Monday, October 21, 2019


  Its been said that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family, and certainly this is true. The sentence most often get used when there is some sort of turmoil in the family, rather than at the good times. The sentence is meant to be a not so subtle sarcastic slap. assuming there can be such a thing? But through good times and bad, nothing is more important to the strength of our national blanket, than the individual and the collective strength of the family.  

  So yeah, no one can make you madder than family, but on the flip side of that coin, no one can make you feel as much love and joy than the family. Go and ask the most extreme person you know from both the left and the right, and ask them about the importance of family in our, or any civilization. Simply put, Blood is thicker than water. 

  The reason that only family can make your feelings at the time so strong, is because their is no pretense with family, you know them, and they know you. Its personal. But I tell you that there is power in the blood, and so, there is power in the family. 

  Huh, family, you can't live with them, and you certainly can not live without them. How important is family? If you destroy the family, you destroy the nation. 

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