Father Time
What is the birthplace of time? How when and where did it begin? Time is eternal, so by what standard would you measure it by? Time is eternal, it always was, but in comparison to what? So then, what is time, and of what is it's essence? We think of time as being dead, but it is life that is at the core of all reasoning when discussing time and space. Because ask yourself this, Would time exist at all if there were not conscious minds to recognize and record it? The oceans of time, both the depth and the width of them, can not be measured. That is of course, only with a conscious mind needing a point of reference, a benchmark, a way to schedule our lives. Only then is time relevant at all. Left alone and by itself, time really isn't relative to anything. We give it relevance in matters as small as keeping a hair dressing appointment, or as important as looking for the cure for cancer. Time is relevant in our modern day lives, more now, much more, probably too much now, than going back in time to other civilizations. Time of course, is oblivious to our goings on, it moves along ever steady, always right on time. By our perspectives as we think to use time that there is either too much of it or not enough, it can come at you fast, or seem at times excruciatingly slow. But it doesn't change, it never does, just tick tick tick. It doesn't change, we do.
God of course is outside of time, He has no reason for Himself to consider it. For the Lord, a day is like a million years, and a million years as a day. He is omnipresent, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of, all and the end of all. You see, it was God the Father who provided the spark of light (Life), to make time begin, and it will be He who will be there at the end of this age, and for all of the ages to come. Not by a clock's measurement, not by any other constraints, but eternal, free of time and all its' plans and considerations, free from it forever.
Time has always been an important element of life, just as life is important to time. In fact, Life is more than important, but is essential to time, without life, time would no exist.
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