Is this the death of liberalism? Or is it only the death of their wild eyed base and socialism that must die? How about progressivism, where does that moniker fall with this trio?
Indeed, what is to become of the left, and what of their Democratic cheerleaders? Will we see the end of such monumental liars like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi again? Well, sadly no, because both of them are far too arrogant to resign. Why you would have to go and lock Nancy up while kicking and screaming, and lock her in her palatial settings in San Francisco! The Dems, God love em, the group to which I still belong, only not so proudly anymore, what is to become of them? Nothing in the long term, as their side has led this country with honor before! But there is even a place for compassion's bleeding hearts, as surely their passions will be needed to keep a balance. We need diversity of opinion! Without it, there is always the chance for abuse by another ideology. Without diversity of thought, we stagnate as a people, and we will become complacent again, and we could do all this again, but from the right again! Any ideology left unchallenged, can easily be led into anarchy.
This time, at this point in our history, the home of the anarchists is embedded in the left, wasn't it Harry and Nance who once openly praised the crazies from the Occupy Wall St. crowd? Interestingly, the liberal media called the Tea Party dangerous? You know, those families standing there with their kids in one hand, and our flag in the other? Yeah, those loons?
Now most who call themselves as left of center somehow, are mostly good, hard working Americans, just like those on the right. But because of their compassionate points of view, most were so subtly led away by the extremists among them, that they still don't understand what it is that went so wrong? The base of the Democratic party has been taken over by extremists, all of whom have an agenda. Don't believe me? One of the left's biggest supporters is a group so small, and yet so powerful? The gay agenda is driven by a very few people, as there are not near as many as their propaganda would have you believe. But what more could they possibly want? There is the right to legally join with their same sex partners as do the rest of us. They too have a say in the decision to end a life lost to disease, and to inherit the estate. But this is not enough apparently, because what they really want is to have their sins counted differently from the rest of ours, that somehow theirs is different, and not their fault?
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