been the final insult, a great big kick in the teeth to the black community as a whole, and a special up yours to the black man!
  So then out of no where, comes this young fresh face, and I think what we all thought to ourselves, Cool! I mean could a black man have done any worse then did the white ones? Hell no, Right? For me personally, I remember thinking, That only a black man can heal the racial divide in this country! I was right of course, but it was the wrong time, this wasn't supposed to be the first!
  When I realized, that Barack Obama was not the answer, I remember feeling sorry for my black friends! Most of them were so filled with this new pride, and that was as it should have been, but to have him fail was a hard thing! So I would look to make a joke with them? I would say to them, Hey ya know this guy is half white don't ya? Well, hate on the white half!
  But we are past that now, but the answer is still the same! This country has been ripped in half by race, income, gender, and every other thing you can think of, but the answer is still the same!
It will take a black man to repair, not only the racial divide, but all the other divisions fissured by this administration! And I got just the guy! Dr. Benjamin Carson, if he'll run, is my choice for President in 2016!

Tested Truths: Plain ole fashion common sense,

Tested Truths: Plain ole fashion common sense,:   It's interesting, I go through yellow pads as if I was just flicking another Pez? It seems like as soon as one is done, that we flip t...

Plain ole fashion common sense,

  It's interesting, I go through yellow pads as if I was just flicking another Pez? It seems like as soon as one is done, that we flip the page, and it is forgotten out of mind? As we wave goodbye to that question, the next one comes right into view? Oh they can come from the left, in fact, they come from all around! But can I answer them all, or better yet, should I even try? Or still better, why is it that I think I need to?
  Whatever it is that is going on here, it is really not that important. At least not for any one moment? Because importance is given to what takes up most of our time. Importance is assigned by the portion of time that we allow it? Hmm..
  To each his own, and from wherever you are now, has a direct correlation to where you will be a few moments from now. I mean that's just common sense then, right? I feel like for some of you, it is like I'm trying to pull you down a rabbit hole, and that this is really difficult stuff? It isn't! It's just plain ole fashion common sense!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tested Truths: An open letter to Ariana Huffington

Tested Truths: An open letter to Ariana Huffington:   I am done playing games, it tires me so, because it weighs upon my mind! You have a lot of readers, millions I suspect? You have the vehic...

An open letter to Ariana Huffington

  I am done playing games, it tires me so, because it weighs upon my mind! You have a lot of readers, millions I suspect? You have the vehicle to set millions free, and yet, you seem content to print mostly lies? Why? What is it you get from that? The only thing that would make sense to me, is that you are an athiest, are you?
  Because if you were a believer in God, how is it possible that you would not protect life? I am talking about common sense life, meaning, a reality about abortion that is not in line with the purests, who would look to gain points in the next life. But rather, one that is in tune with the realities of these, our times!
 The purest want no abortion, under any circumstances, but the realists know, that in this life, as it is now, that just isn't possible! Abortion for rape, for those rare occasions when the mother's life is in actual danger, and, may God forgive us, in the time of incest! But this is an extemely personal decision, one that the young woman should make with family, and those who love her! This is no place for government intervention! You want to protect a girl or young woman's womb, do it against the government, not against family!
  And so I challenge you Ariana! Defend life! Use your great power for the common good, for these young women, and for the sake of God!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Check it out on TicketWeb - Brews, Blues & BBQ Craft Beer Fest at Mid Hudson Civic Center on Sat Jun 01 2013

Check it out on TicketWeb - Brews, Blues & BBQ Craft Beer Fest at Mid Hudson Civic Center on Sat Jun 01 2013

Tested Truths: Benghazi

Tested Truths: Benghazi:   So let me get this straight? Four Americans are murdered in an estate in Beverly Hills California, and this is OK? I am amazed at the tota...


  So let me get this straight? Four Americans are murdered in an estate in Beverly Hills California, and this is OK? I am amazed at the total lack of outrage over this? Afterall, although I am no fan of George Clooney and the rest, I was still saddened by the news! And yet, America rolls on, and no one seems to care? Amazing!
  Now as the story goes, he and the other two recovered at the bomb site, were clearly there, according to the hard drives recovered fro the site, were conspiring to assinate the president? The bodies of Sean Penn and Robert Redford have also been positively identified! The body of the fourth man remains a mystery?
  Do you know why you found that so interesting? Because it was about four men who you care about, some, even idolize them? But yet, the four brave Americans who gave their lives, fighting for the very freedom that these fools take for granted?
  America! Do you have no tears for those gallant men who died in Benghazi?  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tested Truths: A Declaration

Tested Truths: A Declaration:   I ask a lot of questions, I know! People often say to me, that is, those who will talk to me at all, and they say to me, why so many quest...

A Declaration

  I ask a lot of questions, I know! People often say to me, that is, those who will talk to me at all, and they say to me, why so many question marks? Now, this question has sent me into somewhat of a tizzy before, because it would lead me to question my punctuation? Let's take that last statement for instance?  That one could have ended with a period I suppose, but I chose the mark of the question because I used the word question, do you see? Now this last one, that being the one before this one, couldn't have ended in anything but a question mark! But also, in that same scenario lies a question, doesn't it? Do you see my quandry, do you understand my dilema?
  I suppose that there is a point to all of this, and that being, that my punctuation choices may in fact be suspect? But I don't know. But then again, I think to myself, that this is not a good enough answer, and it can be no place to leave my readers hanging! And so, I will attempt at making it clearer for you, but also for myself! My punctuation is sometimes confusing, because often myself, I don't know how the sentence should end? Those are the times, when I am done typing the sentence, and I think to myself, Was that a question, a statement, or a declaration?

On The Box: Words of Comfort: Hate Speech?

On The Box: Words of Comfort: Hate Speech?: These are difficult times for the average preacher. If we warn of Hell or speak of the Bible’s stance on homosexuality, we are quickly ac...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tested Truths: Out of Sync

Tested Truths: Out of Sync:   There is a rhythm to life, and when you hear it, you move to its beat, and you are in sync with life! And when you are in sync with life, ...

Out of Sync

  There is a rhythm to life, and when you hear it, you move to its beat, and you are in sync with life! And when you are in sync with life, there are no surprises, and everything goes smoothly! But when you are out of sync with life, your stress level could go through the roof? I will tell you that there is nothing like the feeling when you are in sync with life!, and that is because life is always on time!
  OK you say, but what is the pace of life, is it fast or is it slow? Its natural rhythm is a two four, half time, relaxed time, an easy pace. A pace where there is never a need to rush, and so everything is clearer! A pace that by its very nature says, relax, take it easy, there is no need to rush. But there are times, in times of great trauma, when relaxation is impossible, and on those times, life picks up the pace to match the energy needed to handle whatever emergency is at hand!
  Lately, our national stress level has been high, it has been high for a long time now, and each day seems to bring another concern? But even in those times of high stress, be always mindful of the beat of life. For when she is stressed it is OK, but when she returns to the relaxed pace, if you remain at high stress level, that is when for you, real trouble is at hand!
  In short, always to be mindful of the heartbeat of life, and try to have your moods and emotions match hers! Because when you are not in sync, you can have no peace, and you will find yourself at wits end!
You can never be right when you are out of sync!

CĂ©line Dion & Andrea Bocelli - The Prayer (Live NYC Central Park 2011)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tested Truths: The Library of God

Tested Truths: The Library of God:   Timeless paintings hang in the ancient gallery! Posters both bright and macabre. Pieces of life caught forever on canvas, scenes from time...

The Library of God

  Timeless paintings hang in the ancient gallery! Posters both bright and macabre. Pieces of life caught forever on canvas, scenes from times of long ago! Each one a true perception, each one having captured the moment perfectly! Along these same walls, are cases of books, there musty smell adds a certain ambiance to the dampened room. Green moss is on these canyon walls, and they stain green the brilliant granite beneath them.
  This is the library of the most high, and it brims over with knowledge and beauty! In its rows of books, are records and the stories about all that has ever happened, and with volumes dedicated to the things which have yet to occur! How can one fathom all of this wisdom? Incredible looking books are strewn about on tables of solid oak, covered in the dust from long ago! From a past time, when someone sat and read these books which were new then, but now tossed aside and forgotten? But the tales of which they told are still safe within their pages, waiting only for someone to read them and bring them to life again!
  This is the Library of God, and it is yours to peruse at your leisure, for as long as you would like!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tested Truths: CREAM - We're Going Wrong

Tested Truths: CREAM - We're Going Wrong:   Whatever is to become of it, where has it all gone? A once powerful nation now cowers in fear? In fear of what? Surely not another nation ...

CREAM - We're Going Wrong

  Whatever is to become of it, where has it all gone? A once powerful nation now cowers in fear? In fear of what? Surely not another nation from the face of this earth? What nation would you choose to fear, tell me, because I want to know!
  So if you fear no nation, what is it you do fear, politics? Are you crazy, have you finally lost your mind completely? You hold back your full fury because your words may hurt somebody's feelings? What? You must be a fool, you are a clown no longer funny! You are sad beyond compare, and you have an ordor that offends me!
  Keep well away from me, those who sell political correctness, or I will blow you away! It is you who have befuddled the people, but all you have are twisted words! I know who you are, and I stand ready to meet you! The fools you have, you may keep with my blessing. Go ahead and take them, because they have been declared yours, before the beginning of this age!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tested Truths: ring them bells Bob Dylan - Subtitulado In 3D

Tested Truths: ring them bells Bob Dylan - Subtitulado In 3D:   Music in 3D! It is a concept that I will try to explain to you? If you love music, you also love crystal clear stereo! The two just go tog...

ring them bells Bob Dylan - Subtitulado In 3D

  Music in 3D! It is a concept that I will try to explain to you? If you love music, you also love crystal clear stereo! The two just go together, you might say that they run hand and hand? But what happens to that digitally clear sound when it hits your ears? How is it that you process what you hear?
  I am talking about music on a much higher plane, and it occurred to me, that if I described it in more of a relatable way, maybe those who have never experienced it will understand? I hear music in 3D! If you think of what 3D does for your eyes, try to imagine the same effect for your ears!
  There is a power to the mind, that science is just starting to understand! And there are thoughts which are thought, which are far beyond the philosophies of men! These are called, The Oracles of God! In them, are the answer to all the questions! They are the keys to understanding things like, life, the cosmos, and eternity! High hopes, and long since gone realities, that are so strange to your ears?
  Truth, Justice, Gods way!