Evil exists, on that we can all agree, whether or not you believe evil has a father or not does not matter, but I tell you it does. Evil has his tentacles dug down deep in the world, afterall, this is his world. Horrific massive shootings have become so commonplace, that often someone will ask, which one are you talking about? Evil looks to divide us, he has dug so deep into the fabric of this nation, that regular God fearing Christians squabble among ourselves. For those of you who understand this, I could see myself telling a joke about how we are all trying to secure our spot in the pews of Philadelphia.
Evil looks to divide us, you know, divide and conquer, don't let it. Evil can seem so beautiful, so suave and debonaire, and he will whisper sweet nothings in your ear, but he's not saying anything worth hearing. Don't listen. It is time to pay the piper, the rooster has come home again. Have you ever asked yourself why evil looks so appealing? Because when you gaze into Evil's mirror, you see only what you want to see. When you look in God's mirror, you see the truth. You see those crooked teeth, you see that same old zit that keeps coming back, you see you as you are, you see the truth.
This country, indeed, the entire world, must make a choice, and turn our backs on evil, we must puke it out like poison. Clearly a choice must be made, and though we try to complicate the issue, it is in fact very simple as there are only two. It is as if you are driving and you have come to the end of the road, a choice must be made, do I turn right, or do I turn left. Good and evil have never been so clearly defined as it is now, will you choose to vote for those who look now to gain politically through the recent atrocities, (mass shootings), that should be a simple enough way of separating whats bad from whats good. This is a time for mourning and introspection, and there is no place for politics from either side. We all serve something or someone, choose this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Obviously, the above story talks of the sickness of the soul, insanity, spiritual matters. But what of the political realities? The division pits conservatives against the new socialist Democratic party, so lets expose the reality of that situation. The left uses' mass shootings like this to promote gun control, where the right's dig in subject is abortion and the marketing of baby parts as one of their base concerns. Without benefit of a study, I'd be willing to bet that most NRA members are against abortion. Although they see the logic of stricter controls of certain types of guns be so accessible to people not trained and registered to use them, they fear admitting it. On the other side, Democratic women are mothers too, and many of them are sickened by the concept of abortion on demand. Their is room to negotiate regarding both subjects. The fear that keeps common sense laws from happening for both sides springs from the fear that if you give an inch they'll take a mile. Americans, we must stop talking at ourselves through the media, and sit down across from each other and have a fair and open debate. Most of the things we fear most will never come to fruition if we can learn to talk honestly with each other again. Not via text or phone hook-ups, but a face to face public debate. Staying wrapt in the he said she said stupidity is just that, stupid.