Friday, November 15, 2019
Tested Truths: Behold a Red Horse
Tested Truths: Behold a Red Horse: To rise above it all, so to be able to focus, is a good thing. You must learn to look up, you must learn to see through all the clouds. T...
Behold a Red Horse
To rise above it all, so to be able to focus, is a good thing. You must learn to look up, you must learn to see through all the clouds. These are the times that make me the happiest, when I see something perfectly, that makes me happy. ( happy?, sometimes you just run out of words). Currently, I'm hiding out from Max. Max is beggin for food. but Max has a problem, Max is addicted to food. But really what I was trying to tell you, Is that I was just settling in on Chuck Misler's commentary on Revelation. I was expecting to begin with something like, Oh.. I don't know? chapter one, verse one? but no,? Behold a Red Horse? Blew me right out of the saddle! But the good news? at least I started. I'll figure the chronology in time, but I will continue the study. Hope your day is a good one.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Tested Truths: The World Seriously,
Tested Truths: The World Seriously,: Even if you are not a fan of baseball, the current World Series has proven to be the most interesting that ever I can remember. This real...
The World Seriously,
Even if you are not a fan of baseball, the current World Series has proven to be the most interesting that ever I can remember. This real life series on so many levels of so many different stories, will play game 7, (the final game), tonight, in Houston. Some particulars as to the two teams is that, they are two entirely different types of teams. Washington has been from day one considered too lucky to have made it. The salary differential between the two is huge. Houston, everyone believed they'd be here. They came looking to tag themselves as a dynasty, but make no mistake, Houston is a great team. Washington? This is their first trip to the big game since 1933 I think? Its' been a while, a long while! If you love rooting for the little guy, the underdog, Washington's your team.
Another David and Goliath story. Houston gleaming like a shiny new stainless steel computer, and Washington standing tall, slingshot in hand, is supposed to fall. Afterall, the computer picked them, and as we are all learning daily, the computer is never wrong? (the greatest sales pitch ever). One of the unavoidable connections between this game and the filth of politics should be obvious to all, as the city of Washington DC. is the politics capital of the world, so coincidence and conflict is in the crowd's DNA.
This is the first series where we were inundated with a constant barrage of statistics. Beyond the helpful scientific advances to assist both the batters and the pitchers to be better at their craft, Who knows, maybe someday, once dead pull hitters, will learn how to rifle shots the other way? One level of interest for me was how much playing the odds, as prescribed by the team's new Spinneret 3000 computer, and the human element of reading the moment, in an important moment to the game, were at odds. Because the computers, being cold and dead cannot measure or gauge the human heart. So there was that level of interest also. Like I said, " a very interesting game
This will be remembered as the series of the rookies. Young kids, some just out of high school, playing on baseball's biggest stage. New faces, same game, still left mostly untainted by the globalist/ Wall St. giant/ capitalist companies which have infiltrated other sports. Baseball, for now, remains an American game, Baseball remains America's pastime.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Tested Truths: Family
Tested Truths: Family: Its been said that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family, and certainly this is true. The sentence most often...
Its been said that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family, and certainly this is true. The sentence most often get used when there is some sort of turmoil in the family, rather than at the good times. The sentence is meant to be a not so subtle sarcastic slap. assuming there can be such a thing? But through good times and bad, nothing is more important to the strength of our national blanket, than the individual and the collective strength of the family.
So yeah, no one can make you madder than family, but on the flip side of that coin, no one can make you feel as much love and joy than the family. Go and ask the most extreme person you know from both the left and the right, and ask them about the importance of family in our, or any civilization. Simply put, Blood is thicker than water.
The reason that only family can make your feelings at the time so strong, is because their is no pretense with family, you know them, and they know you. Its personal. But I tell you that there is power in the blood, and so, there is power in the family.
Huh, family, you can't live with them, and you certainly can not live without them. How important is family? If you destroy the family, you destroy the nation.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Tested Truths: Finding the Truth
Tested Truths: Finding the Truth: Often, when finally you get the answer you've been searching for, don't sit back and rest after you've put that part to bed, ...
Finding the Truth
Often, when finally you get the answer you've been searching for, don't sit back and rest after you've put that part to bed, because along with that long sought answer, came yet another question.
While seeking the truth, no matter the subject, at first, because it is buried by such a web of lies, that you might think to yourself, Thats too well hidden, and to much work. Life is like a carnival, a constant mosaic of ever changing scenery. The truth lies deep, and many less important questions must be answered on your way to find the truth of the truth. How will you know when you've finally found it? Because there isn't another question on the other side of this rainbow, because you now stand with the pot of gold.
Truth, it stands alone, solid and never moving. Because yes its' true, that honesty is the best policy, but know this for those brave enough to speak it. Truth is an equal opportunity offender. Use it with Love.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Tested Truths: Imagine That
Tested Truths: Imagine That: What might have things been like if Hillary had won? What would have happened to the people, had we by our vote, signed up for what would...
Imagine That
What might have things been like if Hillary had won? What would have happened to the people, had we by our vote, signed up for what would have been the biggest mistake in our history. You don't need to be a tin foiled capped wild eyed conspiracist to know that our lives would not have been good had that vote gone the other way, and that we might well have put the final nail in our own coffins.
To the progressives, her being elected would have been a step in the right direction, but solely because she had a vagina. Not because of what she stood for, and who she was as a candidate, but just because she was a woman?!? As you look back with 20/20 hindsight, you can understand why she was so astonished by her loss. Afterall, it was her turn and she had been promised it. Politicians have always counted on the apathy of the American people. Even though Mr. Obama is half white, he was elected because he was accepted as our first black president, and for that reason only, as he had no prior experience, other than a position in the city of Chicago. When you think of it honestly, voting because of someones race or gender is sexist and racist. Our officials should be elected by the content of their character, and not because of their skin color or their gender. But in many ways, the Obama administrations' obsession with domestic affairs, and their complete mishandling of world affairs were just what was needed to wake up the sleeping giant, as to this steady march to socialist ideology. For the first two years, he held all three branches of the government, and could have done anything. But instead he chose to put all his energy into the beginnings os socialized medicine. Other than his trip early on to bow before the kings of the middle east, the administrations agenda concentrated on domestic issues. It seemed that they looked to thank the American people for living out the full measure of our creed by electing a man of color, by accusing us of racism. Besides this, when the country recoiled at the beheadings and other unspeakable horrors done by religious fanatics, we were lectured about being homophobic. The final straw of course was after 9/11 two when four Americans were slaughtered after a 13 hour gun fight, and our Ambassador dragged across a dirty linoleum tile floor The absolute bias of the press became apparent then too, as many carried no reporting at all of this huge international story, and the few in the main stream media that did used on average less than twenty minutes on the story. That is why so many people had no idea such a thing had happened, they weren't told.
About this time, the American people finally woke up, and the need for a Donald Trump type as President was born. But Mr. Trump not only exposed the Democrats and their hypocrisy, but the entire Washington elite swamp from both parties. It is no secret that both the right and the left is fed up with this do nothing Congress. What is needed badly is term limits! What would the special interest groups do, whose hand would the lobbyists grease if they couldn't be sure from election to election who would be in power. Wanna have some fun? Look up to see what these junior congress people were worth when they first got elected, and you'll find that most retire millionaires, with a solid gold retirement package. Want to see true bipartisan agreement? Start petitioning your elected officials to put term limits up for a vote as a referendum. Suddenly you'd see that not only can they reach across the isle, but a small kiss and a little hugging wouldn't become an odd but common sight. 100% cooperation, Imagine that..
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Tested Truths: A morning prayer,
Tested Truths: A morning prayer,: Good morning Lord, how wonderful it is to greet you in the early morning. You are wondrous in all of your ways, and so I follow awe struc...
A morning prayer,
Good morning Lord, how wonderful it is to greet you in the early morning. You are wondrous in all of your ways, and so I follow awe struck, and amazed that you would hear my prayer.
When I am with you, everything about you brings peace of mind, for it is in You that I put my trust. Though they snicker and scheme about me, and look to bring on all manner of calamity, it is You who protects me. I watch and wonder about many things, and many times during those times of thought, You bring me understanding of what is about to occur, before hand, so there is no surprise. I am aware, because You made me aware. Forgive me Father that sometimes it seems to be such a burden, but you understand my weakness, and You have mercy, and give me strength. I have no real plans, nor a set direction of my own, and so I follow you.
Good morning oh Wonder of wonders, how marvelous are all of your ways. Amen,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Tested Truths: Heaven
Tested Truths: Heaven: The vision of Heaven that I held for a long time was sort of like that song lyric "returning back to the garden", as in the gar...
The vision of Heaven that I held for a long time was sort of like that song lyric "returning back to the garden", as in the garden of Eden. And in Genesis, we know that Adam and Eve lived in this perfect Garden, and even strolled together with the Lord in the cool of the evenings. Walking and talking with Jesus, I look forward to it. But having come recently from this life, I'd probably ask something stupid like, Lord, whats the deal with mosquitoes parasites and suicide gnats that fly in your eyes, couldn't this world have done without that? Imagine, I'd be standing in the presence of all knowledge, and I ask him about bugs?
So if you were to give it some thought, what do you think Heaven will be like? Believer or not, have you ever wondered what a place of perfect peace and happiness would look like? Besides what it looks like, what will our new bodies look like? Believe me, I don't know either, but I have gone with a variation of Jesus' upper room self. Whatever Heaven will be like, we know that we will never shed another tear, never again feel alone, have nothing to fear, no sickness, Perfect!
But just to give you a snapshot from the bible as to how Heaven will look. I had heard that the streets were paved with gold, so that made sense, I figured gold bullion bars in my mind, but boy was I wrong! Those solid gold streets are made of 100% pure translucent gold, like golden glass! The 12 gates that surround Heaven are each made from one giant pearl. Like a beautiful sculpture from solid stone, a gate carved from solid pearl. (Rev. 21:21)
Much must happen before we can claim eternal life in Heaven as a resident must occur, but for those of us who Know Him, Jesus himself has promised it, so we know two things. We know it is true, and we look forward to it. As for you nay sayers? Imagine the most peaceful and perfect place you can for as long as you can. Free your mind to think on peaceful things, and give up negativity for a day. You'll enjoy the time spent, I promise.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Do onto others
The essence of being cool is being who you are. Unashamedly, without apology, You. In being you, there is only one rule. If in being you it will cause some kind of heartache to another, don't do it. Other than that, the sky is the limit!
Most of us are too worried much of the time, worrying about what other people think. People, I tell you the truth, it is a waste of time and causes negativity.
Within the confines of civility, there is plenty of room to have fun. But here's the thing, if you are a citizen of good standing, feel free to be you. If being you makes some people see you as a weirdo, so what, who needs em! Be you and don't worry. Just do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Tested Truths: Morals
Tested Truths: Morals: History tells us clearly, that all of the great civilizations before us that eventually fell, were attacked by those who looked to defeat...
History tells us clearly, that all of the great civilizations before us that eventually fell, were attacked by those who looked to defeat them from the inside, and that those attackers had two primary weapons. First, the morals of old established society must be replaced with a new morality, one more in concert with the politics and ideologies of the subversive group who looked to defeat it. The entire world has become ill, as we saw beheadings, and all manner of savage murders starting to become commonplace. The United States is also guilty of our own kind of brutality. Our decline of moral fiber, becomes more evident seemingly each day. The planners for our demise also use the same two primary factors in bringing about our devolvement. First, to weaken us by attacking our long held morals and values, and secondly, to divide the population pitting one group against the other, divide and conquer. The sickness of this new morality has never been more apparent than with the story of the life and death of that despicable evil toad Mr. Epstein. What he, his accomplices and friends did, was and is more foul than any murder. In case you are unaware, he and his fellow ghouls took young children and turned them into actual sex slaves for the enjoyment and use of the obscenely rich and arrogant. So that their most deprived sexual desires could be played out with these innocent helpless children. There are no words strong enough to use to describe this kind of complete lack of decency. A group of the super rich who believed they were safe from the law and above it. Murder is horrible, mass murder worse, but I pray that God has a special place in hell for such as these destroyers of life.
Of course, now that the story has become front page stuff, The media and the public will concentrate more on the speculations and conspiracy theories than on the horror of the crime, and the victims will be all but forgotten as the ever moving news cycle moves on. Why will the story become more important than the victims of these heinous atrocities? Because it has all of the makings of a great dramatic mystery story, the kind of story that someone like Alfred Hitchcock may well have penned. Pure unadulterated evil has never been more apparent now then ever before. For our country, whether you believe in God or not, the facts are clear that we have become more decadent by the day, and that the death of our morality started to rapidly decline since the date that God and prayer was outlawed in our schools. Again, God or no God, the facts are undeniable. This country was founded on the truths of the bible, and the haters are constantly looking for ways to eliminate the importance of faith from all facets of our society, and ultimately, to make the teaching of the truths of God illegal.
So what is it that these reformers look to replace the morality of a God fearing nation with? Political correctness. Could any two words be as ridiculous as those two? Is there anything correct about politics? As a nation we have watched as good people's lives were destroyed, all for the advancement of some kooks political agenda. But we should not be shocked that we have devolved to this point. Afterall, America is first in the amount of abortions done world wide each year. These baby murderers have become so blatant, that now they talk openly about infanticide. So, mass shootings, why not? The way these deplorables work, if you were lucky enough to have been permitted to be born, there is a good chance you could be murdered as an adult.
Tested Truths: Lesson Learned
Tested Truths: Lesson Learned: It's hard to be good, sometimes you just don't know what to do. Which way is up, and which way is down, everything seems all tops...
Lesson Learned
It's hard to be good, sometimes you just don't know what to do. Which way is up, and which way is down, everything seems all topsey turvey. Indecision, confusion, uncertainty, all of these will eventually lead to doubt, and doubt can be a killer. Should I or shouldn't I, which one is the right one, what should I do? In times like this, it is easy to become frozen, apathetic to the point of paralysis. For me, when I encounter such things, I look to my father's solution, which was, Do something, even if it's wrong.
There it is, there's the key. Step out in faith and go for it. For whatever it will be, it already is. If it turns out to be a bad choice, at least thats one mistake you won't make again.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Tested Truths: Evil
Tested Truths: Evil: Evil exists, on that we can all agree, whether or not you believe evil has a father or not does not matter, but I tell you it does. Evil ...
Evil exists, on that we can all agree, whether or not you believe evil has a father or not does not matter, but I tell you it does. Evil has his tentacles dug down deep in the world, afterall, this is his world. Horrific massive shootings have become so commonplace, that often someone will ask, which one are you talking about? Evil looks to divide us, he has dug so deep into the fabric of this nation, that regular God fearing Christians squabble among ourselves. For those of you who understand this, I could see myself telling a joke about how we are all trying to secure our spot in the pews of Philadelphia.
Evil looks to divide us, you know, divide and conquer, don't let it. Evil can seem so beautiful, so suave and debonaire, and he will whisper sweet nothings in your ear, but he's not saying anything worth hearing. Don't listen. It is time to pay the piper, the rooster has come home again. Have you ever asked yourself why evil looks so appealing? Because when you gaze into Evil's mirror, you see only what you want to see. When you look in God's mirror, you see the truth. You see those crooked teeth, you see that same old zit that keeps coming back, you see you as you are, you see the truth.
This country, indeed, the entire world, must make a choice, and turn our backs on evil, we must puke it out like poison. Clearly a choice must be made, and though we try to complicate the issue, it is in fact very simple as there are only two. It is as if you are driving and you have come to the end of the road, a choice must be made, do I turn right, or do I turn left. Good and evil have never been so clearly defined as it is now, will you choose to vote for those who look now to gain politically through the recent atrocities, (mass shootings), that should be a simple enough way of separating whats bad from whats good. This is a time for mourning and introspection, and there is no place for politics from either side. We all serve something or someone, choose this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Tested Truths: In the beginnig (Part Two)
Tested Truths: In the beginnig (Part Two): And so we pick up where we left off. Thought, what is it's power? We know that thoughts can not be seen in the physical sense. But we...
In the beginnig (Part Two)
And so we pick up where we left off. Thought, what is it's power? We know that thoughts can not be seen in the physical sense. But we know that a type of electricity courses through our brain, and that these electronic signals can be charted in the mind. The brain of course runs the entire body, it is figuratively and literally at the top of our body. Our hearts beat, our lungs collect oxygen, and we react to certain stimuli, like instinctively pulling our hand away from a hot stove, all with little if any thought. So we know that thought exists, both in the conscious and sub conscious mind. Thoughts can only exist in the living, and though you might be able to think of nothing for a period of time, we are unable to conjure up a single syllable of thought without life. Dead things don't think, as a rock is a rock is a rock, dead.
Thoughts, intelligence, curiosity, wisdom, all of these and more exist as important parts as to who we are as people. But the personification of these traits of life exist in the unseen world, the spiritual realm. So whats the purpose of all this, and why do I think it important to tell you? Hopefully, and if nothing else, I hope to stir in you a new curiosity about the reality of God, and to give you a way to consider it that perhaps you haven't thought of, a way that will make it clearer for you. Those things that we can not see but exist, do so, while we are in this life and live along side us, until we die from this life. After death, thoughts being spirit, live, the body dies, not the spirit.
The problem is that spiritual matters can only be understood by faith. When it comes to the deeper meanings as answers to life, there is only two ways that you can consider them. I know that most you have been spoon fed the lie of evolution as to the answers to such questions. But the power of that one thought, that light of life surrounded by the darkness of nothingness and death, is that God thought of it and spoke it into existence. To believe this by faith is much easier than to except by faith that we evolved from some slime pit millions of years ago. Why do I say its easier? Because there is no other logical answer for life and those intricacies that lie within it. A creator, a superior intellect, a living source for all that is life, that makes perfect sense. But to have it all come from an incredible array of perfect coincidences, happenstance, and a lot of time? That makes about as much sense as thinking, that if we were to leave all the parts and components necessary to build the best next 5G computer in a big pile for a couple of million years, that when we were to return to that pile, that it would have built itself? Talk about faith! If you buy into that evolution stupidity, you do so by faith, and like the verse in that old song, It takes a truck load of faith to get by. All from nothing by a master designer, or, all from nothing by a lot of cosmic luck?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Tested Truths: In the beginning (Part One)
Tested Truths: In the beginning (Part One): What is the power of the mind, and what of mind over matter. What does that mean to you? Imagine if you can, the power of one thought in ...
In the beginning (Part One)
What is the power of the mind, and what of mind over matter. What does that mean to you? Imagine if you can, the power of one thought in a sea of nothing. One thought, one entity, adrift in an ocean of darkness, a sea of death, bottomless fathoms of nothingness.
Now if you have that scene in mind, What would be the power of that thought, the only thought, the first thought. Thoughts of course are of the spiritual nature, Thoughts exists in all manner of human activity. Thoughts, your thoughts, my thoughts, all thoughts, float about freely in the reality of everyday. Why classify thought as spirit you ask? What other could they be, you can not see touch or smell them, and yet they exist. What if not spirit then?
The bible tells us that we were made in the image of God, but whether you believe the bible or you don't, either way you would have to agree that we humans are at the top of it all, masters of our domain. So we look to ourselves and wonder about ourselves, Who are we, what if I had never been born, what is the meaning of life. All of us has thought these same thoughts. It is human nature to be curios, we want to understand what and why things are. We want, and have, wanted to understand our surroundings, and adjust them to adapt to our needs.
Because of our superiority to all life, we are like gods in this world. We hold the power for life and for death of the earth. And we can create, we have the knowledge to build, and to change our world through our inventions. But because of our intellect, bolstered by the fact that we do indeed have power over everything, it is easy to think of ourselves as a type of god onto ourselves. But give us our do, we are unique in life, and we are capable of conquering what ever it is that we come together to do. Tomorrow we celebrate our walking on the moon. An incredible feat, as it was less than a century and a half ago since the Wright brothers took that first flight. We have long invented things that promise to make our lives easier, whether it was back when mom got her new washing machine, to the now computerized appliances who promise to make the chore even easier. But whether it be easier appliances, the first plane, or a moon landing, we truly are very smart and industrial by nature. The problem comes when we take this success and as assurance that we are gods, as all is answerable by our intellect, and so we have no need of God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. Many look to Science as a type of religion, and believe that by it we prove vicariously that we are not only superior to life on this planet, but are and will continue to be the be all and end all of everything. We are not. A quick note as we end part one. Computers are like all important inventions before them, the only difference, and hence the warning. In this mad dash for all the newest technology to which you give your allegiance by willingly giving your most private information to, that for the first time, this new tool will help us, but at what price. Because besides the staggering discoveries in medicine and other sciences, from a social standpoint, if we are not careful, soon we will work for them.
Forgive this little side note from the main point, but we will dig a bit deeper on thought on part two. Computers are great, but only if we remain the masters.
Monday, July 8, 2019
Friday, July 5, 2019
Tested Truths: Happy Birthday
Tested Truths: Happy Birthday: We are around two hundred and fifty years old, a relative baby as nations and civilizations go. But of all the great countries, both past...
Happy Birthday
We are around two hundred and fifty years old, a relative baby as nations and civilizations go. But of all the great countries, both past and present, The United States of America still stands, as we did from our beginnings, as a beacon of freedom for all the world to see. This beacon shined so brightly, that it brought people from many different countries and cultures. Blessed from the beginning, as this new land offered hope, a new start, a dream of self rule, an exit from the ownership of any king, monarch, or country. A country for people, ruled by those people. In a word, Hope. A country of such size and opportunity, that we were almost a continent onto ourselves. Along with all of that seemingly endless land which started on the east coast against the shores of the Atlantic ocean, all the way west to the shores of the great Pacific ocean. We had, and still have an embarrassment of riches, an abundance of natural resources that made us of little, if any, need of any real help from anyone, a country that was truly self sufficient. But our real strength came not from the real estate and natural resources, but from the diversity of our people. People of every type came, and along with them, their best and their brightest. We took those individual gifts and knowledge from each, and each being the best strings and strands available from each, and wove them together, making the quilt of many colors that our people cover the land with. We have slept in peace and comfort under that blanket from day one, but now there are those who look to separate those individual strands and fray the edges of our blanket.
We were, and still are, a type of political experiment to see if a group of different nations and people could bond together as one, and look not only for their own good, but more importantly, look at it as what is best for the country as a whole, one country, one people. But this nation again, almost from day one, looked collectively out at the rest of the world as to their needs, and what if anything we could do to help. We were a protector of the weak militarily of course, but again, possibly because of that embarrassment of riches, America is always the first to come to the aid of those hurt by natural calamities like floods and earthquakes. We are always willing to provide food to the starving. Though we no doubt have made some mistakes along the way, we looked to correct them, learn from them, and move on. But even our most ardent haters when looking at the ledger of history, would be hard pressed to show that we did more harm than good.
American life has two sacred documents that are the reason for, and at the the heart of our success. The Bible as our guide to life, and the perfect law of our Constitution. But as the fall voting season comes around again, there is no place for the apathetic. For with this one, we the citizens must decide that what we have and who we are as a people and a nation is good and should remain, or, choose to allow a centralized form of government, one of the same type we ran from as we came to settle this land some two hundred and fifty years ago. Resist the forces who look to label you as being a black American, a white one, a male or a female, gay, straight, and so on. We are Americans, E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one. Reject those who look at our diversity as a weakness to be exploited, and vote to have this country live up to our creed, and that is, that we are one people, one people under God, the United States of America.
Happy Birthday America! Forgive it being a belated wish. Yesterday we celebrated our independence. In November, we will vote to keep it, or throw it away.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Tested Truths: Father Time
Tested Truths: Father Time: What is the birthplace of time? How when and where did it begin? Time is eternal, so by what standard would you measure it by? Time is et...
Father Time
What is the birthplace of time? How when and where did it begin? Time is eternal, so by what standard would you measure it by? Time is eternal, it always was, but in comparison to what? So then, what is time, and of what is it's essence? We think of time as being dead, but it is life that is at the core of all reasoning when discussing time and space. Because ask yourself this, Would time exist at all if there were not conscious minds to recognize and record it? The oceans of time, both the depth and the width of them, can not be measured. That is of course, only with a conscious mind needing a point of reference, a benchmark, a way to schedule our lives. Only then is time relevant at all. Left alone and by itself, time really isn't relative to anything. We give it relevance in matters as small as keeping a hair dressing appointment, or as important as looking for the cure for cancer. Time is relevant in our modern day lives, more now, much more, probably too much now, than going back in time to other civilizations. Time of course, is oblivious to our goings on, it moves along ever steady, always right on time. By our perspectives as we think to use time that there is either too much of it or not enough, it can come at you fast, or seem at times excruciatingly slow. But it doesn't change, it never does, just tick tick tick. It doesn't change, we do.
God of course is outside of time, He has no reason for Himself to consider it. For the Lord, a day is like a million years, and a million years as a day. He is omnipresent, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of, all and the end of all. You see, it was God the Father who provided the spark of light (Life), to make time begin, and it will be He who will be there at the end of this age, and for all of the ages to come. Not by a clock's measurement, not by any other constraints, but eternal, free of time and all its' plans and considerations, free from it forever.
Time has always been an important element of life, just as life is important to time. In fact, Life is more than important, but is essential to time, without life, time would no exist.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Friday, June 14, 2019
Tested Truths: A Rare Breed
Tested Truths: A Rare Breed: A manuscript is whats' needed, a way so each will know how to fall into place. Order sir he thundered, we must have order. And so w...
A Rare Breed
A manuscript is whats' needed, a way so each will know how to fall into place. Order sir he thundered, we must have order. And so we shall dear Julius, so we shall. But I also must warn you sir, against using force as a way to bring about change. Remember, that true change can only occur with love, not with fear. Oh but you always ring so sanctimonious Lord, when it comes to matters of love. But I say Lord, Julius continued, that most people are as dumb as sheep, and will wait to follow whoever leads, and with types like this, what matter is it how they come to drink, but only that they do?
This is a part of a conversation between two men locked in a battle for a way of correct persuasion. And both, being honorable men, did the things they did, and thought the things they thought for the best of reasons. Each firmly believed that they did and thought as they do, for the good of others, rather than themselves. Putting others before yourself denotes integrity about that person, that stands as a testament of their selflessness and their honor.
We need more men like this, more strong and moral leaders, more of the type of man who is trustworthy, a man who lets his yes mean yes, (unless proven wrong), and his no means no. A man with whom no contact need be drawn up, the type of man who will look you in the eye and shake you hand, and that is all the bond necessary. A man of truth. We have a President in office now who far from perfect, does what he does, in spite of the many who spew hatred at every twist and turn. A man, who if you're honest with yourself, had absolutely nothing to gain from any of this. Unlike the professional politicians, he was a muti-millionaire before the office. He was already quite famous, seriously, what was in it for him? Nothing is the obvious answer, but why then? Why would a man subject himself and his family to this constant barrage of hatred?
Maybe, just maybe, you might consider that he does it because he really does care deeply about this country and her people. If you just can't see yourself doing that, how about out of respect for the office, if not the man? These are volatile times WE must pull together as one, united as one, woven from the finest fabrics in the world. E Pluribus Unum
Monday, June 3, 2019
Tested Truths: Religion, part two
Tested Truths: Religion, part two: Saul, (Paul), see the book of Acts, was taken as member in good stead with the Sanhedrin, a Jew, and with a full Roman citizenship, was s...
Religion, part two
Saul, (Paul), see the book of Acts, was taken as member in good stead with the Sanhedrin, a Jew, and with a full Roman citizenship, was sent by our Lord to work his way to Rome itself, all while spreading the gospel, and teaching early Jewish converts about these new believers, and this as an extension of their own religion to the non Jews who need not be made to go through circumcision, nor were they subject to the dietary taboos as set forward by the Torah. In short, they would be free from such things, both Jew and gentile. This was a very hard teaching, because the people were led to worship the law, rather than its' giver.
Fast forward to the 21st century, and its' impossible to some believers that rock and roll music isn't evil, or that, should you choose to have a beer at home while watching the ball game on TV, you won't go to hell. Religion is needed greatly as a way of laying that strong foundation, and it is important as a way to gauge yourself and your actions with others. But beyond that, especially in the matters of the Spirit, a dead law is of little or no use. The two things that scare the new Pharisees who now emerge from the Christian ranks, are the truth, even though they understand it in concept, and freedom. People speak glowingly of freedom, but the truth is, when they meet someone who is free, they are taken aback! And yet, by the way they claim to follow, the Bible, they are reassured that when Jesus sets you free, that you are free indeed.
But again, and just to be rock solid on this point, both groups who know the Lord and follow Him in their way, both the law lovers, and the Spirit lovers, come together as one, at the wide spread arms of the cross. So in a way I suppose, this is a call for peace between the two sides. The world is more openly evil than it has ever been, as they now look to openly, and unashamedly murder the babies. The good news? Our God and Savior Jesus Christ has never been closer. Now is the time to come together Christian, now is Not the time to squabble over the scraps of doctrine. There is a battle outside that is raging, the monster is just outside the gate, and we his people can only defeat this newly emboldened enemy united as one people under God. Alone, each of us is called to speak the truth in love, but also to not only be aware of, but to keep a keen eye out for the evil that looks to divide us. Amen
Tested Truths: Religion
Tested Truths: Religion: Religion in all of its' forms have been a bane of society from their beginnings. Wars and all kind of men doing harm to other men, me...
Religion in all of its' forms have been a bane of society from their beginnings. Wars and all kind of men doing harm to other men, men who have claimed their allegiance to a religion as justification for all manner of murder and mayhem. As a quick departure from the main subject, do not believe that I speak now only of the Islamist uprisings. It wasn't too long ago where the terrorists called themselves Christians, killed other Christians because they did not believe in their religion. The problem is that in its actual sense, religion is the doctrines of men. Men are flawed, and therefore religion too is flawed. If I were to say to you, I am a Christian. You might well ask, what type? Are you a Catholic, or are you from many of the Protestant offshoots that came from it? As a Protestant, you might be a Lutheran, an Episcopalian, or maybe one of those bible teaching churches like Baptist. In other words, what religion are you? Simply put and truthfully, a Christian is a follower of Jesus. Being social beings by nature, we look to surround ourselves with like minded people. And once that group is established, our natural reaction is to seek out leaders for those groups, because generally speaking, people want to be led, content to just follow the crowd, leave the tough choices and decisions to others.
There is nothing new with religions, new ones seem to pop up all the time. Science in general, or more specifically, evolutionists, there are those we see on our TV screens who's religion is politics. For the record, true Science and Creationism, compliment each other, not contradict each other. In short, though the religions of the godless are many, let us keep our focus on the religions who do claim to follow a supreme being, those who profess to know God. The problem for both camps is that pride is the culprit, we love to give ourselves the credit for achievement. Whether that credit be given for some scientific accomplishment, our physical skills at work or at play, whatever, our natural inclination is to pat ourselves on the back and reflect on just how superior we are, and the same is true in amongst God's people. There is never a lack of someone who is eager to point out your short comings as he or she sees them. Be careful of these Christian, because no matter how well intended their critique of your walk, keep in mind that it is your walk, yours and your Savior's. Religion like the law is necessary, but dead when done as a way to impress someone other than the Lord with your commitment to Him. What religion attempts to do is guide a person in the way they should go, in order to become holy. Focus reminder, Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Religions, all of them, are the law. There is a place for the law, being dead, it makes for the perfect foundation, on which to build your personal relationship with the Living God. No one faced more resistance to the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Wisdom, than did Paul of Tarsus, and that resistance came in the name of the law. End Part One
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Tested Truths: The meaning of Life
Tested Truths: The meaning of Life: If it isn't that, it will be another. And sometimes the that of which we were so concerned, was not nearly as bad as the other, which...
The meaning of Life
If it isn't that, it will be another. And sometimes the that of which we were so concerned, was not nearly as bad as the other, which was not at all on our minds. The plain fact is, that no matter how you duck and try to evade unpleasant things, that often, the one you never saw coming hits you like a Mack truck head on. Bam! None of us gets away unscathed, but somehow we absorb the hit, pick ourselves up, and go about chasing in life what we still decide to be worthy. Life is a struggle for all people, no matter their wealth or status. Certainly plenty of money can keep you from financial hardships, but money, like life itself, can change in a moment. Money makes things easier, but only to a point. It is a diversion, a way to pursue the pleasures of this world as you see fit.
But wealth cannot shield you from the problems and hardships in life, because in the end, it is those things we put our faith in during this life that will decide our ultimate end. If this is all there is to life, and all we have to look forward to at the end of it, is to become plant food, then certainly the old saying that, Whoever has the most toys at the end of his life wins, would be true. But even the most arrogant among us know that there is much more to life than the accumulation of things.
Death comes to us all, on that I know we can all agree. Death is eternal, again, on this we can all agree. We know that stone is dead, always was, always will be. They are forever unaware of anything and everything, they are dead as door nails. So then, if we are all in agreement that death is eternal, final and permanent, and that this is true, and that only this life, which we live out on this planet, is all there is, we lie to ourselves. But to think that the opposite, that life too is eternal, of this we have a problem. Why? If you believe that a person who dies to this world is dead forever, you believe that in ignorance. Life exists in the forever of this life, as we know after we die, that life here goes on without us. But what of the glint of the eye in the living that goes dull at death, do you believe that it too rots in the ground? That spark of light, is life, and it was never fully a captive of this, our ever aging bodies. But rather, something more, something much more. You see, life is not physical by nature, but rather, is spiritual. Your spirit is the essence of your life, my life, all life. We agree that death is eternal, than you must know that the opposite side of that coin is also true. Life, like death, is eternal. So for each of us, first we must admit to ourselves that life too is eternal, and how you go about reclaiming that life before we leave this one, is the meaning of life.
Death be not proud, though some think of you as mighty and dreadful. For it is not true that you are mighty, for those you think that you have overthrown, you have not. Death, you are defeated, and in the end, it is you who shall die.
Paraphrased portion of a poem by John Donne
Monday, May 13, 2019
Tested Truths: Rock and Roll, a brief history
Tested Truths: Rock and Roll, a brief history: It came wailin out of the backwoods of Tennessee, with roots deep in places like Chicago, Detroit and New York City. A true American art f...
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Tested Truths: Politics
Tested Truths: Politics: As a long time hundredaire, I am not what you might call an expert on the economy at large, nor the intricacies of finance. But still, ...
As a long time hundredaire, I am not what you might call an expert on the economy at large, nor the intricacies of finance. But still, as it is said that we all have one, I too have one, an opinion on the geopolitical realities of our time. What do I know? I know what every Joe Everyday knows, that tariffs are really taxes, and when it comes to taxes, its always the little guys who get hurt.
But not only do we understand the things you don't think we do, we also remember what this country can do when united to fight tyranny in all its forms as we did in the two world wars of the twentieth century. We, also know that during those times, we voluntarily rationed ourselves, collected items needed for the effort, and yes, every family suffered some kind of financial problems, some big, some not, but all chipped in and did what they could for the greater good. For the good of our great nation, yes, but also for the good of the free world.
But why repeat the mistakes made in the 20th, and do the same thing now in the twenty-first? What if by the clever use of our capitalist system, we can bring about a peaceful coexistence without shedding a drop of American blood on some far off battle field, and that we could coax the outlaw countries to do whats right by flexing our financial prowess rather than our military might? Sounds good all the sane people. Say, count me in, but how do we go about it? Lets use the lobster business as an example. They, the lobster-men industry, have 200 million pounds of lobster to sell, a record catch. China usually would but 30% of that. So sixty million pounds of lobster will not be shipped to the typical Chinese markets. Now what? Well, two things. First, there is going to be a lot of pissed off Chinese who will no longer have the butter drenched delight they so crave, and two, Americans are going to be eating a lot more lobster. If you are a shell fish lover, (which I'm not), even if you have to pay a little more for it, keep in mind that it will be more than a good meal, but your patriotic duty to eat as much as you can, and then go for seconds. In short America, no matter the suffering industry, farm, sea, or whatever. As a citizen, hell man, you may hate the label, but as a patriot, it is all of our duty to keep the effected markets as healthy as we can, because of one thing we know sure, if it comes to a shooting war it will be our sons and daughters on the firing line. So to me, and hopefully for you too, I'd much rather be a bit poorer, and a bit inconvenienced if it will get our enemies, the tyrants of this world, to act as responsible citizens, and we can do it united as Americans. We can keep the wolves of war from our gates, and as for me, I'd rather eat lobster than see the blood of my children spilled on a battlefield somewhere.
You see, money does more than make a clinking clacking sound, it really is what makes the world go round. So America, here we are again at yet another cross road, do we pull together and help each other take our lumps here where its safe, or do we choose instead to use the blood and treasure of another military encounter? I say, eat lobster, pay a little more if you have to, tighten your belt, pitch in and help. because in the end its simple, we can apply pressure constantly, and cut off their markets, or should we go about sharpening our missiles?
Friday, May 3, 2019
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Philosophy's Friends
John Black and Jason White were good friends. The two men shared two loves, one for the great outdoors, and the other for philosophy. Each was successful in his own right, each had great paying jobs, both, secretly hating those jobs, even though all the trappings of wealth surrounded them, each longed for more. One an architect, the other a CEO of a large ad firm. Oddly or not, the two first met at lunch in the restaurant across the street from their buildings. It was as early as this first lunch that the two discussed their shared dream that someday they would leave it all behind them and strike out to become more than their proper names, and the subtitle as an attached moniker of who they were. Because along with their names, each was known as John the architect, or Jason the ad man.
Almost six years from the day of their meeting, each now married and with families, each said good bye to their loved ones early in the morning, with the understanding that each sought solace and a much needed rest from the rigors of their jobs, and that each would return in a week to ten days. They told them of their plans to hike, camp and fish, far from the maddening crowds, and from all the endless technology that had become so much a part of every day life. They left saying that they would return soon after their vacation, and of course, return to their jobs. As to whether they would or not, neither man was sure.
They started their hike on the well worn path which left from the park's parking lot marked, Hiking Trail. But after only an hour of walking, the two men set off from the marked trails and went in search of a spot of complete tranquility. After three days of hiking, the two came upon a long valley that led from the clearing they had entered into what appeared to be a flat rock face rise at the other end of this valley. It took the two experienced hikers a full day to reach the end of their hike. They were well rewarded for their long trek, and the two stood and stared lack jawed at the utter beauty which now seemed to engulf them. Both men knew, but perhaps John put it simply when he said, Jay, I think we have just found thee spot! At the bottom of the rock faced wall was a small fissure, an opening from which sweet pure water flowed slowly, collecting in the small stream that ran the length of the valley. Both men fell to their knees and scooped fresh mountain water from their cupped hands, a drink which to each seemed the most pleasant taste they had ever known. If you were to stand centered on the beauty of the sight in front of you, the soft running brook at the center gave way to soft rounded hills to either side of the stream. The soft hills folded back with an assortment of short trees and shrubbery on their sides and tops. Close to the waters edge, both to the right and to the left, supple ferns moved in the gentle winds that came and went. Each man took his turn while straddling the small stream with legs spread to either side, seemed as if transfixed by the vista before them. The soft moving ferns were not only located on the forest floor, but traveled up the vertical edges of this crease in the rock face. Besides its obvious beauty, this vision drew each man to it at a deeper level, so much so that with the evenings shadows creeping in, if they didn't move quickly, they would have no camp. So each man moved efficiently, neither speaking to the other while going about their chores.
Later, after the evening gave way to night, the light of a new full moon shone down on the scene. This changed the look, as the ferns shadows along side of the now seemingly blue white sparkling water had both men staring as if spell bound by its allure. Both men became so enamored by this beautiful vision, that their desire to do nothing else but burry themselves in this place grew with each passing moment.
As to whether either man ever returned home remains a mystery said the old man who told his story to his inquisitors. No matter how many questions they peppered him with, the old man never wavered saying, This is all I know of the story, and whether it is fact or merely another mountain fable is up to you to decide. I have told you all I know. And with that the old gentleman turned and walked slowly away from his questioners.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Proverbs 21: 2-3 Psalm 21: 4
He has risen, yes, he has risen indeed. At the moment when Jesus took on all of past present and future sins, for the first time ever, the Son knew that the Father could no longer look upon his son, and that for however long that moment, Jesus became the most heinous of all sinners. The men who plotted against him, and demanded his death, and those soldiers who tortured Him with no mercy, and finally killed him, as incredibly painful as that was, it could not compare to the utter anguish he felt at that moment when he was apart from The Father. It caused him to do what the men could not do, and he cried out from an anguish deep down in his soul and said, Father, why have you forsaken me?
But today, we get to put the ugly scene at the cross out of our minds and behind us, even though we will never cease being grateful for what Jesus endured as a sacrifice made for our good. Incredible love! But before we move from Calgary's hill, and celebrate what occurred on this day of remembrance and rejoicing, we must make mention of the third nature of the triune God, the Holy Spirit. Where was he while all of these horrible proceedings were going on? Though we have already spoken of what Father and Son were doing, we cannot leave Golgatha, Skull mount, before we consider what the Holy Ghost was doing. Why he was busy going about turning this horrible scene into a learning moment, as the Holy Spirit's job is that of teacher. And there will never be a greater opportunity to take the horror that unfolded, and turn it into a new understanding of Holy scripture, and a moment to make clear the everlasting impact of the invitation to all men to come to the One God of us all. The shear drama and horrible spectacle of that day affected all that witnessed it, scripture tells us only of two who for the first time, confessed that Jesus was indeed the Christ. Also, clearly, the true triune nature of the living God was never more apparent than it was that day. God the Father who sat at His throne in heaven, the Son who suffered and died for us and in our place, and the Holy Spirit who is the teacher Lord Jesus left with us as a guide to us all to Him. The two converts among the throng that Holy scripture tells us about, are the thief next to Jesus on his cross who the Lord promised eternal paradise to on that day, and the Roman centurion whose job it was to see that the orders were followed precisely, and in an orderly manner. Both testified that surely this man is the Son of God. So that day, that horrible day, all three natures of the triune nature of God were there on that hilltop. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all were there in their separate roles, but the three joined as the one true God of us all.
So today, this day, we celebrate two things done entirely for us poor sinners. Our sins paid in full by one who was pure and without sin, and by his rising from death, the gift of eternal life through Jesus' sacrifice. All of us now have the way to our Heavenly Father, and to be able to live with Him in perfect peace, forever and ever. Selah.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Me myself and I has rightly been called the trinity of ignorance. But in truth, that old adage is only partly correct. Because in reality, the trio is really a duet. All of us who call the Lord our Father, are a true trio, but only two of the three are capable of stupidity. As Christians, each of us is now me myself and Jesus. Let me explain using myself as the example.
Andrew is the level headed one, and it is he who understands and uses wisdom only to promote good things. Andrews goal is to enlighten people wherever he goes. Now Edward, aka. Ed, has the same wellspring of wisdom available to him, but can be quick to anger, because of his frustration with those who cannot see the truth. Don't get me wrong, by the world's standards, he isn't a bad guy. Quick witted and funny, he uses humor as a way to soften hard truths. But sometimes, when not even a subtle touch succeeds, his anger rises and he kicks needlessly against the heavy timbers. When humor fails as a buffer even, Ed is incapable of leaving the situation alone. Kicking at the goads is a like beating yourself in the head with a brick, because it feels so good when you stop. And of course, anger left untended often leads to rage.
Jesus of course is the constant voice of reason between the two, and it is he who is the source of all knowledge. In essence, Jesus is the head of the body, because as he himself has said, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father unless through me. So remember him on this Sunday, because on Friday he was killed on the cross to be able to offer eternal peace, and having risen from that grave, death is defeated, and so, is of no consequence to those who are his. He was last seen ascending back into heaven, having completed his act of total love in this world.
So in conclusion, speaking now in Christianese, Andrew represents my soul, and Edward my flesh. My flesh desires the pleasures of this life, my soul needs the food of the Spirit. And as for Jesus, he is there, always to guide us. To guide us and watch. You see, there is still the matter of free will, and the one we feed the most will become the stronger. So choose this day which one you will serve, as by exercising your free will, you decide your own fate. In my case, if I choose Andrew to feed the most, I will live forever, but if I choose Edward, then this life is all there is. Happy Easter.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Tested Truths: Hygiene Hijinks
Tested Truths: Hygiene Hijinks: So, a little personal fact about my daily cleansing procedures that you need not know, but I'll tell you anyway, as it helps to set t...
Hygiene Hijinks
So, a little personal fact about my daily cleansing procedures that you need not know, but I'll tell you anyway, as it helps to set the scene. (insert mentioned fact. I must shower every day. The details as to why are not family rated). The weather too, what does that have to do with bathroom usage? Again, nothing. other than, it being a cold Spring day when yesterday hit 71, is an adjustment. Now I can see that without this being a filmed skit, things are limited. But one more fact that helps set the condition of the comedic story, assuming of course that I get there?
So I'm in the bathroom busy stripping down to my birthday suit, my all together.. I'm naked! Its chilly, so I immediately turned on the shower upon reaching underwear level, to have the steam help warm the room. While removing my unmentionables, my big toe gets tangled in my underpants leaving me to hop around on the now damp tile floor. Finally, I get control before a toppling occurs, and the remaining T shirt comes off without a hitch. Finally I think, I can get in to the soothing warmth of the shower. Pull back the shower curtain, and shit! no soap. I knew I should have replaced it after my last shower I think to myself, until I vocally tell myself to Shut Up! So now the hunt for the soap. Under the vanity sink, there is a two pack of boxed Dial soap. Not just soap, but have you ever struggled with a clear plastic wrapping on any product? It is no simple task, especially in a now steam filled bathroom. And when you put your glasses on to see the little corner piece on the cellophane bindings, you only discover that your glasses are now fogged shut. Now I'm getting angry, which only makes things worse. So then, I'm cussing the guy out who invented the packaging. While mind you, while, I'm working furiously to release the two boxes of soap! Maybe I can get a better grip this way? Nope! Stupid ass soap I say, Damn it! No matter, I can't get it off. Cut it, I'll cut it off I think. Scissors, tweezers? where the hell? Rifling through the draw, I finally wind up using some kind of forceps, as my scissors are for cutting nose and ear hair, (don't laugh, it'll get you too), but they have little balls on the ends, to protect those sensitive areas. FINALLY! I get the cellophane wrapping off, and the two boxes fall to the floor and scatter in the now thick fog? AAaaag!
Prologue: I'm freshly showered and clean. Look good, check, deodorant, smell good, check. Feeling much better? check. TA DA, I'm me again.
Hygiene Hijinks
Coming soon from a screen near you.. Comedy hopefully.. to or from, which one works best?
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Tested Truths: Politics as life
Tested Truths: Politics as life: The old man got up from his chair and answered the door. The man he knew, but the woman he didn't. Joseph spoke first and said, we ar...
Politics as life
The old man got up from his chair and answered the door. The man he knew, but the woman he didn't. Joseph spoke first and said, we are caught out in this storm, this is my friend... A friend of yours is a friend of mine the old man interrupted, Come in brother and sister, you look cold, go and warm yourself by the fire. You look weary from your journey, come in, you'll dine with me and stay the night, it is too cold and rainy night outside.
Does the little story above seem dated to you, one that for those of you of the faith must think, Surely, that scene is a biblical one, and certainly not of today. Surely, this is not a tale from today. The sad reality is that you would be correct, and in today's toxic environment, nothing like this could take place. It should they'd say, but it doesn't. Right again.
Today, the constant pressure of politics we as believers see clearly in the outside world, but not among God's people. Funny, but two rights don't make a wrong necessary. But what the church should be, and what it is becoming, show that the stench of politics and the gains we see in them has infected the church too. Certainly, a governing body of some sort is necessary, and so there is that need for order. But far too often, even in the non logistical needs of the church, the Pastors, their assistants, deacons, and so on, also obviously, are needed, but often have personal goals. Hopefully, those placed in the positions of teaching the flock are concerned only in pleasing God first and foremost, which thankfully, most everyone of them would say that that is their desire. But more often by the day, it seems like other reasons also are becoming subject to the politics of the church. Interestingly, it is always the people who have been in a church and reading scripture longest, who feel the need to strive for a title of sorts, be it of any description. From the pastor on down, some get so caught up in labels and titles, that they lose sight of the fact that they are meant to serve. A title of any sort doesn't define a person. Think about it, even in the world, where they worship the letters attached before or after a man's name as something that sets them apart, and therefore to be listened to, because obviously, they are smarter. Certainly that is true to a larger extent, but I have run into quite a few who seem to have alphabets attached to their names, but in reality, are dumb as posts.
Hopefully the point is obvious to you. The stench of politics, and the envy and other problems that the outside world encounters because of political disfunction, are expected in the world, but have no place in the church. Serve the Lord wherever he places you, and strive for nothing, other than to follow his lead.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Tested Truths: RAGE!
Tested Truths: RAGE!: Lately, my biggest personal demon, Rage, has re-surfaced. It came out from the grave I thought I had buried it in long ago. But here is t...
Lately, my biggest personal demon, Rage, has re-surfaced. It came out from the grave I thought I had buried it in long ago. But here is the strange part, it came out at church. It is the only part of me that I fear. Because as egotistical as this must sound, there is nothing else I fear.
Just writing about it now, I can feel it dissipate slowly, I can feel myself calming, and still wary that it lies now just under the surface. I must return rage to its cage, because nothing good has ever happened to me when rage was in control. The politics of the day annoy me, and I do get angry like you or anyone else at certain things. But it never comes near the limitless destructive power of full throated rage. So, as I'm still shaking in my type fingers a bit, lets take a deeper look at rage together. I mean you've read me this far, Why not go on? somewhere there should be a drum tap and small cymbal crash sounding. Anyway,
Confusion is one of the big factors in rage. Most fights are needless, as more often then not, a mountain was made of a mole hill, and a simple calm conversation will kill the beast. I try to keep my life as simple as I can, and so for one thing, I don't insert myself into other people's business, and that includes on spiritual matters. That for me is more annoying than maddening, as someone has decided that it is their job to keep you on the straight and narrow. The arguments among God's people always seems to occur when someone in the group insists in dragging everyone into the weeds of men's doctrines.
In a more general sense, if you take a moment to collect yourself and think about what it is you are about to say to someone, before you look to accuse, this is the way to beginning to get a hold on it. Rage is best described as an emotion out of control. But anger, extreme anger, angry anger, are not only allowed if the matter at hand is righteous anger but the Lord understands. See the whip of cords Jesus used in the market place that day. Whether caused by an attack upon your honor by being wrongfully accused, or any other matter that can arise when people interact in a group setting, once you allow that anger to rise to rage, danger is close at hand. In short: Righteous anger=Good, wrongful anger=Bad. Thank you for your kind consideration in the matter.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Tested Truths: Challenge
Tested Truths: Challenge: When all else fails, we will rip the horses' eye. Jim Morrison. Never did understand that one. Like everything else, thoughts sw...
When all else fails, we will rip the horses' eye. Jim Morrison. Never did understand that one.
Like everything else, thoughts swirl in your mind. You choose which one to pluck from the swirling winds. Look at it for a bit, and think to yourself, this one seems interesting. But then you spot the trail of another subject on the inside of the storm, and near the center of the eye of the storm. And so you toss the one aside that you had just been thinking of, and look now only at this new one you've plucked from the clouds.
And so it was, but thankfully, is no more. Woke up real early this morning, and I thought about catching that worm, but as it turns out, that worm was turning. People speak of their head's spinning, but what is really reeling is their minds. But here's the thing, too many thoughts left untended, (sorted), will interfere with even the most mundane of muscle memory and daily rituals, like making a cup of coffee.
Making a cup of coffee, thats simple enough right? Well, .. usually. When you mind is spinning without a point of focus and a stable base, making coffee can become quite the challenge.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Royal Flush
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, I thought and thought until at last I had a theory.
Miss jointed thoughts all come together at one place, and it is thee place to be. All who are hip to the truth, hang out at the Revelation Bar and Grill. In it, should you have the courage to venture in, you'll find the brightest of the bright, those who are known to exude the light of wisdom wherever they go. It is I should mention, quite an exclusive club, even though it is open to all. But most are unaware that this club even exists, and go whizzing by the place, riding just as fast as they can ride. They are all hell bent for leather, on the international highway known, as the highway to hell. And if you were able to stop and ask one of these fools and ask them why they are in such a rush, to get to a place that no one knows, you will most likely get a blank stare, because they themselves have no idea. Just following the crowd some would say before rushing off yet again.
Caught up in the moment they are, caught in the madness of now. In to big a rush to stop for a while, and maybe even smell the sweet orchids that grow on the sides of the highway near Revelation's watering hole. Sadly, Americans in this throng of humanity are the ones who set the tone. Because if we as Americans choose the narrow path rather than the expressway, the others will follow suit.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The Culprit
Pride is the culprit. Now before you go and get your undies all in a twist, pride, as with all else, has two sides, one good, and one not. Hint: Arrogance is a sure fire sign of pride going horribly wrong. Arrogance, is self pride gone wild, a pride in self to the point of self worship. When without thinking it out loud, those so infected of this condition, what is at their core is, that no one, or nothing, is as important than themselves.
Again, as drugs are the hot topic of the day, lets use it. If you have ever seen a street junkie, what you were looking at is the most vivid picture you could see, of the end of all and any, who have become consumed with self importance. Believe it or not, this mess you see before you once was dignified, and he was a productive, and helpful to an extent, person. The problem began when he was so important to himself, that all else, no matter who or what, were secondary to himself and his immediate needs. At times like that, adults can quite easily appear as their spoiled childhood self at their worst. The kind who would not stop wailing and annoying their parents until at last they got their way.
Take our junkie friend for instance. When he was at the point of full bore into his drug of choice, even the fact that he hurt deeply those who loved him, not even that stood between he and what he wanted. There can be nothing worse than becoming your own god. Well, that ends our little two part series about addiction. As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to drop them in the comment box.
Thank you..
If phrases and labels help you to understand, then understand that addicts begin with their obsessive compulsive conditions. We all have them to some degree. But when a person gives too much credence to such things, they most always lead to addiction, albeit the addiction of their choice. Probably, and most surprising to many, is the fact that most all of the population suffers from some kind of addiction already.
Drugs of course, is on everyone's mind today, as the headlines scream daily about the mounting deaths from this so dangerous a condition. Whether by overdose or a victim of street crime or traffic accident, drugs do stand alone as the most dangerous of all addictions. Drugs, including alcohol, can and will kill you the quickest. Though the process to death is longer in lesser addictions like food, as they are less apt to kill someone quickly. But they will kill you eventually if you don't stop over eating, and that obsession will cause physical illness to be a part of your life, for all of your life.
So far, we've thought only about the physical problems that addicted people face, but what of the mental health for those who having fed their compulsion for their obsessions for so long, that they too have come to the point of addiction? From the mental health side of the ledger, their are those whose addictions are not of the physical variety, but of the obsessions of the mind. Being overly judging of others, gossiping about neighbors and family or friends, these and more can become full blown addictions also. In short, no one is totally immune from being an addict of some kind. And in the end, an addiction is an addiction, and an addiction of any kind, is what it is. The last gasp of a troubled mind is depression, which severe enough, leads to suicide.
Note: Coming soon, the culprit for all addictions.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Praise You - Live Performance
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Praise You - Live Performance Today is Sunday the 24th. A reference to time I suppose.. But if not this day, which day? Humble yourselves to the one greater than I. The winnowing has begun. Make a decision this day who you will serve. Because we all have to serve someone. One the right choice, and the other? not so.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Friday, March 8, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Tested Truths: Doubt
Tested Truths: Doubt: Doubt can be a killer, but only if you allow it to be. Beside good intentions, often our road to victory is fraught with doubt. Not that ...
Doubt can be a killer, but only if you allow it to be. Beside good intentions, often our road to victory is fraught with doubt. Not that doubt is always a bad thing, it isn't, but far too often even the noblest of goals is left wanting because of the fear that accompanies doubt. Certainly this is part of the human condition, and is quite natural, especially now, when everything is challenged, and the best of intentions lay in the wake we leave behind us as we travel down the river of life.
Certainly doubt serves a good purpose, as it causes questions to arise that must be considered before you act upon your decision, no matter the subject. Imagine if your first inclination was to leap before you looked? Doubt begets questions, and questions are always good. However, the old adage which says that there is no such thing as a dumb question is false, as people often ask dumb questions. But understand that there is a big difference between dumb and ignorance. Questions that are asked by others and yourself that will lead to the correctness of your choice in the pending matter are never dumb when they are asked in complete ignorance.
You see, ignorance and innocence are synonymous, because that was how it was with Adam and Eve. Being at first totally innocent, they were also ignorant to the realities that existed beyond their perfect garden. That is of course, until they ate of the Tree of Knowledge.
Then, no longer innocent, no longer pure, they instantly became fully aware of the opposite side of life, and now recognized both good and evil. Interestingly, evil didn't exist until they decided to take the wrong advice, and by so doing, attained wisdom yes, but at the cost of bringing the reality of sin and evil into being, and unleashing for the first time the perils of free will.
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Monday, January 14, 2019
My name is Ed
A letter to Chuck and Nancy. Hi guys, my name is Ed, and I am a retired working man, carpenter by trade, my dad was a working man before me, he was a truck driver. I was born and raised in New Jersey, as was my father before me, but I have a goodly amount of pure midwestern blood in me also, as I'm as American as you can get. You represent the adult side of the Democratic party, as you are old enough to not only know the truth, but to have lived much of it. Nance, is it so hard to not see past party whatever that party does? What happened to civility? Chuck. What is up with you, have you given yourself over to a movement that would have your integrity in a bag like so many marbles? Man up man and lead!
In case you haven't figured it out, I am Mr. Everyday, just a middle class working stiff, and I am why Hillary Clinton lost. I am every man woman and child that this once great party called it's own. It looks very likely that your party is considering a new moniker for the party, Socialist/Democrat. You know, because you are old enough to know, that socialism always leads to tyranny of one kind or another. Lead your party back to a bipartisan middle because that is what the people want.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Letter to America
Where are you my love, what has become of you? Where else should I look for solace when you reject me? I sit here and I watch while you tear yourself apart, renting yourself in two. Why?
Have you considered what you will do once you have cast off your first love completely? Questions, they come and they go, but the answers now come from opinions, while the facts go on wanting.
Hm, I'm writing this, or I was, while my last musical post played in the background. Mood music, mood indigo. If that one didn't make you think, Well.. Maybe you should consider dumb?
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