The Culprit
Pride is the culprit. Now before you go and get your undies all in a twist, pride, as with all else, has two sides, one good, and one not. Hint: Arrogance is a sure fire sign of pride going horribly wrong. Arrogance, is self pride gone wild, a pride in self to the point of self worship. When without thinking it out loud, those so infected of this condition, what is at their core is, that no one, or nothing, is as important than themselves.
Again, as drugs are the hot topic of the day, lets use it. If you have ever seen a street junkie, what you were looking at is the most vivid picture you could see, of the end of all and any, who have become consumed with self importance. Believe it or not, this mess you see before you once was dignified, and he was a productive, and helpful to an extent, person. The problem began when he was so important to himself, that all else, no matter who or what, were secondary to himself and his immediate needs. At times like that, adults can quite easily appear as their spoiled childhood self at their worst. The kind who would not stop wailing and annoying their parents until at last they got their way.
Take our junkie friend for instance. When he was at the point of full bore into his drug of choice, even the fact that he hurt deeply those who loved him, not even that stood between he and what he wanted. There can be nothing worse than becoming your own god. Well, that ends our little two part series about addiction. As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to drop them in the comment box.
Thank you..
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