When you anticipate that only bad things lie ahead for you, won't that very anticipation flavor the events which do lie in your future? Conversely, if you anticipate only good, won't the opposite be true?
When you are raised in a certain environment, won't you then claim those points of view espoused there as your own? We are all the product of our environment, but as we grow and move along in life, how long does it take, before we begin to see things from a more personal point of view? There is one dynamic of any group, which is often the most dangerous, and that is, developing a group mentality! The extreme of a group comes when that group becomes an angry mob! Imagine yourself caught up in a group of family and friends which begins to consider a violence of some kind? Often, in instances like these, the group, once it has become a mob, will unite, if for no other reason, then to belong to the bigger whole. We are social by nature, and everyone wants to belong!
But what of a person who has been ostracised his whole life? A person who like all of us, wanted only to feel like they belonged to a larger something, only to feel shunned time and time again?
These are the people who are the most dangerous, because they have never understood an opinion, other then their own. When these people who have no sounding board of any kind lash out, it is usually extremely violent, but to them, it all makes perfect sense!
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