Saturday, March 30, 2019


If phrases and labels help you to understand, then understand that addicts begin with their obsessive compulsive conditions. We all have them to some degree. But when a person gives too much credence to such things, they most always lead to addiction, albeit the addiction of their choice. Probably, and most surprising to many, is the fact that most all of the population suffers from some kind of addiction already. 

  Drugs of course, is on everyone's mind today, as the headlines scream daily about the mounting deaths from this so dangerous a condition. Whether by overdose or a victim of street crime or traffic accident, drugs do stand alone as the most dangerous of all addictions. Drugs, including alcohol, can and will kill you the quickest. Though the process to death is longer in lesser addictions like food, as they are less apt to kill someone quickly. But they will kill you eventually if you don't stop over eating, and that obsession will cause physical illness to be a part of your life, for all of your life. 

  So far, we've thought only about the physical problems that addicted people face, but what of the mental health for those who having fed their compulsion for their obsessions for so long, that they too have come to the point of addiction? From the mental health side of the ledger, their are those whose addictions are not of the physical variety, but of the obsessions of the mind. Being overly judging of others, gossiping about neighbors and family or friends, these and more can become full blown addictions also. In short, no one is totally immune from being an addict of some kind. And in the end, an addiction is an addiction, and an addiction of any kind, is what it is. The last gasp of a troubled mind is depression, which severe enough, leads to suicide. 

Note: Coming soon, the culprit for all addictions.       

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