Thursday, August 15, 2019


  History tells us clearly, that all of the great civilizations before us that eventually fell, were attacked by those who looked to defeat them from the inside, and that those attackers had two primary weapons. First, the morals of old established society must be replaced with a new morality, one more in concert with the politics and ideologies of the subversive group who looked to defeat it. The entire world has become ill, as we saw beheadings, and all manner of savage murders starting to become commonplace. The United States is also guilty of our own kind of brutality. Our decline of moral fiber, becomes more evident seemingly each day. The planners for our demise also use the same two primary factors in bringing about our devolvement. First, to weaken us by attacking our long held morals and values, and secondly, to divide the population pitting one group against the other, divide and conquer. The sickness of this new morality has never been more apparent than with the story of the life and death of that despicable evil toad Mr. Epstein. What he, his accomplices and friends did, was and is more foul than any murder. In case you are unaware, he and his fellow ghouls took young children and turned them into actual sex slaves for the enjoyment and use of the obscenely rich and arrogant. So that their most deprived sexual desires could be played out with these innocent helpless children. There are no words strong enough to use to describe this kind of complete lack of decency. A group of the super rich who believed they were safe from the law and above it. Murder is horrible, mass murder worse, but I pray that God has a special place in hell for such as these destroyers of life. 

  Of course, now that the story has become front page stuff, The media and the public will concentrate more on the speculations and conspiracy theories than on the horror of the crime, and the victims will be all but forgotten as the ever moving news cycle moves on. Why will the story become more important than the victims of these heinous atrocities? Because it has all of the makings of a great dramatic mystery story, the kind of story that someone like Alfred Hitchcock may well have penned. Pure unadulterated evil has never been more apparent now then ever before. For our country, whether you believe in God or not, the facts are clear that we have become more decadent by the day, and that the death of our morality started to rapidly decline since the date that God and prayer was outlawed in our schools. Again, God or no God, the facts are undeniable. This country was founded on the truths of the bible, and the haters are constantly looking for ways to eliminate the importance of faith from all facets of our society, and ultimately, to make the teaching of the truths of God illegal. 

  So what is it that these reformers look to replace the morality of a God fearing nation with? Political correctness. Could any two words be as ridiculous as those two? Is there anything correct about politics? As a nation we have watched as good people's lives were destroyed, all for the advancement of some kooks political agenda. But we should not be shocked that we have devolved to this point. Afterall, America is first in the amount of abortions done world wide each year. These baby murderers have become so blatant, that now they talk openly about infanticide. So, mass shootings, why not? The way these deplorables work, if you were lucky enough to have been permitted to be born, there is a good chance you could be murdered as an adult.              

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