Proverbs 21: 2-3 Psalm 21: 4
He has risen, yes, he has risen indeed. At the moment when Jesus took on all of past present and future sins, for the first time ever, the Son knew that the Father could no longer look upon his son, and that for however long that moment, Jesus became the most heinous of all sinners. The men who plotted against him, and demanded his death, and those soldiers who tortured Him with no mercy, and finally killed him, as incredibly painful as that was, it could not compare to the utter anguish he felt at that moment when he was apart from The Father. It caused him to do what the men could not do, and he cried out from an anguish deep down in his soul and said, Father, why have you forsaken me?
But today, we get to put the ugly scene at the cross out of our minds and behind us, even though we will never cease being grateful for what Jesus endured as a sacrifice made for our good. Incredible love! But before we move from Calgary's hill, and celebrate what occurred on this day of remembrance and rejoicing, we must make mention of the third nature of the triune God, the Holy Spirit. Where was he while all of these horrible proceedings were going on? Though we have already spoken of what Father and Son were doing, we cannot leave Golgatha, Skull mount, before we consider what the Holy Ghost was doing. Why he was busy going about turning this horrible scene into a learning moment, as the Holy Spirit's job is that of teacher. And there will never be a greater opportunity to take the horror that unfolded, and turn it into a new understanding of Holy scripture, and a moment to make clear the everlasting impact of the invitation to all men to come to the One God of us all. The shear drama and horrible spectacle of that day affected all that witnessed it, scripture tells us only of two who for the first time, confessed that Jesus was indeed the Christ. Also, clearly, the true triune nature of the living God was never more apparent than it was that day. God the Father who sat at His throne in heaven, the Son who suffered and died for us and in our place, and the Holy Spirit who is the teacher Lord Jesus left with us as a guide to us all to Him. The two converts among the throng that Holy scripture tells us about, are the thief next to Jesus on his cross who the Lord promised eternal paradise to on that day, and the Roman centurion whose job it was to see that the orders were followed precisely, and in an orderly manner. Both testified that surely this man is the Son of God. So that day, that horrible day, all three natures of the triune nature of God were there on that hilltop. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all were there in their separate roles, but the three joined as the one true God of us all.
So today, this day, we celebrate two things done entirely for us poor sinners. Our sins paid in full by one who was pure and without sin, and by his rising from death, the gift of eternal life through Jesus' sacrifice. All of us now have the way to our Heavenly Father, and to be able to live with Him in perfect peace, forever and ever. Selah.
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