Me myself and I has rightly been called the trinity of ignorance. But in truth, that old adage is only partly correct. Because in reality, the trio is really a duet. All of us who call the Lord our Father, are a true trio, but only two of the three are capable of stupidity. As Christians, each of us is now me myself and Jesus. Let me explain using myself as the example.
Andrew is the level headed one, and it is he who understands and uses wisdom only to promote good things. Andrews goal is to enlighten people wherever he goes. Now Edward, aka. Ed, has the same wellspring of wisdom available to him, but can be quick to anger, because of his frustration with those who cannot see the truth. Don't get me wrong, by the world's standards, he isn't a bad guy. Quick witted and funny, he uses humor as a way to soften hard truths. But sometimes, when not even a subtle touch succeeds, his anger rises and he kicks needlessly against the heavy timbers. When humor fails as a buffer even, Ed is incapable of leaving the situation alone. Kicking at the goads is a like beating yourself in the head with a brick, because it feels so good when you stop. And of course, anger left untended often leads to rage.
Jesus of course is the constant voice of reason between the two, and it is he who is the source of all knowledge. In essence, Jesus is the head of the body, because as he himself has said, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father unless through me. So remember him on this Sunday, because on Friday he was killed on the cross to be able to offer eternal peace, and having risen from that grave, death is defeated, and so, is of no consequence to those who are his. He was last seen ascending back into heaven, having completed his act of total love in this world.
So in conclusion, speaking now in Christianese, Andrew represents my soul, and Edward my flesh. My flesh desires the pleasures of this life, my soul needs the food of the Spirit. And as for Jesus, he is there, always to guide us. To guide us and watch. You see, there is still the matter of free will, and the one we feed the most will become the stronger. So choose this day which one you will serve, as by exercising your free will, you decide your own fate. In my case, if I choose Andrew to feed the most, I will live forever, but if I choose Edward, then this life is all there is. Happy Easter.
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